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Rate your life!

Dagobahn Eagle

1: Lowest grade 6: Highest grade  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. 1: Lowest grade 6: Highest grade

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Given a scale from 1 to 6, rate the different elements of your personal world. 6 is the highest, 1 is the lowest. Then, tell us why.




School 5

I find that in the weekends, I actually miss the school as all the people I know go there.


Family 4

Not getting 100% well along with my parents, but I guess that's part of teen life :D


Friends 5

Getting along well.

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Guest Tie Guy

Hmmm, ok, might as well




Although boring, i make near perfect scores in school and go to a great school with high level courses and before that went to an advanced private school with 20 of my best friends.


Family - 6


Living in a christian home, i get along great with my parents. My sister is a different matter, but i'm not bad about it anymore. I don't do anything my parents wouldn't like, and i'm almost an exact copy of my dad, so we get along very well.


Friend - 5


I'm not the most socialable person, so i don't have the most friends, but i have enough, and we are all very tight, as most of us went to school together for 10 years.


Athletics - 6


Not to brag, but i'm capable of playing almost any big sport at my school except baseball. I'm a tournament level tennis player, and a former State Championchip soccer player.


Freetime- 6


There's nothing i'd ratehr do with my free time than spend it behind a computer or playing games on a console, and to make it better, i do that and get Star Wars at the same time. Computers are my passion (and hopefully profession) in life, and i spend about 70% of my free time on one, though i need a new one at the moment.



What can i say, i love my life, and i wouldn't trade it for anything. I love my family, my hobbies, my sports, and everything else. Some people may want to be rich or famous, but i just want to be myself.

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School - 6

I do good in all my classes, but many of them are very boring.


Family - 6

I get along great with the rest of my family, though my sisters are a pain sometimes.


Friends - 4

I have many friends, but I just moved to public school from private school and I am not very social.


Freetime - 6

I play RTS and 1st person shooters on my computer and PS2. Though now I mostly play GB.


Sports - 4

I play tennis, but I am not very good an anything else.

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Guest Master Yoda

School - 6


I'm homeschooled so I get to do some pretty neat things.


Family - 6


We are a christian home so my family and I get along pretty well.


Friends - 1


lol, I have 1 friend and thats it and he's not a close friend. It doesnt bother me much since Ive got 3 younger bros.


Freetime - 6


Ive got a up to date computer with plenty of fun games for it, and a GCN. I get to kick my 3 younger brothers butts on SSB(soon SSBM) and AOK(hopefully GB at christmas). :D


Sports - 1


The only sport I do is lift weights now and again. I do get exercise at work though.

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Thats pretty sweet Eets, I, on the other hand, am not so fortunate.


School: 3, what can i say? Im the dumbest in my family.


Family: 4, I am blessed with a great family, even outside the immediate family. I have a cousin that was a professional football player (only for a few weeks though), a sister that worked for the daily show and now works for SNL (lucky mother fudgenugget), and caring relatives. Why i gave it a 4, is because half of them hate me for some reason or another. Dont ask me, i dont know why.


Friends: 4, I have great friends, and I would die for them. Im losing friends quick. But the friends i have, are awesome.


Freetime: 6, I have too much, but i am not complaining.


Sports: 3, I suck at them, period, end of story. Although, there was one sport i was good at, it was tetherball. I was the lightweight tetherball champ back at middle school. I could beat anybody in the entire school, even when i was in sixth grade.


Well, i aint that smart, aint that athletic, i got half my relatives that hate me, and im losing friends each week...


I say im still good for another 5 years.

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Family-5 good relationship with parents

Sports-6 very good athlete, i love sports

Friends-4 can count all my friends on one hand

Freetime-3 not much freetime

School-6 4.0, what can i say :D , but getting up at 6am every morning really gets to you

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