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interesting JO facts i have learned...


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well, i was messing around in MP lately and i have learned that by rolling upon landing, you can effectivly cut the amount of damage you take in half... im not sure if it works in SP, but from the heights i tried in MP it cuts it in half most of the time... kind of an interesting fact when you need every bit of health...


i didnt see this anywhere else so i thought i'd share it...

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Originally posted by martin_costello

I'm pretty sure it tells you to do this in the manual.


I never get around to reading my game manuals... so this thread is all healthy advice to me

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I've been using roll like that for a while. What I actually do is roll instead of jump, you can get from the top of Nar, onto the large shield, then straight to the flechette almost instantly, if you are a lightie you can heal as soon as you hit the ground since you didn't use any mana in jumping

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