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saber speed


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the only stances that i can stand to use are the fast and the medium (cheat code) fast. The strong stances just move too slow. It feels unnatural. It seems like they should have just extended the swing instead of slowing it- that would have made more sense. I just can't picture a star wars movie with a guy swinging a saber 1mph, and besides, don't you get more strength when you swing fast and hard instead of slow.

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they did that for the sake of gameplay. Its not realistic to think that one stance will do more damage than another, because according to what everyone says, lightsabers cut through anything. Its a gameplay thing. Nobody would use strong stance if it was slower and did less damage. Everyone would just use the light stance and use the same methods of fragging.

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Heh, I'm actually a big fan of strong stances in single player (just to throw that out there). It gets the job done quickly, especially if you get all three hits off (four if one gets blocked, as I recall). Move into MP? Whole other ballgame (I get there in a second ;) ). As far as realism... welllll... I think that you actually would get more damage in for a stronger swing (it can cut through anything, yes, but a more forcefull blow is going to cut through more... technically ;) ).


I think the real problem with it, though- from a dynamic, art sort of perspective- is that you don't really get the feeling that he's putting power into it through the attack animation; it really does feel like he's just moving slow (except for that delightful spin in SP). Of course, when you start talking about that, you start nit picking and get away from the gameplay and into aesthetics.


I agree though, and say it's actually quite good in MP. I use it as a starting attack, or an attack after a short lull in a duel (have to love the pacing), and then switch mainly between Medium and Fast during the duel. Crowd control is definitely my favorite use, though, as BioHazzard said ;) Wait, was there a point here? Heheh.



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Ugh, strongstance is my kryptonite (Weakness) in MP. I get wasted by many who just use the strong stance and that jump move. I'm working on counter measures though and lately I've been making some progress on it, so atleast I'm not having as much of a problem as I used to.

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Strong stance is not too slow. It is perfect and since you can't spin around forever with this stance... the people who use it are generally more fun to fight than those lame headless chickens with sabers. I think the spin of eternity when using blue should be removed... it looks so damn silly when people just spin all over the place... no control at all.


Oh and Razage it is fairly easy to counter those who use the same damn trick again and again in strong stance.

- Keep your distance and throw your saber at them.

- Wait until they attack and the quickly sidestep and give them a swing from the side. Even when their attack is done there will be a short period where they cannot parry... attack at that moment.


- I have found that if I meet an opponent who uses blue stance and uses the headless chicken style... I will use the heavy stance and saber throws to kill them.


- If I meet an opponent who uses the medium stance it is harder to decide what to use. I will use heavy stance and medium stance depending on their attack patterns. Light stance is useless here IMO.


- If I meet an opponent attacking in heavy stance I use either light or medium stance and saber throws. I then time my attacks well and keep my distance.

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Originally posted by seanconnery

What is the "headless chicken" style anyway??


Heh it's a name for the most used style. I just named it that way as it is so fitting. Here's the basics of this style.


- Hold down mouse1 constantly.

- Spin around using blue or yellow stance.

- Try to get close to your opponent.

- ignore your opponents moves, focus on trying to stear your uncontrolled saber into your opponent.

- Do not use any tactics that actually makes sense.

- For advanced Headless Chicken style jump randomly and roll all over the place.

- Do not worry when your opponent stands still and hits you with saber throws and finishes you with a single hit... he was just lucky.

- NEVER stand still awaiting your opponents next move... NEVER!

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