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Force powers not there??


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A few times now I've gone into a server, put grip or lightning to full and started play. I know that when you make changes, they don't come in to effect until after your next death. So, after I died, I tried using both. Neither worked. So, I checked my keys. They were set up like normal. I still couldn't use either power.


So then I leave and go to a new server. Again, right when I join I check my powers and binds and everything is set up like normal. But I still can't use the powers!


I quit out of the game, and when I went to play again later, my force powers worked again.


Anyone had a problem similar to this?

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actually i have the same sort of probablem many times... sometimes the force points will detract them selves for no reason when loading a new map, and i will be left with extra points, when i realize i cant jump as high, i go re-put them on... i havent narrowed down what causes it yet, because sometimes it doesnt happen, hope raven looks into it a bit, but maybe im just an odd case :D

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What I've taken to doing is checking my FP before I actually join the server (at the MP config screen, after the connection has been completed). 9 time out of 10, I have to make adjustments, but once I do, I'm set. It's a minor pain, and only costs me about 5-10 secs of playing time.....


Maybe another way to do this is to create a config file, open the console, and exec it (or autoexec.cfg?) each time you join a server...

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Yup, I hit apply and all my keys are correctly bound.


I have very little lag, I normally only join servers where I ping 100 and under.


The reason it's taking points out of your forces is that you're joining servers with different Jedi power settings (don't remember what it's called). Like Jedi Master lets you have more points to put than Jedi Knight, etc

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I've got the SAME problem, both when joining, and even RUNNING a server (and other people on my server have the same problem too).


Basically, you have to make sure to hit ALL the Apply and Join Game buttons there are, then go back and do it again JUST to be sure.

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