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My newest skin-just released


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Hi guys. Ive just emailed out my latest skin for hosting. check for it shortly at http://www.jk2files.com or http://www.jediknightii.net . the skin is a dark jedi named Vithran, another of my originals. hope you all like it....as always the skin includes a taunt, red and blue versions and bot support. pictures can be viewed here:





comments welcome, if you download and like it, please rate it!





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the face was built from the ground up, with lots of patience and lots of help from mr. burn tool ;) oh btw guys...is anyone else seeing this skin as too dark? the reviewer over at http://www.jk2files.com said the skin is rather dark...it looked fine to me on my computer..(actually it was really light in-game and fine in modview...so i darkened it so it looked good in-game, but it appeared really dark in the modview *shrug* in0game is what matters right?)


anyway...so im wondering if there are any other complaints about the brightness of this skin...

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