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What Is The Best Unique Unit


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The droideka is probably the best pound for pound.....


Berserkers require a very good tactic and have to get in close before they show any sign of being good.


Fambaa Shield Generators are great by "doubling" all units HP, but an enemy will just target the fambaa first, expensive short-term gain.


Crusaders have the same problem as Berserkers, have to get in close. But the shields they get help some.


Dark Troopers are really good too, equiv to a strike mech.


Air speeders are awesome against mechs, but anyone playing against the Rebels will most likely augment any force with a lot of anti air.


I love the air speeders, but the droideka is probably the best.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by ReaperFett

Elite Crusaders for me, gotta love them shields :)


Droidekas have shields too, and they are much better than strike mechs, both in firepower and durability. they also do it all, whether it is infantry, mechs, or even buildings. They virtually eliminate any need for ground support other than themselves. Put 25 of these in front of yout MTTs and sit back and watch wave while wave after wave of enemy units fall.

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Guest DarkTrooper

its a close race between destroyer droids and darktroopers. well my old name was droideka and my name now is darktrooper. but then there is no need for houses for TF. and then theres the fact that if u research all of the resoucres u eat away at them. SO ]DROIDEKA!!!!!!

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Here goes....


1.Droid destroyer.


3.Dark Trooper.

4.Faambas. (I was so disapointed at how easy it was to kill these, therfore makming them pretty useless.)


I havnt really tried the Naboo much, and I havnt once played the Wookies out of principle. So as to their UU I'll let you tell me.

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Guest xwing guy

Well my fav UU is the airspeeder, destroyer droid, and the berseker. The Fambaa is good but its hard for me to use effectiflly. The darktrooper is good and there's nothing wrong with it except I just don't like the empire that much except for their AT-ATs and the droideka is better anyways. I haven't played the Naboo any so I don't know about their royal cursader.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

DESTROYERS DROIDS. now the non unique THE PLUMMELS!!!!!!!!!!! and my second one is the AT-AT because they are so bigh and cool looking :D

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