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Curbing Jedi tendencies


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It seems to me they'll want people willing to RP Jedi properly to be allowed to play them. I'd bet they log the people who have gained 'Force Sensitivity' (and that happens to everyone at some point, it seems), and decide to cancel it or not based on their actions. We don't know that much, so I'm going to keep my hopes up :) In any event, even if I can't be Jedi I can still become an agent for the Rebellion or something, maybe even a general. I don't have to be a Jedi, but I really do want to.

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I'd bet they log the people who have gained 'Force Sensitivity' (and that happens to everyone at some point, it seems)


Dude, I don't know where you heard that, but that's not true. Most will never become force sensitive. You have to get the proper configuration of skills to become force sensitive, and that config is different for every character. That's why it's so hard to become a jedi. Well, that and it'll just be plain hard. Acting like a jedi will by no means make you become one.

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I kinda like the idea of Jedi having to rp the character and act Jedi-like or be punished.


A Jedi isn't like any other character, they're a sacred part of SW and i believe a player abusing the position should in some way be punished. I dont know how. It's not a profession to be taken lightly. If you become a jedi you have a responsibility to the game to play that profesion properly so as not to ruin the exprience of other players.


another of my 2c

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I'm in full agreement. There should be a way to make those who play Jedi act Jedi-like. The problem is that with the force sensitivity system, if its like Gaalgoth says, is that power gamers are the people who will hit that magic combination, and the people who would be good jedi will not.

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