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Killing by environment *possible spoilers*

Lnt. Kechtt

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I don't know about most of you, but I really loved the fact that the enviros kill reborn, those walking pains in the butts (you know what I'm talking about, small attack walkers), and just about everything else. I was playing yesterday and loved the fact that I shoved a reborn into a reactor laser. Later, on the doomgiver, I tell no tie, I pushed, not force push, pushed one of those walker dudes off an edge in order to kill him. With the reborn on the revolving platform, he came close to the thing-a-ma-bob that spins and kills you, and I threw my sabre, steered it behind him and knocked him into it. Not to mention the countless times you find reborn next to an edge.:smirk2: I just love it! There is nothing more satisfying then using the skills of evirocision. (Deep judge voice) "I CHARGE YOU WITH BEING A REBORN AND SENTENCE YOU TO DEATH BY ENVIRONMENT" o.k. I'm done.:D

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one thing i laughed at for such a long time is when i met a reborn that was across the room. in between us was a pillar so it had to go around it. it did a sideways jump and lept completely off the tower thing we were on and died. the whole time i just stood there. i couldn't believe what happened, but it was the funniest thing to see. the reborn does a sideways flip and goes all the way off. it was like out of a cartoon or something. i also remember it saying something like "are you afraid of me jedi ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh". that may have been one of my favorite moments in the game (other than action related parts)

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on the ladder map that was made.


I was fighting like 6 or 7 reborn in a wave, so I went up by the window for a place where I could just fight one or two at a time. They had other ideas, and about 5 of them jumped up, one throwing his saber. I jumped the saber, landed on the ground and ran. When I looked behind me, the window was gone, and all 7 of the reborn were going out the window. Laughed my ass off

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*rofl* not too bad either :D


I saw something similar: I was taking on the Reborn in the reactor between those mean disintegrating paddles - well, or to be more precise, I just came into his area of awareness when he did one of those top-speed horizontal jumps toward me.

I had seen that one coming and had just stepped half a meter to the left a millisecond before.

He flew past me and crashed directly into the deadly energy paddle behind me. I watched him disintegrate from less than an arms length distance. In slowmo, of course.


Felt something like *shrug* you asked for it :D :D :D

Couldn't stop grinning for quite some time after that. :)



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I love doing this on the swamp levels with the stormies and swamp troopers.. Use force grip on them..when they are levitated swing around widely and leave go of the button and watch them so smashing into the rocks and trees.....funny as ****.




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Originally posted by Belial6672

I love doing this on the swamp levels with the stormies and swamp troopers.. Use force grip on them..when they are levitated swing around widely and leave go of the button and watch them so smashing into the rocks and trees.....funny as ****



Have to agree, although I have a slightly different tactic. I just throw them staight up. I've gotten better distance then using push on them. 85% of the time they die upon impact and the other 15% they stand there with their hands up untill I do it again. Gotta love the grip.

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One thing that puzzles me with enviro killings is the first shadowtrooper, first time i faced him he whooped my ass, then second time i jumped onto a platform before he arrived then he force jump up to the platform i was at, flew straight over me, hit the floor and died, to say the least i was puzzled, anyone else had this wierd killing?

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I remember while playing the end level, I thought I'd have a bit of fun and see if I could take out at least on of those big pillars before Dessan took me out. So I jumped down and threw my saber at the pillar. It cut through and the pillar fell. All of the sudden I hear Dessan scream and the level ends. :) The pillar fell over on top of Dessan and killed him. I was ROFL at that one. :)

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Originally posted by Lnt. Kechtt

Can't get any better :D


yes it can...


Bespin, Jedi Master, the absolute first time you fight the reborn, he jumps over to my side and begins to strafe around me, right off the edge, which means i got to watch him all the way down...

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