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Possible Raven Ladder Map?


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Ok, after beating the game, I decided to just cheat a little and see if beating the game on the hardest level would unlock anything.


I did it (with cheat codes, warping ahead to the last level) and lo and behold....


I got nothing.


However, the next day, I was screwing around with this 'ladder' map someone made, and decided to just go to the 'pit' map for some fun.


Know what I found? Tavion waiting for me.


Is this the start of the ladder map? Beat the game, and then go to the pit and you get her? What about the rest of it?

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No, that pit map was just a test map that accidently got into the pak file... but I do believe it was (obviously) the basis for the ladder map (that pit map was also the basis for the shadowtrooper test room in Cairn Dock and one of the MP duel maps)...

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Yeah, I had noticed the similarity between it and a lot of other things (I just wish we had a map with that Jedi Training Room with the glass floor in it).


However, this was the first time Tavion was standing there waiting for me. Why the sudden change?

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Originally posted by Aiee

Nope. If you type "Map pit" in the console, you will warp to the pit level with tavion in it. He already replied to you regarding that.


But, as I had said earlier, I had never seen Tavion in this map until today. Which -should- imply that I'd been to the map before (which I had) and I had never seen Tavion there before.

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Originally posted by Valdarious

They are talking about the one that was "implied" a couple days ago that was suppose to be in the game already sean.


Well, to be clear, there are no extra maps that can be unlocked in the single-player game.


The "ladder" map that I alluded to the other day is, in fact, the one that was just released as I was aware that one had been made and just hadn't gotten onto the net yet.


There are other things coming from Raven/Activision/LucasArts for JK2 before too long (including the editing tools)...

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Verrrry cool. :)


So this -is- the Raven Ladder Map. Ok. (I was having fun looking for how to unlock it, but anywho)


Couple of suggestions.


One: Strengthen that window. It breaks with a single blaster shot.


Two: Put a few pauses in the battle maybe? Or occasional shield/health drops?


And as a random side note... If you load it up in multiplayer, and chop away at the posts... you get confetti (those x/y/z arrows from modeling programs) See the pic. (Yeah, I know it's not meant for multiplayer... but...)



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hurry up with those editing tools burn you! i neeeeed to edit!! mapping and editing and modelling oh my! plus i can pass it off as college work hehe , well i am! coding and modelling and animating and such, actually aspiring to be a game designer hehehe ;)

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Originally posted by Moleculor

So this -is- the Raven Ladder Map. Ok. (I was having fun looking for how to unlock it, but anywho)


Couple of suggestions.


Correction: this is not a Raven map, it was just based on a test map we made that ended up in the pak file by accident.


As for your suggestions, if you look in the pk3 file, it looks like the original ladder.map and uncompiled scripts are in there (I don't think the text file mentions this, but they're in there)... so, I suppose, when the tools come out (patience, Darksider, they're coming!), you could do whatever you want with it...

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Yeah, sorry, I got confused about which map we were talking about (I was talking about 'ladder' when I said 'So this is...')


Hmm.. could do what I want with it... that'd be nice...


Maybe, if it's possible... I could make a running counter where that window is to keep track of how many Reborn I've killed. That would be nice. Especially for comparing to everyone else.

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Just got a private message from ChangKhan.


Apparently I've been mislead into thinking that because Raven knew about this (and hinted, or at least allowed us to think that it was a part of the game itself) I assumed that this map was FROM Raven.


So let me clear this up:


When I say 'Raven Ladder Map' I mean the map that ChangKhan has kept hinting at. It wasn't made (endorsed, blah blah) by Raven at all.

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