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DF Series Storyline Continuity (Revised, and w/ Spoilers)


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Originally posted by estarriol

If you want another example then see the Sarlacc chomping on Boba Fett in ROTJ stuffing up Fett's story in Tales of the from the Empire(? I think), and again in ROTJ the extended band sequence stuffing up the story about the Jizzwailers from Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina.


Actually, the story you're thinking of is "A Barve Like That" from Tales From Jabba's Palace. The Fett story in Tales of the Empire tells about him infiltrating a small Imperial base on a remote planet to capture an Imperial officer who's gone rogue. Very cool story if you dig the "one-man-army" representation of Boba Fett (I do :D ).




(edit: yeah, this is pretty OT, but this thread seems to have wandered around quite a bit in pages 3&4, so what the heck.)

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I think Luke loses people Lightsabers, but keeps a spare out back, so whenever someone comes for their Saber he's like "Uhmmm....You must complete...a...trial, yeah, a trial to get it." because he's too lazy to go fetch it himself.

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If you take a look at the saber in Modview you'll notice something.


It's not the same hilt as in JK, its an EP1 looking thing with a red igniter-button. When in JK it was a SW ep4-6 looking thing.


Therefor: It's not the same sabre.



Of course this might only be true because the graphics in JK isn't the same as in JO.

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I have bind m sabercolor orange at the moment


Best thing would be to change the line to:

bind m "obihelpus 1; sabercolor orange; obihelpus 0"

and add it somewhere to the end of your jk2config.cfg file.


Of course you can also add this in my script file, but this way should be easier.




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Originally posted by EffJi

If you take a look at the saber in Modview you'll notice something.


It's not the same hilt as in JK, its an EP1 looking thing with a red igniter-button. When in JK it was a SW ep4-6 looking thing.


Therefor: It's not the same sabre.



Of course this might only be true because the graphics in JK isn't the same as in JO.


thats right too..he has a completly different looking saber, but no where does it ever say that kyle made a new lightsaber...you can tell that they put a lot of work into the lightsaber hilts too, because you can recgnoize lukes handle, and dessann, but i really have no idea how its completly different...if they put that much work on the hilt, you would think they would try to duplicate the handle of yun's saber from the cutscenes, but nothing, they obviously realized they were doing something different, but i guess they just forgot to tell us what it was

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The Dev team fudged it. They all thought having a blue 'saber would be cool, so they wrote it in the design without even doing a backstory.


Same goes for the hilt. Now tell me, if a company is so non-committed to continuity, would they really bother to replicate Yun's original hilt to any degree? Number one, this is a different Development team that did JK and MotS. Number two, no one had even made an attempt to put the attention to detail in the hilts. In JK and MotS, they were just three-sided handles of crap.


The point is, for all we know, it very well could have represented Yun's lightsaber if they did keep the color to yellow or orange. But they didn't. They made it blue. So, we're just supposed to take their word for it that Kyle built his own, without any tangible source of information. Their excuse? It ran the risk of boring us...


I don't give a rat's booty about this part of the continuity. As far as I'm concearned, it's supposed to be Yun's lightsaber, and it's supposed to be gold. I really don't care what Raven has to say about it, because they haven't given me good reason to believe otherwise, other than the "Well...It's blue because we say so. Go make up your own story about it," thing they're pulling on us. So I "fixed" my copy of the game.


Besides, I think gold is cooler than blue any day.

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This is my theory (my new one):


In MOTS Kyle still had Yun's sabre but it was getting old and therefor the color changed. Then after his little trip to the dark side, he switched sabre; because it had belonged to a dark jedi, and he didn't want it to put any influence on him.


And when I said that the hilt didn't look like in JK, I meant in the cutscenes. I think you get a good look at it a few times, and doesn't look like in JO.

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lol. like it really matters... A jedi decides on color and can easily customize this when he builds his saber. I assume Kyle could have easily modified his saber at any time to any color he freaking feels like! Plus, the bright blue is neater than the green and way better than yellow anyway! Ofcourse in ANW, the blue sabers looked more like white, but in JK2 it looks pretty!


And this takes place after MoTS...

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Originally posted by The_Raptor

A jedi decides on color and can easily customize this when he builds his saber. I assume Kyle could have easily modified his saber at any time to any color he freaking feels like


Yes, theoretically, Jedi can modify the color whenever they want. But they usually don't. Changing crystals is more troublesome than you might realize. You just can't find a jewel on the ground and plug it in. First, you need to make sure the crystal is of the right chemical makeup to properly sustain an energy feedback loop. Then it has to be cut to precise measurements for the appropriate energy channeling and beam integrity. And then comes the intricate installation and proper alignment.... You get the drift.


