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The Empire Does NOT Strike Back

Guest sorednax

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Guest sorednax

well, after creating many scenarios with different difficulty settings of me vs the computer, I've come across a startling revelation, the EMPIRE does not use AT-AT's.


Apparently, the computer is content to waste its resources on building fortress after fortress after fortress. After awhile this becomes laborsome blowing one frtress up after the other. Of course its always fun to crush your opponent, but soooo many dang fortresses, it gets boring.


:atat: :atat: :atat:

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Guest jubjubjub

Yes, the AI for the GE does go a little crazy on the side of building fortresses, but I have seen it build AT-AT's on hardest difficulty, just not very many of them (never more than one at a time). In fact, the AI for all civs hardly builds any assault mechs (go figure!).


The AI for other civs doesn't build as many fortresses, but it still builds a lot of them. The GE AI places wall to wall fortresses, which is a waste of resources as you can easily mow through them. For that matter, the Wookie AI seems to be fortress happy also.


Just some observations.

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Guest Tie Guy

Uh, whenever i play (usually DeathMatch) the enemy always builds assault mechs, especially the gungans and empire. Sure, they don't mass them, and therefore don't use them to the fullest extent, but they do use them.


In general, AI likes small strike forces over a massed army for some reason. I have noticed this in almost every RTS i have played. They seem to favor harassment over large scale assault, which is not the way a human player does it. Sure, a human may harass peopel a little, but when they really want to attack, they will mass their army and strike, not split it up and send it a little at a time.

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Guest General Crespin

:vadar: We like to chip away with our :atat: before we send in our :trooper:


But after playing AoK a lot i figured that u could never beat the computer if it sent wave after wave of strong units. They gather resources too fast and take the Persians for example. The Elephants beat the **** out of walls then you're toast if you dont mass produce pikemen

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