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Some suggestions for LucasArts

Guest StorM_LiQuiD

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Guest StorM_LiQuiD

I must say that while you have used the AoK engine you have managed to develop a genuinely unique game which is laudable in its own right.


A few issues that must be addressed for competitive online play;


1) Bonuses and team bonuses should be implemented. This makes civ choice much more exciting.


2) Give each civ an early economic bonus or something else that will benefit them early in the game. THis makes all civs viable threats and makes the "random" option more fun. (in aoc if u went random on arabia and got franks... it wasnt exactly fun times)


3) The dynamic outlay of initial food resources; bravo. Very good that you have done this, so build orders are not prevelant. However, something must be said about proximity. Often I have those little 140 food dinausars as my only begining food and they are quite far away. More often than not I am finding food resources late and my TC goes idle. Although food sources should remain dynamic, please make them easier to find. Its one thing to have to think on your feet, its another to lose a game because the map screwed you.


4) Walling: light walls are FAR too weak against troopers. In early fights walling is crucial, but in this game the walls fall in a blink of an eye. While we dont want quasi fortresses to come into being early on, just some piercing armour would go a long way. In AoC walling was not too strong,... you could always get through it. But dont make them an utter waste of carbon.



This is all I can think of for now. Great game, lots of potential. Please bug the zone for deathmatch and rated rooms and listen to please of reliable upstanding community members who want small sponsorships for tournaments (lots of gaming companies fail in this regard).



Please consider these things.

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Yeah well said. BUT I don't think any civ should have an early economic bonus. That was my gripe woth AOK. I like playing Turks or even Byzannteans what they lack was an early bonus. they where trounced when laying someone with a economic bonus ala Cina (Pre-patch) Aztecs mayans. Espescially playing competetively. All I see are Vikings mongols Aztecs and China.


LA (i believe) didn't want those drastic bonuses so each civ can be competeive in the first couple techs. Then their true differences are prounounced on 3 & 4.

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I agree that the game shouldn't need any special economic bonuses. Just some unit tweaking, and the bonuses they have already applied maybe adjusted.


Wookies carbon after 3, tone it down a tad.


Rebels farming bonus bump it up a tad.


TF carbon problems should not be able to get the carbon collection techs after tech 2.


Gungan anti air units/mechs should be tougher vs laser.


Empire should have faster droids or something, currently they don't have any. Their aircraft should cost 50% less than everyone else, and be 50% weaker than they are now, more in-line with the movies with their swarm of ships. But they die easily. Just a thought.


Give us an option to turn on the kick ass swirly ships.


Fix Pathfinding for the big objects like Heavy Assault Mechs.


Make trooper fire less harmful towards AT-ATs and Assault mechs, hell in the movies only the speeders could bring them down not 10 repeater troopers.

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Guest StorM_LiQuiD

I don't want to blow my own horn but in the latter part of AoC I became pretty good and I was also a high ranked Starcraft player way back in the day so my competitive RTS experience should be noted.


Games where the action really picks up in tech 3 and 4, in other words the later stages of the game, are doomed for failure. THis just makes for horribly boring 15-20 minute buildups which totaly make the game uninteresting.


By the end of AoC, even the intermidiate players were "flushing" or rushing. they realised that it is more fun than just sitting playing sim city, and that it works the best. All civs should have a fighting chance in the early stages, so that is why I propose eco bonuses. The bonuses must be made larger to make civ selection a bigger dilema. AoC had a wide range of civs to pick one unless you were playing a 2000 level arabia game.

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I agree again. While I was not nearly as good as StorM at aoc, I was good enuff to get that the game was alot more fun once if figured out how to rush and use early economic bonuses to my advantage. Take it from the long time rts players. Fighting that starts early makes a game much more fun than waiting an hour to build up and fight. If you play like that, then don't play rm, play DM.

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Guest Wanderer_Man

Good points Liquid, one question though from what I have seen on the random food thing is it's the same for both sides, so how does that qualify as a map screw if it effects both players?

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