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Yes Yes YES!!!!!!!

Guest IwantGBGnow!

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Guest IwantGBGnow!

By the way, some of you may know me from the GBG chat. There I was called Ionfizzle. I got 6 of my questions answered.

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Guest Rogue15

i believe tie guy is trying to impress the mods into letting him become a mod. that's why he's flattering everybody. :D


now back on topic...


YAY Galactic Battlegrounds!!!! I think it'll be my favorite game when I get it.

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Guest Darth Vader

You need to welcome those higher in command than you Pilot Tie Guy. I will be watching you closely.

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Guest Darth Vader

I meant that you should greet high officials in the Galactic Empire. But I have just noticed you had greeted me in another thread so you will be excused of you suspicion of being a spy for the Rebels, Pilot Tie Guy.

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Guest Tie Guy

yes, this was just a introductory thread, and therefore, can go nowhere....fast.


BTW, you'll only have to wait 4 onths or so to cry havoc and release the banthas of war.

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Guest Tie Guy

yeah, it covers the whole screen and all your units inside it are destroyed. That would be a cool feature on Tatooine. :D

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