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Cutscense dont play sounds :(


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During the CG cutscenes (eg: the Crow flying to and landing at Yavin or leaving the valley of the jedi) the sound cuts out after about 2 seconds.


So I got the music playing for 2 seconds then it staggers or stutters (not sure the right word for it) and goes to slience for the remainder of the cut scene.


I got sound turned onto high quality and my computer isn't too slow being a 900mhz (only 128ram though) and a standard 16-bit soundcard which gives no problems with anything else.


I reinstalled the game a few times too but it is always happening during cut scenes...


Can anyone help me with what to do?


Thanks for any help people :)

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Does your 16-bit soundcard support DirectX? The cutscenes may be trying to use DirectSound. Although, this may be highly unlikely, I would try updating either the sound card drivers or re-install DirectX. Try Directx 8.0a first, and then 8.1. I do have to caution you that some people have been having problems with DirectX 8.1, but those are the few minority.

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i had the exact same problem, don't think updating directx will help cause i'm running the latest. Was a gay problem but didn't bother me THAT much, after all theres only music playing in those cutscenes. However if that happened to the in engine cutscenes i would be very choked.

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it happens to me too, only in the scenes near the end... right after the doomgiver drops out of hyperspace.....



i cant hear anything, does it on the next one too :(



i played thru twice, got all the latest everything... whats up, it kinda erks me. :(



it is at an important part in the game, and i wanna hear whats happening.

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I too am now starting to have the same problem. I have not had much time to investigate, but I think that this may be a bug that RAVEN has to patch. I don't believe that there is anything we can do about it. It just seems weird that only the cutscenes do this. They run separately from the game itself so it cannot be directX or sound drivers. Although, there is always a possiblity of sound drivers.

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One of my friends and I suffer from stuttering sound too. Although our system specs and operating systems are fairly different, the one thing that is common between both is the sound cards... ;)


He's got an SBLive!Platinum, I've got the Live!Value - and they both produce the exact same behaviour. Sounds play in hiccuppy spurts during pre-rendered FMVs, and on the game load screen, but are quite normal everywhere else.


As a matter of interest, Live! cards also seem to have problems with the FMVs in Elite Force, and produce the same annoying hiccup with Dungeon Keeper 2 -- during gameplay! :)


So, have Raven and Bullfrog dropped the ball with their audio engines, or is Creative fast approaching ATI's QA level for drivers...? I tend to point the finger at Creative and their drivers as swapping out the soundcard fixed the problem for DK2... ;) (Haven't tried another sound card with JK:JO yet though...)

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I had teh same problem and swiftly conacted activision in the uk who are responsible fo rtechnical support of european users.


Here was their response, havent had time to try it yet but it may help you guys on XP



Date 10 April 2002


Further to your correspondence of 9 April 2002


When starting the game in Windows 2000 or XP, you occasionally may not hear any

sound during the opening movie and at the main menu. If this occurs, click the

mouse once to correct this issue.


If the problem persists, try lowering the volume control in the game. If that

does not correct the issue, you will need to lower the volume control in

Windows. Some older cards work best with the Windows Wave volume set to 50%.


Sometimes the sound problems can be fixed by going to "Sounds & Audio Devices"

in the Control Panel. Click on the audio tab and under preferred playback

device, you will probably see your sound card. Try one of the other options and

see if this helps at all.



If you experience slow performance or audio hitches, you should lower some of

your graphic settings. If you continue to experience slow performance or audio

hitches, you may want to consider altering the com_soundmegs variable in the

game to increase the amount of system memory the game uses for sound. For

example, if you have a machine with 128 megabytes (MB) of RAM, you can use the

command \com_soundmegs 32 to allocate more memory to the program. You would do

this by accessing the game console (press the ~ key), and typing in:


\com_soundmegs 32


Now hit the Enter key.


(Substitute the amount of memory that you would like to dedicate for the "32" in

the example above).


NOTE: You should never allocate more than 1/4 (25%) of your total system memory

to the soundmegs variable. You may experience problems with your computer system

if you do. This setting is also affected by your com_hunkmegs variable (which

is 72 MB by default). If you have raised your com_soundmegs value and increased

the com_soundmegs value, be sure that you are not using 100% of your system

memory, as you might experience system problems by doing so.


Users with Sound Blaster SB PCI512 sound cards will experience system slowdown

if you change the sound quality to 22 KHz. A quality setting of 11 KHz should be

used for optimum performance with this sound card.




If you need further assistance in Europe, please call our technical support

staff at

0870 241 2148 or contact us by e-mail at support@activision.co.uk . Also be sure

to include all previous replies when/if responding to this message.


Best Regards,

Daljit at Activision Technical Support

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have found out (at least for me that is) that if the line you are entering in the console is NOT in the config file, the game will not set it. For example, if you enter at the console com_soundmegs "x" where "x" is the amount of RAM, and that line is not originally in the .cfg file, the game will not utilize this feature. Instead, there are two ways of doing this, both utilizing the same command.


1) Goto the .cfg file and enter it there: seta com_soundmegs "x"


2) At the console: seta com_soundmegs "x"


Using the seta command at the console will enter the line into the .cfg file and activate that command. If you just type in the line com_soundmegs without any values, it should tell you the default setting as well as the current setting. This is how you know that the game is using that setting.

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