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Jedi Knight 2: The Ending....erm...ok....that's it? *SPOILERS*


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Originally posted by Wes Janson SMR

One thing we got from this game: It took the death of Jan before Kyle realized that he loved her.


Heh. And here, I thought they were already bangin' on the side for a while now. My bad. '-)



I guess it's official now.


Oh, and I wonder what will become of Tavion (officially)? Will Luke show any signs of aging in the next game? Will he change his clothes or get a new haircut? Will that big bruise on Tavion's face finally heal? Will Tavion finally realize that a bird is stuck in her hair? Will Jan and Kyle produce offspring (JK2.5:Half-Pint)?


All of these answers remain to be seen.


(sorry, I'm tired)

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Heh I sorta bought into the Jan's dead idea as well, but after it happend I didn't give it much thought honestly. Was to busy trying to get my stupid lightsaber :)


I actualy thought the end was rather jedi-like. Look at the end of RotJ or TPM, you don't see luke/obi wan jumping for joy or celibrating, this type of emotonal out bursts aren't something Jedi do.


Take the end of RotJ for example... Luke had saved his fathers soul, helped kill the emperor, destroy the 2nd deathstar and bring a end to the Empire.


But at the end, he's just sorta standing there talking to his friends but not really jumping for joy or anything. The end of JK2 was much the same way IMO.

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I think they left the ending open for either an expansion pack or a whole new sequel. Even though it seemed as Tavion was going to drop her Dark ways she might have picked them up when she heard that Kyle killed Dessaan and now she might want revenge. Kinda like Kyle wanted revenge when he thought they killed Jan. But most games now days are left pretty open, that way if the game is successful they have enough space to come in and do a sequel and get more money from it :)

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The SP was fun, but I wished it was longer. The ending felt like I just won the game at a Pizza Hut. I was waiting for a "Thanks For Playing! Enjoy Your Pizza!" screen to pop up.


I'll be honest, the possibility of spawning NPCs in-game could make the game extremely fun.

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As much as I'd like to say it was a great ending; I must agree with the majority of my fellow posters here: The ending was quite disapointing.


But perhaps not for the same reasons everyone else stated. In my view; the thing that the ending was lacking was consistency with the rest of the game. From the start the game has an eery and mysterious feel to it. Prisoners are being experimented on, and strange green crystals are being extracted from mines. The Valley of the Jedi has been invaded, and as Luke says, referring to the shadow troopers "there may be dozens of them, but there may be thousands of them".


What ever happened to all of that? I killed Dessan and now all of the shadow troopers are being mopped of by real jedi that easily? So that's it? What was Luke so worried about then? Also, the whole atmosphere of the game shifts from mystery to sudden happiness in the last cutsene. I was hoping for something alittle more dramatic to tie in all of the ends of the story. The ending was anticlimatic in the truest sense of the word.


Sure it does leave many things open for an expansion, but who cares? So Dessan may still be alive. We get to fight him again in an expansion. IS that cool? Not really. The ending was left open for the sake of leaving it open. NOT for the sake of leaving it open for an expansion. An expansion will NOT include ANY of the loose threads from the previous game I am sure. If they were to; it would be more out of a lack of imagination then a "wouldn't it be sooo cool to find out Dessan is still alive, and fight him all over agian!?".


As far as the story as a whole is, I'd like to disagree with an above poster who said that the whole story was weak. The ending yes. But the first half, no. The first half was very, very cool, and was building up for a likewise cool ending. However, it was never delivered.


I believe the reason for the poor ending, and the poor last 3 levels is a result of a lack in development time. Many of the textures in the final cutscene, as well as the final levels are not of the same quality as the rest of the game. Look at the detail around the walls of the tunnel that Kyle walks out of (when we see that stormtrooper in the back ground getting up) and tell me if that doesn't look like JK1 graphics? Look at how Kyle walks in place right after he defeats Dessan. Don't get me wrong, those things do not take away from the cutscene, but I believe are signs indicating that the developers had little time to make the final cutscene.