It's not something that Jedi do to color-coordinate with wardrobe and season - least of all for whims of "looking cool". Luke just as soon built a brand new lightsaber entirely for his sister (two of them from my knowledge).


Even Mara didn't bother to change her 'saber color when Luke gave it to her at the end of The Last Command. All the way to the New Jedi Order series, I'm told her 'saber is still blue.


No, I don't think Kyle would go through all that trouble just to change Yun's blade color. He just doesn't seem like the type to do such a thing. Go through all that work...and for what? A new blade color? Nope. Kyle would more worry about its reliability than the color. As long as the 'saber does its job, it's fine. It's a weapon. It doesn't need to look pretty. Or so I gather from his character.


For the blue 'saber ploy to work, he'd most likely have built a brand new one from scratch during his attempt to redeem himself and to learn to stay true to the Light Side.


But...The Scriptwriter of the game basically hinted around the idea that the JO team just came up with the idea of Kyle running around with a blue 'saber. Blue was cool. Blue was the color of the season, and the symbolism of "good" was just a must have for this rogue with a chip on his shoulder...


The Dev team blindly and knowingly interrupted the continuity with this color (and hilt) change, and claimed that the back story of his new lightsaber would simply bore people away from the main story. That's bantha sphew if I've ever heard it. And they still don't have any official word about it, other than it's "possible" that Kyle built the new blade.


Yeah, Raven? Well, it's also possible that he knocked out a Jedi with his shoe, poked her do death with a toothpick, [spare us the details please!], and stole her blue lightsaber from her secret hiding place on Dantooine...


I'm all for possibilities, but with something like this, we want tangible explanations, not vague dodges and scapegoats. As far as I'm concerned, for the sake of what I've seen so far in the previous games, he shouldn't have built that lightsaber, nor have gone to see Luke to train. After his brush with the Dark Side, and nearly killing Mara, he pulled his last straw. He went to Luke's new academy not to train, but to give him Yun's lightsaber. Kyle couldn't find the heart to destroy it, because of its nostalgia. Yun had sacrificed his life to save Kyle, essentially giving Kyle his lightsaber. Kyle couldn't destroy it under that pretense.


That's what I believe should have happened, as it makes the most sense - well, to me, anyway. I don't see Kyle training under Luke's wing, or any nonsense like that. He's a mercenary. He's got a job. A life. The Force had nearly killed him, so why bother use it again and risk the lives of his friends? He should have gotten rid of it the second he yielded to Mara.


So...Basically, I don't care what Raven had up their sleeve. They didn't play the hand, so I took matters into my own accord, and fixed their foresights. My blade is yellow - Yun's blade. And as soon as someone designs a similar hilt, I'll be the first to download that puppy. Official word or not, that is what I believe.

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I agree with you


but if i recall it well, yavin's temples were decorated with lightsaber gems, so it would be easy to find one and choose one.


it would have been better if kyle (and the player) had to make a new saber finding parts, and choosing his lightsaber color, or at least a getting a random one.


Maybe the blue saber has to do with the new movies that seem to have only green and blue for the good jedi as the only choices. Mace windu is the only one that will have a purple saber. I hope this is not true and we can see more colors in the movies...

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I don't have the link in front of me, but in another thread, somebody posted from a UK PC Gamer interview where Tom Sarris says the reason that Kyle has a blue saber is apparently there's a rule when making Star Wars games (maybe it's been added since JK came out), that in Single Player, they have to adhere to "Star Wars canon" and make the sabers blue/green for good guys (unless you're Mace Windu) and red for bad guys, and in Multiplayer they can have more leway.


So apparently, according to that, Kyles blue saber has nothing to do with the story or "artistic considerations" but rather expediency in the face of LucasFilm IP laws and regulations on the liscense.


So I guess Kyle's saber HAD to be either green or blue under this rule, unless he turned evil, then it had to be red.


I don't know how this applies to MotS, since Kyle had an orange saber, and Mara a purple one, and the bad guys used Orange and Red. Maybe because it was an addon and not an "official game" in the same way as JK?


Then again, we have Jedi Power Battles wherein Mace and Obi-Wan had blue sabers, Qui Gon a green saber, oh wait.. and Adi Gallia (a Light Jedi) had a RED saber, and Plo Koon a gold saber. You could play as any of them in MP. Then there was the secret character (maybe he doesn't count) Ki Adi Mundi who uses a purple one, and Maul with his red (but he's a bad guy).


