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Aiming difficult in JK2?


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Had anyone else found this to be the case? I've played most FPS's since the original Wolf 3d and this game seems to be the most difficult when it comes to aiming. Is it just because the AI has my opponents flanking and moving around a lot? Or is it something else different? I never played any of the Dark Forces series with autoaim on, but JK2 has me puzzled. Are the targets narrower or something? I can't seem to hit anything regularly, especially when its moving...you have to lead a helluva lot with the blaster or bowcaster. I actually got so frustrated I went back to MoH and UT which I still have installed to see if I had suddenly started to suck. Not the case. Anyone else find JK2 more difficult?

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Heheh. I agree that getting your shots to hit your target is a pretty difficult thing. They just made the E11 Blaster a hell of a lot less accurate than in JK. Now, lasers fly in about 3 different directions in front of you. I always waited for the stormies to start running toward me, then get right in front of them. If I got really close, holding down alternate fire for 2 seconds would mow someone down. I found it frustrating that it was equally as difficult to hit the bastards at point blank range, though. Cornholio is right... it's much more like the movie, and you're now on equal shooting terms with the stormies and other baddies. I just hate the sniper Rodians. As long as you can reach them immediately, there's not much of a hassle.

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No ! Its not you Aram12 ! its definitly the game...The AI moves a lot more, and while they're moving they can't be hit unless you lead them exactly right, of course if they're moving straight away or right at you its a different story...In the first part of the game one or two well placed shots would take anyone down...Now in the Garbage level its taking 3 or 4, and it has to be solid hits...I haven't gotten used to the lightsaber yet, so haven't used it much, but it sure helped clean out that bar at the beginning of the mission tho...


Well i gotta search the posts to see how to continue in the garbage facility...no more doors will open, and its all dead ends now, and i have a waste car thats blocking my way...i can force pull or push it a small distance, but neither helps me continue...take care...and may the force be with you...He,he, I always wanted to say that.

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What I find incredibly frustating is shooting over 100 rounds at this stoorm trooper and he is still standing. I think there must be a sub-routine that calls for some troopers to have more 'luck' than others. Also, I just want to say that laser travels at the speed of light... but who am I to tell Mr. Lucas (all praise) that a laser beam is actually made out of photon particles hence travel very, very, very quickly. I think that perhaps these weapons are not laser but some sci-fi beam... in a galaxcy far, far away (hence have different laws of physics(or perhaps I'm reading to much into it)).

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the blasters are not laser guns, they shoot GAS, superheated gas.


The disruptor rifle is the closest thing to a laser in this game...


As for the snipers in nar shaada, you can move while zoomed with the disruptor if you crouch, i usualy quick save first (playing on master), but the snipers went much of a problem after i learned that i could move while zoomed (doesnt work in mp)

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actually, its super-heated, energized, and then focused through a lense-crystal. plus, the reason for so many misses is mainly because the projectiles themselves are narrow, and they travel slow. but if your going to be fighting at that long a range, you should just use the disrupter -- it makes it a helluva lot easier

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LOL@the run down on startwars technologies and why blaster's arent actually lasers etc.


Why then, for Yoda's sake, don't they use contempory earth style projectile weapons? Surely they'd be cheaper too. I'd like to see a jedi block uzi fire. . .


Personally coming from a Red Faction obsession to this i think it's safe to say that as a next gen FPS, Jedi Knight 2 really isn't. Still i like the game, but that's pretty much only because i like Star Wars and like every one here share a healthy lightsabre fetish.


Then again, i bought Return to Castle Wolfenstein in the same week as Outcast, installed it, gave it a whirl, winced and *****ed about how dumb the first person weapons looked, how rediculous the walk wobble was and how cartoony the animations were. . . still Nazi Occultism set's a dark tone.