As it stands; The game as a whole, both the levels and the cutscenes, starts out strong, with a mysterious eeiry feel to it, but slowly degenerates to what we see in the last few levels of the game, and the last cutscene. Which is inconsistant with the rest of the game.

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I killed Dessan and now all of the shadow troopers are being mopped of by real jedi that easily? So that's it? What was Luke so worried about then?


Actually only a handful of shadow troopers were being wiped up because thousands of them never left the ship before Rouge Squadron destroyed it. It was those thousands that Luke was worrying about.

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Guest Krayt Tion

I would also call the ending anti-climactic.


The climax of the game for me was the fight with Galak Fyyar. The Doomgiver is descending upon new republic targets. You've got Rogue Squadron threatening to blow the vessel you're on at any moment. The man who is likely to lead the worst operations against the New Republic (not Desann) has challenged you to one-on-one combat.


By the time I got to Desann, I was itching to take him down, but it was more personal than anything else. Galak and future invasion forces with him were tost, the reborn at the Academy were toast, and if I didn't finish off Desann it is likely Luke and the rest of the academy could have easily.


Still, there was something... soothing about the way it all played out. I saved the galaxy vs. Fyyar and then had my vengance vs. Desann.


------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------


Oh, and the most thrilling ending in the Dark Forces series goes to the original game, easily. When Mohc popped up I nearly crapped my pants. I had been piss-scared of Dark Troopers that entire game, and when the biggest, baddest one I had ever seen immerged from the depths and started taunting me... yikes. The battle wasn't half bad either.

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Yeah...Yeah! That's a good discription! You save the Galaxy, and then you settle a personal score. Usually, the hero does both at the same time. But not here... Hmm.. Never thought of it that way before.


I agree with you on Dark Forces, though. That guy was one mean-lookin' son of a sith. Plus, there was something very satisfying showing Boba Fett a thing or two. ;-)

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I had no problem with Desann being a lizard, though. What I would have preferred, however, was to see some of the Reborn, and some of the Jedi students, as other races. In the Jedi Academy trilogy, for example, some of the students are from other races. A Twi'lek here, a Mon Cal there, would have added even greater depth and variety.


Actually, the way I saw it, Desann just started popping officers and stormtroopers into the Valley of the Jedi. They were all human (and that's probably good, think of a Force-wielding protocol droid), so when they went in human, they came out human. Now, the Jedi students as other races would have been interesting, but they only appeared at the final few levels. As Silent_Thunder said, the developers probably ran out of time and couldn't afford to make Jedi students of other races.


Hmmm...an expansion pack, or altogether sequel...what would it be about? I said this in another thread somewhere: maybe we could send Kyle to some long-lost repository of Sith power or something and send our poor hero on a trip through time. He can battle such Dark-Side foes as Exar Kun, Freedon Nadd, all his old Force-wielding foes, the Emperor himself, Darth Maul (JK2 saber battles were MADE for Darth Maul), and finally, after fighting all the Dark-Side foes of the past, a showdown with the Dark Lord of the Sith himself! (Darth Vader for all you "slow" people)


Either that or we could take over Tavion for a while.


I do agree that the ending was VERY anticlimactic. When Desann went down, I almost yelled "Get up you Dark Side dinosaur, quit being melodramatic and fight". Then he didn't get up. Kyle jumps off, and I yell "NOOOO! IT CAN'T BE OVER...oh well, maybe the ending will be good." Unfortunately, it wasn't. Silent_Thunder is right again: here you have the mysteries of the Remnant's expermients, crystal mining on Artus Prime, and, like Luke said, "There could be dozens...but there could be thousands."


Also, fighting Galak Fyyar reminded me of Dark Forces, when I battled Rom Mohc. Of course, I just pumped plasma into him and down he went. *thud*


I also agree with how falling for Jan being dead was hard to do. When Tavion drew her saber I thought she was actually gonna kill Jan, but then it switched back to Kyle and you hear the lightsaber and Jan grunt or whatever. For all we know, Tavion could have run her saber through the wall, then shoved Jan over and clapped a hand over her mouth. Had they shown Jan getting cut down like a stormtrooper, it would have instilled the same fury as when Maw was taunting you in Jedi Knight.


