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The Saber vs Gun rant volume 1

Silent Wolf

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Welp its official I am a multiplayer whore,

I have been at it non stop since the game was released and here are a few tips and impressions i got from playing this game. My favorite type of game is FFA. Theres something about the chaos of bolts and rockets whizzing past your head while you are engaged in a heated battle against 2 fellow saberists that gets my blood boiling.


I have noticed that a lot of you have complained about gunners in this game. Personally i enjoy the challange, besides they are there for a reason. I am a old school cser so i am quite good with guns, however i typically use saber only and rarely am not on top of the list at the end of the match. How you ask..heres how.


A saberist must take full advantage of his surruonding, just remember its a cat and mouse game, the gunners WANT to see you die, they WILL chase you. Use that to your advantage. I prefer the light side abilities for its heal and absorb functions, as it is more conducive to using the lightsaber effectivily while still staying alive to endure the endless tirade of bullets that will ultimately rain down on you. Level 3 saber defense, use it love it, learn it. Many a times people will come after me usually in groups with the e-11 or the primary repeater fire, i simply crouch and deflect each and every single bullet right back at the sender, you can take each person out this way if you do it right. Another tactic is a strategy i call grouping, i lure people into groups so that while they are clumped i can use a heavy attack move to take down at least 2-3 at once. While they are grouped you can "pick" them off with your saber throw and then move in for the kill.


With these strategys and more that i dare not give away I have not found a problem in easily taking down gunners, in fact i half laugh whenever i see a gunner because he really isnt gonna live long :)


I suggest All of you forum goers use this thread, not to whine..not to complain ...but to share and compare strategys, because after all no one likes a sore loser :D



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.... i agree?



when i have my saber drawn, and a gunner comes after me, i usualy do some tricky jumping and quick turns to hide from him if he catches me by surprise ... or ill just switch to a gun an bash him ... either way works, depends on my mood

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heavy repeater secondary fire and the flachette secondary fire toast saber users quite easily. The smart ones will force push back at you, but you can't force push faster than the rate of fire, and you run out of force before they run out of ammo.


I just don't think your claim of your saber beating out a gun/saber user is very good. Good players use all available weapons and I guarantee you would never beat out a good player who uses both guns and his saber on a FFA level.

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HEhehhe yah thats good stuff, you can almost feel the "shock of horror" from someone when u pull there trusty sniper rifle from them :D another tactic i like to use is bum rushing a gunner on an edge and then flip kicking him off, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside..or is that the dark side coming out in me :|

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I am not a purist, i switch back and forth between the guns, because hey..i need the kills :D Typically however i can get a ton of kills in just using my saber, only rarely have i had to resort to whoring a gun just to stay alive. As for the force push on the repeater, if you time it right and put yourself in position , 1 -2 force pushed back repeater fire can toast the sender :D

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Im not much of a DM/ffa fan... but that's beside the point.


While I agree that saber guys can hold their own in many situations, there's really really really no way somebody using the 2nd fire on the repeater (#6) weapon with skill doesnt own even the best saber jedi.

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Well I only use sabers. Period.


The secondary fire of the repeater is difficult to get around, but if you get in tight and smother them with saber attacks, they usually panick and either kill themselves or get sabered nicely.


Force push again rocket launchers...the force and saber far out beats any gunner.


And force pull takes away weapons in multiplayer?

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Originally posted by Saladin

...the force and saber far out beats any gunner.


And how much would you be willing to bet on that? :p


If you know how to use Heavy Repeater 2nd fire effeciently, you can nail someone a good 100 ft away, not to mention turning on Absorb when within the pull/push range. I don't defend the flag for nothin ya know. ;)

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well personally I am a saberist always and the only thing I fear is the blue balls o death(secondary fire on repeater) I use light side only, and find that protect and absorb are my best friends......Usually I do ok in the top five almost always(almost)...I am slightly unstable though and have been known to throw on my protect and go rushing staight at a gunner, just for the fun of it....

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I find that using many differnt technics in the game will add depth to Lightside users Darkside users and Saberists and Gunners alike


I prefer going with the darkside of the force and using both guns and saber in ffa's and have yet to find a saberist that can even come close to killing me, when I have my guns out


nothing quite like the use of DarkRage and Force Jump.

if your using the concussion grenade (repeater ALT fire )it will fire

twice as fast and usualy the saberist will push one back at you which will hit... and thats what knowing the locations of the Bacta Tanks are for... tap the bacta full heath while you've just nailed a Saberist from the air in about 2 seconds also saves you from having your gun pulled, and I am one that does care if its pulled or not.. I'll just pull out my saber and then drain and do lots of other nasty stuff.


Sometimes I'll go for the Darkrage/speed combo to run away and get my shields back up to 100 or 200 before begining to fight.

some might consider is kinda cowardly but I prefer to think of it as being prepared..


