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new skin with soundset: Dark Jedi Kueller (skullface) from 'The New Rebellion'

Zahriel Omega

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Originally posted by Chanke4252

could probably stand to make the skull a little bit bigger so that it fills out more of the hood, GJ though.


Mmmmm it's definitely something to look into but Kueller's mask was only supposed to be a frontal death mask as far as i know.




Okay done a lil research on it and here's some rather interesting stuff. Turns out someone made a Kueller skin for half-life, it's rather shoddy though (not that i'm claiming to be superior, just saying what I feel) but it reassured me i had the right idea from reading the book.


this is the half life skin:




....BUT doing a bit more research i found this image...




....which really did confound me a bit.


The book talks about a hooded character called Kueller with a death mask and even has a large skull on the front artwork.


~sighs~ what a conspiracy :deathii:

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Ok I edited the skins and made red/blue team skin files along w/ red /blue icons ( i took the easy way out :) all i did was apply a new layer and filled it w/ red/blue and changed the layer from normal to color :) but at least u can select him for teams :) I will email it to u tommorow if u want



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One man's trash is another man's treasure. :)


I've read a few sw books in my time and it's not bad as a standalone.


Either way it's still been authorised as an official extended universe book and while people are busying away with the Mara Jade, G.A. Thrawn, C'Baoth, Skywalker, Solo skins I thought it'd be a nice idea to respect their work and try to come up with something noone else seems to be doing, as I suspect or even hope a lot of other people will do. Just think if there are enough people to skin characters that noone else would bother doing imagine the diversity of the end-result.


(is it obvious i haven't slept very well?)


thanky for response anyway ;D

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Right i've looked into it and I know how to fix it myself anyway, it's only a few changes as you said but there's a bit more i'm gonna do on it.


I'll still credit you & post any updates on this thread.


Thankyou for support :)


(give me a few hours to recuperate cos i couldn't sleep last night)

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Okay the file's been updated on the server to now include usage for red + blue teams. Follow the same link as before (top of the thread)


Updated redme to send a shout out to everyone who gave constructive criticism/advice/encouragement too.


Maybe that's just because i'm a nice guy. ;D


(by the way that was my first ever skin for JK2 so i'm happy + learning)


Again, any more questions or comments post here and i'll answer as soon as i can.

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Originally posted by Roach604

*thinks about George Lucas handing Star Wars on to another director, and that director doing the film adaptation of Zahn's trilogy of Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and Last Command*


In theory it sounds brilliant.


In practice it'd probably be similar to The Crow (being a rather good movie) and then it's sequels (which were straight off dire ****)


Having said that it *could* be worth a try, just don't wanna risk ruining a perfectly good series of movies


;D x

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Originally posted by Evan Nash

The only thing I don't like about the skin is that the sounds for it plays over ALL the other skins...


Make it a seperate model with it's own name please.




Damn! it was a conspiracy!!!!!!




alreet i'm on it x

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Originally posted by Evan Nash

The only thing I don't like about the skin is that the sounds for it plays over ALL the other skins...


Make it a seperate model with it's own name please.




Right i'm uploading the file to the server again, slow connection i have, so it'll be there in about 45 mins. Ridiculously slow ain't it.


Broadand isn't available in my area though so i'll have to make do or MOVE HOUSE! haha!


Faults Fixed: Kueller sound-set no longer replaces ALL reborn models sounds.


Method: Moved all Kueller configs, skins and model to seperate directory and reassigned image paths in .skin files. I've checked it and it does work as it should now.


Comments: While early testing I noticed if you assign a texture in a skin file that doesn't exist then that body part will be invisible. This could make for hilarious "floating disembodied head" playing avatars. Ahh heck, someone will do it sooner or later ;D

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Originally posted by Deetox187

cool lookin skin but i'm getting a bad zip every time i download from that link, is it only me?


Yeah sorry it's been uploading for a while so try again now. if it happens still you might have to clear your internet browser cache, the only suggestion i can offer.



On a lighter note for those of you who haven't read The New Rebellion, here's the front cover in which you can see Kueller's death mask on the left in the background. ;D



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Okay i'm now red with embarrassment,


You were possibly all wondering why this file was 5 meg.


get ready to slap me, during the conversion of the wav files to mp3s, i accidentally included the wavs in the zip AS WELL as the mp3's.


I've removed them now and i've reduced the file from a ridiculous 5 mb to a pocketsized 687 kb.


HOPEFULLY this should be the last update.


Please form an orderly queue and take turns to slap me and shout "thats what sleep deprivation does to you!!!"

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