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stuck in high temprature room!!


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I have finished all the level (Kejim Base), but i have got to area with two doors. one of them has opened a security room with ability to watch a some security camera! the key to this door has come from the other door, there if i stay some time i will die! there i have found a key to the security door.

I don't know what to do in the other room. i have got die in few secons! there is a mysterious tiny door left to other room (to the high temprature room). i don't how use it.


what i need to. i love this game and i want to continue playing him. please help me. sorry about the lousy english.


in thanks,


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You see a freight coming in, circle comes up, room -> red.... you die..


ok, exit that room, now, there are 2 doors out to the open air... take the one to the left, and look over the ledge, u'll see some tube coming out, blowing air and coming back in.... jump on it.

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No... That's Artus Mine... He's stuck on Kejim...



Right chilik, (Welcome to the forums, BTW :)) what you need to do (if you're where I think you are :D) is run into the 'high temperature' room, and get the key from the dead officer as fast as possible, then run out of the room the way you went in, and straight ahead should be a tiny room with another of those tiny doors next to it.


Go up to the tiny room, and use the key you just got from the officer to unlock the glass door, go inside (Kyle will say something about "droid control") and press 'use' at the control panel to change view to a Mousebot which you can now control...


Further hints below if you can't work it out from here...








When you move the mousebot forward, and press 'use' to open the tiny door, you will come out of a small compartment next to the tiny room that Kyle is standing in. Move forward towards the 'high temperature' room, and press 'use' again to open the tiny door for the mousbot to pass through. Turn right once inside the room, and move towards the blue tunnel in the wall. Follow the passage until you reach a room, go down the ramp, and 'use' the droid-button. (If you take the mousebot back towards the 'high temperature' room, you will see another droid-button on the right, just before you exit the tunnel - press it, and it will open a compartment (a Secret, I think) in the high-temp room for Kyle to get some goodies from :)


Swith back to Kyle, and go into the high-temp room, get the goodies, and go through the only other door in the room (I think you need a security key, but you should have enough of them...)


Hope that helped :)

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