There's lots of ways to play this game... maybe my saber skills arn't as good as alot of peoples but I can't seem to top lists with the saber and the saber and force alone


guns force and saber/ different matter


I've been owned


Saber +Force vs Saber +Force


Gun+force vs Gun+Force


but never saber+force vs Gun+force


but sure I've been killed saber+force vs Gun+force, but never truly "owned"

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There is a problem with guns IMO. If there are just a few gun users on a server it is cool... it can be fun fighting them. If there are many... the game isjust another Quake mess. Here's what I suggest:


- A new game option "Grunt or Jedi?". Where you choose if you want to be a jedi or be a soldier. If you are a solder you will not have a lightsaber nor any force powers. You will be able to carry all the weapons. Perhaps Grunts could buy their starting weapons and ammo for points like powers. The jedis would only have their light saber and blaster... they will not be able to pick up other weapons, the turret and perhaps forcefield. I think this option would be cool. I still think weapon users would be most powerful... but it would be more fair and improve gameplay. Instead of Force powers the grunts could use points to start with equipment like the bacta canisters, turret or forcefield.


We should be able to customize our servers:


1. Enable or disable each weapon indicvidually

2. Enable or disable each force power individually. I would like to see that the server could configure the maximum rank for each force.


- I would also like to see an option for removing the shield chargers. Or setting the maximum shield level players can have (0 - 200). The reason for this is that with 100 health and close to 200 shield energy ... you can take too many hits with the saber IMO.

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I've been following these threads closely as it is an interest of mine.



With me, it all depends on the mood, sometimes i like feeling like a jedi with the force and the sabre. Othertimes i like feeling like a mercenary using the sniper and others i feel like just all out blasting people with guns. From what i have seen, for every offence in this game, there is a reasonably effective counter to it and it really boils down to skill, "how well can you use your preferrred style today?" which is a good thing in my opinion.

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i also use saber pretty much exclusively. i tried to be a gun whore at the beginning, but then when i was running around with EVERY single gun, and a skilled saberist with force boon stole EvERY GUN IN THE GAME FROM ME within like 10 seconds, i havent tried that again



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I agree that with primary fire modes you can deal with weapon's when weilding a saber, but in most cases you get people spamming the area with flechette or repeater secondary fire and even with the force you have a hard time surviving. It's especially annoying on a server with team damage on when your team mates think it's fun to flood a room of defenders with secondary fire to get one enemy.


/me glares at the BarrysWorld admins

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I was going to make a new thread, but since this one is here I'll put my rant here:


Sabers vs Guns. Everyone's always trying to tell which is best, and constantly arguing why they always own people of the other persuasion. Saber users always complain about gunwhores, and gunwhores always insist that the saber users are gimping themselves.


The obvious answer is: they're both wrong. Why do so many people insist on using only one weapon option? JK2 has two entirely separate methods of fighting, and by picking one or the other you're lowering your overall effectiveness. Neither of them are superior to the other in every circumstance; they both have their uses, their advantages and disadvantages. Learn to use them both as the situation dictates in order to be at the utmost effectiveness.

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I agree zek,

however there are a certain amount of people who for some reason like to use only 1 category of weapons, i think this game is condusive to that for the most part. I like there are so many differnt skill sets. The point however must be drawn that if you choose to be a strictly saberist, dont whine about repeater whores, as its the name of the game :D

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Originally posted by BuzzkiLL

I use ANY means neccasary to slaughter my enemy, and bring them too my knees. It a game to defeat the enemy. Play it that way.

Aren't you just supposed to have fun? I thought games were created for that. Besides an obsession for getting victory can actually make you play worse than when you just play for having a good time. ^_^


Well personally I'm a sucker for close combat so I'm usually seen running around with a lightsaber in my hands. Oh and about the complaining... dunno... one shouldn't complain if you lose, it's thanks to your own lack of skill. Up to you to find out what you exactly you did wrong and improve on that.


Anyways, I think that guns and sabers are equal, you just got to find a good way to counteract each situation you come across.

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Game gets kind of boring when you've got Repeater+Grip whores... :rolleyes:


There is next to no skill involved if your in a crowded, closed in area with the repeater. Few weapons actually require skill to use well. Three that I know of are the Disrupter, the Bryar, and the Thermal Detonators. Since you have so few detonators you need to make every one count. That and they can be pushed back.


Its difficult to play to have fun when you dont get a chance to play...


Best advice vs. Gun users is to just goto a sabers only server.


Last night I went on a playing binge on a guns+full force cty server. Towards the end of playing, I was about ready to break the game CD in half. :(


The game turns from play to work when your fighting gun users.

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Personally I love using the saber and force powers even though I'd be the first to admit that I'm not that good with them :D


But, if I find I'm repeatedly getting gunned down then I'll switch to my native method of combat.... guns :) Fight fire with fire as the saying goes. So far, the best players I've encountered in FFA are those that can effortlessly switch between guns and sabers using them to their advantage.


Basically it depends on whats going on in the game, if others are gunning, then I'll use ranged weapons from afar until I get in close enough to play 'Jedi' :p . But if the majority of peeps are using sabers then I'll try to dodge/avoid the couple of gun users in the match.


IMO there's nothing like using force push to send someone's rockets or flechette grenades back to them :D

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Originally posted by Silent Wolf

The point however must be drawn that if you choose to be a strictly saberist, dont whine about repeater whores, as its the name of the game :D


I'm really of two minds on this whole issue. But I have to make a point here. Repeater whores are not the name of this game. The name of this game is Star Wars: Jedi Knight this game is based on the Star Wars universe, and in that universe you don't see Jedi walking around with rocket launchers or lobbing engergy grenades.


Which isn't to say that guns have no part, but I can see the point of people saying that guns and force shouldn't be alowed or at least limited.


I play mostly on private servers, so this isn't a huge issue for me... I can see both points, but that statement did sorta strike me as wrong.

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