Maw: Kill me!...you can't, can you? You're weak, like you're father. I remember it...Jerec, he gave him a sweet, slow DEATH! A death worthy of a COWARD! I had the HONOR of taking his head and THRUSTING IT ON A SPIKE for all to see, hehehahahaha!


*bzzzt, and no more Maw*


In Jedi Knight, I was kinda pissed when Maw said that. I also loved the scene of the Light Side, when Yun dies to protect Kyle from Sariss, and his dying words are this:


Sariss: Why?


Yun: He is a Jedi...he deserves a battle...*thud*


The scene of Kyle slaying Jerec was also one of my favorites, simply because of the emotion it showed:


Jerec: *falls to his knees* I am defenseless. Strike me down, and the power of the Dark Side will be yours. *grins maliciously* I'm sure you haven't forgotten that I was the one who murdered your father...


Kyle: No, I haven't. *raises Jerec's lightsaber with the Force and tosses it to him*


Jerec: *looks down pissed-off-ly at his saber, then picks it up and charges* AAARRRRGH!


Kyle: *kills Jerec*


Finally, the final scene of Kyle making a statue of Qu Rahn and his father was also very striking.


But Jedi Outcast lacked that kind of emtoional involvement. If they had shown Tavion killing Jan, then the player, i.e. YOU, would feel the same rage and need for revenge that Kyle felt. Oh well, maybe the sequel I'm sure we'll have will include the best of both worlds: emotional involvement of the player, combined with stunning graphics of the player, worlds, and lightsaber.


And for the record, the CGI sequence of Rogue Squadron attacking the Doomgiver was wicked cool. And the swamps of Yavin 4 were great: your lightsaber even sparks and hisses when raindrops hit it!

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"One thing we got from this game: It took the death of Jan before Kyle realized that he loved her."


i think the story and emotion would have been far deeper had Jan actually been killed.. from there you could have taken the Light/Dark side issues a little further... and perhaps the ending battle with Desann would have meant more... I mean, originally, Kyle's motives for doing all that he did was to get back at Desann and get revenge for Jan's murder... by the time you get to Desann, his major reason for wanting to fight him at all is gone.. it's no longer really personal.. and as someone pointed out, the battle has really already been won everywhere else.. with Kyle so clearly pointing out that Desann was essentially on his own...


I think it would have been far more of an interesting fight, had Tavion lied to Kyle about Jan still being alive.. or perhaps Desann keeps Jan captive until the end, and then murders her infront of Kyle directly prior to the final fight scene...


...or... Desann merely strikes a fatal blow to Jan, and after defeating Dassan, Kyle perhaps only has the chance to tell her how he feels just as she dies...


just about anything would have made for a more meaningful ending..

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I didn't like the ending but I can see the rationale behind it, due to the fluidic flow of the game it would have been hard to have an ending in the same style it would've just led to the next part of the adventure. In addition, Luke might have been flying with Rouge Squadron, The amount of time it took you to contact them he could have hooked up with them in his trusty X-Wing. But heres another fact, Desann wasn't throwing Imperials into the Force Stream, Luke says "his followers" and judging from the fanatical behaviour they weren't Troopers. Plus it wouldn't have explained the memory wipe they seemed to get. I think that Desann had to die, and I did feel an emotional bond not about the death of Jan which was obviously fake from the beginning but from the way I personally felt like a moron when Kyle led them to the Valley of the Jedi. I also thought the ending held mystery, what decision is Kyle gonna make as to his Jediage, What was that Force Stream thing, seemed reminiscent of the valley to me, but how did Desann know it was there. I felt the ending was pure Star Wars. Look at ESB, RotJ and TPM all had the ending of the world is saved, back to everyday life. Jedi don't celebrate and while not satisfactory the ending was one of only a few logical un cliched pathways the game could take

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Originally posted by Wes Janson SMR

I agree with you on Dark Forces, though. That guy was one mean-lookin' son of a sith. Plus, there was something very satisfying showing Boba Fett a thing or two. ;-)


Oh NO! I just realized that that game TOTALLY ruined Boba Fett's reputaton for ALWAYS getting his bounty! Noooo!