I think a JO patch should focus on making guns more accurate. It just seems silly to my 23 year old eyes. And many of the multiple projectile weapons should be eliminated in favor of more presicion firing ones. After all, the serious gamer doesn't take the word 'skill' lightly and this game seems to be largely skill-less. i mean when good FPS, when the enemy kills you, you know why - you know what you did wrong and what they did right. The combat in this game is chaotic at best. The bad bad bad gunfire coding coupled with the nice looking but just-as-(un)lucky lightsabre combat system takes this game out of the growing 'virtual sport' category (Unreal Tournament, Red Faction etc) and put's it in the novelty basket.


I see the JO community as being largely filled with Star Wars fans moreso than FPS junkies and i'm starting to see why.


Still JO looks nice, the multiple saber moves are sweet and the character models are nice - well many of the new skins are and when the SDK comes out i'm sure we'll see exceptional 3rd party characters which put the default ones to shame.


And i'll be staying around to see that and maybe even join in with the modding.

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well... Im a FPS junkie, and ill tell you, that the skill involved in JO is not standard FPS fare, in normal FPS, its nearly imposible to dodge shots, in JO its not.


When i play with a gun in JO i find it takes a lot of skill to aviod every shot(if its even possible) and still be able to shoot at the troopers effectily.


Compared to Ghost Recon, yes, its a different type of skill.


But if you really want to play like that, all you have to do is go with the alt-fire on the byrar blaster, which aside from my ls is my most used weapon in the game.


As for moving while zoomed, ill tell you again, because you obviously didnt read my post. You need to crouch first. This does not work in MP, and if it doesnt work in SP then something is seriously wrong, as it worked for me.

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Ive found myself trying to ressuect my long dead circle strafing skills from quake 1 to get kill the thugs in Nar Shadda. The blaster shots in JO are more like the nailgun and super nailgun in Quake than the guns you see in games like UT and Halflife.


And for the rodian snipers, the only advice I an give is to use your quicksave and quickload buttons frequently. Once you figure out where they are , its easy.

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I did think that there may be something wrong with the collision detection at first playing JO compared to the others. But yeah, I think it's actually a reflection of the damned inaccurate E-11.


One solution - which is no good in a mass firefight - is aim for the heads when you can. I found that it could normally finish off stormies and others with one good headshot. A swift stab at the alternate fire was handy too although stunningly (no pun intended) inaccurate.


AS for the Jedi vs Uzi argument - try this for an equation:


Force Pull + Force Grip = Dead Uzi-less Gangsta!

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Ok, I've read about the "crystals" that are in a light saber but I don't know where this argument about gas came in. For crying out loud, George called the weapons on the Death-Star 'turbo lasers' and not 'turbo gas'. I'm much more inclinded to go for the fact that it looks much more visibly entertaining to see the streaks and have an ocational background explosion. And to finally put this argument to rest, film makers such as Lucas and Roddenberry (Star Trek) never thought up all this wonderful crap before hand, they just went ahead and started filming. It was only after a cult following was established that you had books, books and more books than you can poke a stick at that had why a light saber works or how teleportation works. This was all induced for the money making business side. All I was saying about the laser not traveling very fast is just a funny side. Though I will probably be told again about this gas or what ever. I want to add I laughed over the Stoormtroopers vagueness about how a jedi is not so tough. The whole concept of Jedi is one can bring down many... and I do mean many.

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Originally posted by hedgehobb

Ok, I've read about the "crystals" that are in a light saber but I don't know where this argument about gas came in. For crying out loud, George called the weapons on the Death-Star 'turbo lasers' and not 'turbo gas'. I'm much more inclinded to go for the fact that it looks much more visibly entertaining to see the streaks and have an ocational background explosion. And to finally put this argument to rest, film makers such as Lucas and Roddenberry (Star Trek) never thought up all this wonderful crap before hand, they just went ahead and started filming. It was only after a cult following was established that you had books, books and more books than you can poke a stick at that had why a light saber works or how teleportation works. This was all induced for the money making business side. All I was saying about the laser not traveling very fast is just a funny side. Though I will probably be told again about this gas or what ever. I want to add I laughed over the Stoormtroopers vagueness about how a jedi is not so tough. The whole concept of Jedi is one can bring down many... and I do mean many.



God u must be bored to write all that!

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