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Lenght of Laser Bolts.

Guest Master Yoda

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Guest Tie Guy

yeah, i thought about that too, but i'm convinced that it is just coz it is moving when they took the shot, and that it will look better in the game.

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they'll have that figured out i'm sure... some bolts in the early screenshots looked as thick as the units themselves, but later TF-shots showed thin bolts.

The problem with bolts is that you want them 'laser-like' and you want to show where they are exactly. a tough balance.

AT-AT's can have thick bolts. look at what the AT-AT fired at the shield generator on Hoth..

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Guest SoReFiNgErZ

Also, keep in mind that in the game it will be moving at a relativly fast speed..in turn reduceing the size and length of the bolt.:jawa

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Guest Tie Guy

Yes, in the movie you can see that they aren't very long. I'm not sure if this is because they fixed it or because it is moving.


Also, i hope that they have different laser intensity levels for different lasers, that way you know which bolt you are getting hit with, and makes them easier to pick out and avoid. I hope they include different sounds as well.

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Guest Master Yoda

Ya, like when the AT-AT on Hoth was firing at the troops it sounded different then when it fired at the Shield generator.

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Guest Admiral Odin

well technically lasser are invisible....



I would like to see diffenet sized bolts depending upon which unit.

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Originally posted by Admiral Odin

well technically lasser are invisible....



I would like to see diffenet sized bolts depending upon which unit.


Yes, yes, we've already settled that SW lasers aren't actual lasers, most likely the name is a holdback from centuries past, oh and you can see the laser if it is going through smoke, and you can see it on the surface it is hitting.

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Guest Admiral Odin

I know. Shadows of the Empire brought up that lasers were invisible but ions around them were so....giving you an idea were the laser beam was.

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Guest corranhorn

Is it just me or do the screenshots show that the lasers arc like the AOK arrows? That looks cheesy, as lasers go *almost* (only curved by VERY LARGE masses, AKA black holes, pulsars, ect) and the planet could never be large enough to curve the laser that far. Also, the lasers getting fired could not be so bright, *points at screenshot 16 on the offical site*. It would be NICE if the blasters pointed where they fire *points at screenshot 5 on offical site*. The lasers curving could make me :mad: enough to


:naboo:========== :swear:


at LucasArts

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Guest Tie Guy

yes, in the movie (GB movie that is) the lasers are straight, so you don't have to worry.


And yes, the lasers in SW are not actually lasers. "Lasers" are concentrated beams of light or heat, and are invisible. "Turbolasers" are beams of energy, not light or heat, and the gas that is used to produce the charge is what produces the color as well. They can make clear turbolasers (ie. xerrol nightstinger), but that takes extra money, and is pointless and harmless, so they leave it be.

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Guest corranhorn

Fine I'll call them blasters, but still *points at screenshot 5 on offical site, noticably at TF blaster cannons* SEE!!!! they are curved and fire farther up than the guns point. Look for yourselves

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Originally posted by CorranHorn

Is it just me or do the screenshots show that the lasers arc like the AOK arrows? That looks cheesy, as lasers go *almost* (only curved by VERY LARGE masses, AKA black holes, pulsars, ect) and the planet could never be large enough to curve the laser that far. Also, the lasers getting fired could not be so bright, *points at screenshot 16 on the offical site*. It would be NICE if the blasters pointed where they fire *points at screenshot 5 on offical site*. The lasers curving could make me :mad: enough to


:naboo: ========== :swear:


at LucasArts


Are slightly curved lasers really gonna take away form the game that much?

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Guest corranhorn

Can't you clearly see a laser shooting up at nothing and another shooting down from nothing, from the TF cannon-like things

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Guest Stormtrooper

Have you also noticed when the rebels were blasting at the Sith Lord(E3 video clip) there were bright flashes coming from thier guns, it looked pretty cool.:)

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