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Guest Admiral Odin

That would be interesting.


Say you give your units an agreesive stance one set of formations become available but when in a defensive stance a new set.

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Guest Darth Maul Jr.

I believe the idea for formations was to move your guys across the map instead of having them bounce all over the place or stray around like they do in Starcraft. When your units are within harms way it is up to the player to put them in a spread formation, break up em or stop em all together...the Artillery's dream is not the formation but stupid players :eek:

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Guest Tie Guy

formations may be useful for moving across the map, but what they are for is attacks, drawing the battleline, and approaching the enemy. That's why tehy put more heavily armed troops in front, to prtect your troops in battle. I think that alot of people are overlooking the importance of formations. That was one thing that i liked better in AOK that wasn't in RA2.

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Guest Master Yoda

I suppose I could put up with just a few formations if you can build your own. But I still think that they need a lot more than in AOK.

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Yes. Foramtions can be a deciding factor in battle if used correctly. They not only alot for defensive advantages but offensive advantages as well. A player who puts melee units in front of ranged units will be able to attack more quickly with the melee units because they won't be stuck behind the infantry. Hopefully the formations in GB will be more thoroughly thought out and planned than the formations in AoK. :)

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I'm just hoping they'll change the formations with the Technology. It does usualy happen:p


1.as Causalties go they weren't losing many compared to the entire army.


because they were manufacturing them. What if they were men? They would start getting massacred and flee. You would think they would mix a sound strategy with masses to make a HUGE advantage


2.Fear seeing a huge army come at you, creates dispar in people giving the droids a pyshoclogical advantage. An enemy with no hope will rather surrender and live then die for nothing.


That is true... One Question...why didn't they dig in? Aganst a Large attack like that a trench would be a worthy complement to the Hundreds of outnumbered Gungans


3.The Trade Federation thought the Gunguns were uncivilized, so that a huge line would terrify them, and make them flee and the driods could pic them off at will.


How can you pick them off at will when they are in the swamps because they have fleed there? The Gungans are on the home Ground...Also the droids have a tan or off-whit paint to them...in a swamp as green as that they would be easy targets. And there is no proff the Droids even had night vision!!! They were so inexpensive I wouldn't be suprised. The blasters probably cost more than the droids did.

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Guest Admiral Odin

It is true that if the TF used that same tactic with men it would have been a massacre but they used droids which are expendable and can be repaired.



Also if the Gunguns ran they couldn't use there large shield generators. Leaving the Droid tanks to go in and massacre them. Also the Gunguns were not in swamps during that battle, but in open fields which they stick out badly and have no cover.

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Formations are extremely close to the implementation in AOK, darthfergie (8/21). The Trade Federation can have 800 droids at your control in single-player campaign mode. In standard and multiplayer modes, 200 is the limit for all civs. I hope I cleared that up. We wouldn't have put Navies in the game if we didn't think they were compelling and important to gameplay. Play against the Gungans, and tell me what you think. . . Art is going through a lot of changes on a regular basis. That was an early screenshot of water units. The scale has changed significantly, and the plan is currently in place to have them partially submerged in the water.


NEW INFO!!!!!!!!!! FROM GABER!!!!!!!!

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Guest Gamma732

The formations in AOK were pretty good, considering it was the Middle Ages. Hopefully for GB the formations will be made with the greater prevalence of ranged units in mind. Like Odin said, they used outdated tactics in the American Civil War*, and a good part of that war was a massacre of both sides.


As for the subs...wouldn't it be semi-logical to assume that some kind of air unit could detect them and attack them? I recall reading that TIE Bombers can attack underwater buildings.....can they detect them?


*- Associating a futuristic game with the American Civil War....now we're getting a little close to SC territory ;)

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Guest Tie Guy

In some other post or review it said that air units, and sea units can attack the subs, but that they are hard to see and are fast i think.

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Guest Gamma732
Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

I wonder if aircraft can move into formations? Did could warship an AOK do that? :confused: :confused:


Ships couldn't go in formations in regular AOK, but only in the AOK:TC expansion, I believe. I'm not sure how useful air formations would be, but it'd definately look cool and be realistic.

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Guest Tie Guy

Yes, it would be cool if they formed up into flights or squadrons. But if you look at the video, those X-wings are definately not flying in formation.

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I think they have changed since then...or what have they been doing over there?










Wait a sec...do those gungans look the same to you...NO YD'S SITE PREDICTIONS ARE TRUE!!!!:eek: (if you haven't seen it look at it. It is Halerious)

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Guest Tie Guy

They ll look the same b/c they most likely took like 2 or 3 models and used them over and over again. It saves time in production.

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