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I hadn't expected so many responses so soon. I posted this just last night. Anyway, I'm glad that so many of you agreed with me.


I noticed that some of you guys said that there shouldn't have been too much celebration by the jedi, I won't argue that point jedis shouldn't be jumping for joy. However, I would have been greatful for some kind celebration, after all, if the jedi were eliminated and the shadow troopers were allowed to live, the galaxy would've fell under a tyranny much greater than that of the previous empire. IMHO. That shouldn't be under played.


Perhaps some sort of survey of the damage would've curbed my appetite for closure. If maybe they showed fields filled with bodies strewn about, or shown some of the clean up at the academy, or something that didn't just go from FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE to *shrugs* I'm goin' to da beach.


Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVED the game, the story was fun and well scripted, especially that line between Kyle and Fryyar. I had to pause the game I was laughing so hard. I just wished the end had a little more. Ofcourse, I'll play it again, but I will dread the end.


Multiplayer is shaping up to be very fun as well. I can't wait for the MODs, I would love a Jedi enhanced version of CS or DoD, with a little more team oriented play. If any of you are working on a JK2 MOD let me know, here on the thread, not by email - I have too much of that as it stands.

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Was anyone else expecting Jan to have been tunred into a Reborn? I just kept waitng for the 'and Jan slashes the light-saber across Kyles back but he blocks it' moment.


It would have made an interesting comparison: Kyle willing to turn to the Dark Side to avange Jan who's been corrupted.... he has to save her to save himself to save her.... yadda yadda.

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i have to say i wasnt dissapointed. the game was fun and kept me interested. its a long game and now i wish it was longer. the only thing i would change about it would be more bosses. im not talking about reborn or shadow troopers, im talking about tavion/desann equivelants. those 2 were fun to fight. i never played dark forces 2 but i get the feeling that it might be a slightly better story line. i would consider buying it if someone recommended it to me? (my old copy got scratched up, countless multiplayer battles...) i just want to know if dark forces 2 is worth the sub par graphics for the storyline.

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"its a long game"


dunno.. I'd probably consider this a short-medium lengthed game... i don't really think time spent being directionless on a map constitutes game length.. just poor level planning.. wandering about a level to find some quater-sized switch that you missed winds up making up the bulk of time spent :)


in short: a directional guided walk-through of the game shouldn't (but in this case, it does) really offer THAT much of a cut in length... in RPGs the fun part may be the exploring.. but that's due to the depth and open-endedness of the world you're playing in.. in a linear FPS, "exploring" = "lost and frustrated" ;)


after playing Deus Ex, I don't think I'll ever think of another FPS as a "long" game again..


if one thing could be said though for JK2, is that it ended when I expected it to.. unlike RtCW which seemed to end about 5-10 hours too early...

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They should have just plain showed it. 9 year without the force, Kyle would have been succeptible to a Jedi Mind trick or two. Tavion's line "What did you really see?" It would make perfect sense, though a little corny to explain.


"Desann used the Jedi Mind Trick on you. If this was multiplayer and you invested stars in Force Seeing you would have known. Don't kill me, I'm not brave enough to die..."

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Maw: Kill me!...you can't, can you? You're weak, like you're father. I remember it...Jerec, he gave him a sweet, slow DEATH! A death worthy of a COWARD! I had the HONOR of taking his head and THRUSTING IT ON A SPIKE for all to see, hehehahahaha!


Oh yes... that scene really sticks to the mind... *sigh*




Says enough? :D




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When Jan was supposedly killed I was hoping that on the last level Kyle would find out Desann made Jan a Reborn and would force Kyle to fight her. The result would be half way through Kyle would stop fighting and like Luke in ROTJ say that he was a Jedi and by doing so turning Jan to the light side before taking on an angry Desann. This ending would allow for another Jedi character in the series and a more emotional finale we were all expecting.

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