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optimize JO to run at 100+ fps?


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So I read somewhere, I am not sure where(and I am kicking myself for not either buying the mag or copying&pasteing or something off the net) that you can optimize JO to run better on your system, something like setting the default fps or something: anyone know how this is done?





oh yeah 1 other question: what do I have to type in the console to bind a screenshot? and if this is done will it take just 1 at a time or as many as you wish(like in ut or something)

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Originally posted by KingDead

what do I have to type in the console to bind a screenshot? and if this is done will it take just 1 at a time or as many as you wish(like in ut or something) [/b]


Righty the command is "screenshot" to save screenshots to a JPG. if you want to save to a TGA then it'd be "screenshot_tga".


Although it would be kinda 100% advisable to bind this to a key or you'd just be capturing the console coverign half the screen.


I've personally bound this to my Home key so to bind it you'd type:


bind home "screenshot"



This will save all the screengrabs in the ..GameData\base\screenshots directory.



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i think what you're talking about is setting the maximum FPS - this will give you a more stable performance and usually helps the game run smoother, though it will not actually give you higher FPS. the command (in console) is:


seta com_maxfps "x"


replace x with a value which is about 5-10 frames below your current FPS. This command hasn't done much for me, but think on some systems it might help (a little).

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You hardly notice any difference between 30FPS and 100FPS really. Since its all so god d*mn smooth anyway. So it's kind of pointless. Of course if you had Geforce4ti4600... with shadows... and all the maximum graphics @ 1600x1200...


:eek: :eek: :eek:



(you can also choose what KIND of screenshot you want to take: for instance, bind x screenshot - will make jpg's. bind x screenshottga - will make tga's etc...)


Cheers ;)

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