In JK1, in single player Kyle had a green saber, but you remember he changed to gold before the end on the light path. And the bad guys? Well, out of the seven Dark Jedi, only two used red sabers! We had the "non-canonical" colors of gold (Yun), orange (Gorce, Pic), purple (Boc), and of course we had the evil Sariss using blue (good guy color, according to the movies).


So, maybe we'd need more clarification on that. So I guess I feel kind of justified in using orange in JK2, as that still makes the most sense to me.


Again, going back to the story ideas, the "crystal dying out" idea sounds interesting, but again we run into the problem of why did Kyle bother building a new lightsaber for himself only to give it up almost immediately (without being used) to Luke? Did he forsee himself needing it again, and he wanted to put himself at Luke's "mercy" so to speak? But then if he knew how to build Lightsabers, he wouldn't necessarily have to go to Luke, he could build one on his own. Maybe he wanted guidance, but also wanted an out so he wouldn't have to hurt his ego?


You know.. "just in case." Still, he seems utterly revolted and ashamed of the Force in JK2, until fate steps in and makes him take a stand. I figure he wouldn't just build another saber so casually, after he'd basically already made up his mind that he was a failure as a Jedi (after MotS).


Actually I think it would be REALLY COOL if George Lucas just included a scene in the new film where some kid comes up to Mace Windu and says "hey Mister, how comes ya got a purple laser sword, and yur th' only one??"


And he just smiles and points to the "color change" nob on the hilt of his blade.. gives it a spin (so that his blade changes a rainbow of pretty colors) and the kids all go "wooooooooooooow"


(And the fanboys in the audience imitate Ewan McGregor and yell "Nooooooooooooooooooooo!")


Incidentally, what DID happen to Yun's lightsaber? It's possible he buried it in the Valley of the Jedi, maybe with Yun's body (out of reverence for him). Or burned or however he did it (I doubt Yun disapeared right away, and he wouldn't just leave the guy's body to rot).


If he kept Yun's saber, he had the Orange one he obviously built for himself in MotS. Notice Luke calls it YOUR Lightsaber, not "Yun's saber" or "the one you found" or something like that.


If anything, he should have given THAT lightsaber to Luke. Otherwise wouldn't Luke suggest that Kyle build a new one, as part of his training? If he gave up Yun's out of respect, it would make sense, as a Jedi, he'd still need a weapon, so he'd build the orange one. He had contact with Luke before (Luke, according to the Radio Dramas, put the saber together using old books and spare parts at Ben's abandoned hut on Tatooine) and would have access to the knowledge, I would think.


And anyway, if he still had it, and it would be a temptation to use, he'd have to give him BOTH sabers, or in a pinch, he wouldn't have to go to Luke, but could just use Yun's, even if his "giving over his lightsaber" was just a symbolic gesture (then again, it had to be, if he could simply build another one, with or without Luke's guidance). I figure he must have wanted that help. After all, the Remnant were able to mass produce lightsabers, for crying out loud, the parts can't be THAT hard to find!

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Originally posted by DarthCobra

Well I dont know if it was the cheats I used in JK. But after playin outcast and gettin into the storyline.. I went back and zipped thru JK quick using cheats and what not.. But at the end of the game .... Kyle was the emporer.



:D there are two endings in JK, one good and one evil.


Anyways, why they want to stuck the games with 'canon' things if then, they dont' count games and even books as 'canon'? That 's bad :(


I think yellow and orange was the same, Yun's saber, but they changued it because they thought it was coolre or wanted to give the player a new color (but still similar to yellow) to play. And about mara's purple saber... no comments :p

then in JKO, they give us a blue saber. The next game will have a new color? the only ones left are red and dark red :D

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Not really a spoiler since it's blatantly in the commercials:


There's a new canon color as of Attack of the Clones: Purple. The senior Jedi Council member Mace Windu (played by Samuel L. Jackson) has a purple saber (with a gold-plated hilt no less) and he's, obviously, a light jedi.


The only reason this happened is that Jackson asked Lucas what color his saber would be, and Lucas explained the "blue and green only for good guys" rule. Then Jackson said he wanted purple anyway, so Lucas let him have it.


I guess the color rules aren't as rigid as we thought :)


Oh yeah, the only reason green was added in ROTJ was that blue didn't show up all that well against the sand background during the sarlaac pit battle.


Edit: I'm a dummy, the purple saber was mentioned at least twice in posts above mine. Whoops, sorry. Anyway, there's no canon in-movie explanation for it yet, so feel free to invent your own :D

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