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Leftovers from EF...

Guest Forceflow

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Guest Forceflow

Anybody ever opened up the enyak_mutilate.pk3?

Quite funny, seems like RAAVEN left some junk in the config file that's in there.


race: human, borg, parasite, klingon, malon, hirogen, stasis, species8472, dreadnought, harvester, reaver, avatar, vulcan


Now, that does sound familiar, but wasn't that a different universe? (Funny that they even left the race thing in the actual character definition but commented it out... strange)


I loved that one:




fullName "Katarn, Kyle"

playerModel kyle

saberColor blue

reactions 4

aim 5

move 3

aggression 5

evasion 5

intelligence 5

playerTeam player

// race human

class kyle

snd munro



Hello? Is my second name Munro now? Especially since they do have 'me' again in there.




fullName "Katarn, Kyle"

playerModel kyle

saberColor blue

reactions 4

aim 5

move 3

aggression 5

evasion 5

intelligence 5

playerTeam player

// race human

class kyle

snd kyle

sndcombat kyle

sndjedi kyle

dismemberProbHead 100

dismemberProbArms 100

dismemberProbHands 100

dismemberProbLegs 100

dismemberProbWaist 100



What's with all of that? Though I wonder, from the looks of it you can modify the game a bit here. Tune the difficulty and stuff. Gotta have to play around with that one!


Oh, and not to forget this one:





aim 1


intelligence 5


okay, the aim is realistic, but the intelligence??? 5??? (5 is the highest there is)

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jeez, why are you *****ing at game info? Those stats are for the game engine to interpret into behaviour... pretty obvious. ANd "intelligence" might not mean that stormie can do differential calculus, but morely likely his behaviour and reactions in combat, don't you think?

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Guest Forceflow

Somebody is in a good mood today.


Gee, it was just a small comment! I was just surprised that they had all this redundant info still in it! And I thought the aim 1 for stormtrooper was funny!

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Guest Forceflow

hehe, oh my, what did I do ;)


Just wonder what the 'rank' one does, this one isn't explained in the file.

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Guest Forceflow

Mhm, could be, but then that would be DEFINETIFELY bad programming! You don't want to have things in files that you don't need, but 'cause errors if you don't put in. Because then there's always the danger of you missing something and it does effect the game. Besides, they commented the race thing out, so the game should run without it.

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Guest Forceflow

Hehe, I can't blame them for that. Come to think of it I have some 1000-liners running on my server as scripts that have a damn lot of copy-paste junk in 'em. I always wanted to clean 'em up, but of course never get around.


So I guess I really should be the last to come up with that ;) (After all, I've got the feeling JO is a hell of a lot longer than 1000 lines ;) )

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