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I have heard 2 people tonight use taunts. One said "Save your strength" and the other was an evil laugh. I asked both people how they were doing that and got nothing from either of them.


Anyone have a clue that they would be willing to share?

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here's an example for ya.


/bind n +taunt



Every character seems to say something different.



In the console there is also a list of taunts that noone can seem to figure out how to use yet. But that one by itself works.

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Originally posted by Zek

Taunts sure do get old fast. Especially the people who hold the button down for the first 15 seconds in duel mode...

They might be typing it into the console, which makes the character taunt continually until you put in -taunt....

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Hold down Shift and press the Tilde key (thats the one below the Esc key and above the Tab)



I thought there was no console, because TILDE didn't work and there was no indication of the keys for the console...

Thnx again :D




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the spinny saber is awesome, i wish you could do it in MP ...


but taunt works just as well, i wish however, i had a nice taunt, like good luck, or may the force be with you. seeing as how i am such a nice player ... :fett:

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Originally posted by [Dom_Pmd]

If you want "My the force be with you." Just pick Morgan, thats the character I use for duels. I always say it at the beginning of a duel before I waste my opponent. :)



:/ ... but i dun like morgan .... i use the SwampT

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Luke's taunt is too long, he says "I'm saying that I want you to let go of your anger, before it destroys you". He should just say "Let go of your anger before it destroys you".


personally i think he should say somthing like, "what up fool? Yo mamma!.. " kinda like a ghetto Luke or something ;)

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