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Best use of Wall Walking

monkey jedi

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For me it was in multi. I had 8 health left and I was runing from a guy with a rocket launcher in Nar Shadaa. I found a smooth corner, mind tricked my purser, and wall walked on it. By the time I was finished I had disapered from his sight and wound up right behind him. He looked up to see if I jumped, but all he saw was my lightsaber come down and slice him. How have you used wall walk?

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For me it was in multi as well. I was chasing some guy down who was throwing det pack on the ground. I wall walked up the wall and just hit attack...off the wall and across his throat and the det packs were behind me. I wish I recorded that.

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it was ffa and two guys decided to team up against me, one ran at me with his saber while the other was shooting rockets at me (and missing most of the time), so i wallwalked (i was running away) did a flip, force pushed just in time (accidentaly hit the button too!) and pushed the saber guy INTO the rocket, he died and soon afterwards his friend did too!



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ah necro..the silent assasian.


My Favorite wall walking move was on bespin, i was running towards one of the better saberist on the server and weboth decided to wall walk at the same time, i kid u not we jumped off the wall and swung at the same TIME, which made some sparks, we landed into a saber lock. it was awesome.

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