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JK2:The game that didn't exceed our expectations


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Long Rant.. needs to be done, IMO



JediKnight2 is a game that all of us had high hopes for back in the day went we all were eagerly awaiting its release. There was a good feeling around the forums when everyone was speculating about how the game would be, the comments on the trailers and all that good stuff.


Now that the game has been released reading through most threads they're are filled with a sense of high ungratitude and complaining because JK2 didn't exceed some of your ecpectations


For some Its Bunny hopping/Strafe Jumping because it just doesn't look COOL enough, backwards running being too fast, the people that use guns, the people that use grip,drain, heal and darkrage, Saber Mechanics, Duels anything and everything you can think of upsets a rather large percentage of you.

words like CHEAP and the fact that some Powers/guns/moves require NOSKILL. Does this game really effect your personal egos that much??


all of this just seems a little too far. I personally believe Raven did a great job and if I hadn't bought the game and continued to read comments of most people that post here I'd really would thought twice about buying it at all. Everything from now on is a complaint or an agument about someones complaint and the GAME IS SO YOUNG. The development tools haven't been released yet or any patches.


it just seems to me some people expect too much out of Raven's efforts which I personally think is a little too harsh.


so if something is bothering you about the game think about how YOU the complainer can personally make it better. Grab the development tools when they are released and find a group of friends and do something creative that you like and think is perfect game mechanics and stop making demands on Raven to make the game better... Once your mods are released and you've put tons of hardwork into only to see masses of complaints about it, maybe you'd understand that maybe you might have been slightly picky with your high expectations and also a little ungrateful..


I also know that many make think that voicing these complaints might get results from Raven by having them fix all the problems for you but just remember there's 2 sides to a coin so people who actaully like it now may dislike it because of such requests.

and seriously is it all in the name of "FAIR"


I know that by this post I've just added to the mess by complaining about complaints, but I hope somepeople would just take a look back and accept the game for what it IS rather than what it ISN'T

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People need to realize JO isn't meant to be some REVOLUTIONARY NEW GROUND-BREAKING GAME THAT WILL CHANGE GAMING FOREVER. People expect WAY too much. They are expecting something that's going to change their lives, reshape gaming, change the world. All this is rediculous, because it's not going to come from a video game.


If your disappointed with the game, go buy a liscense for the Q3 engine and see if YOU can do any better.

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You listen to the trolls. Don't. The majority like the game. Some might complain about stupid little quirks like you mentioned, but I bet you that doesn't stop them from playing the game 24/7. And if it does, they are obsessive whiners.


IMHHO, of course.

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i think alot of the complaints are because JO is not like any other previous star wars game....and people were expecting something different so that may be why they complain about small features etc, just somet hings they wanted to see but that didnt show up in the game....., but as for poeple complaining about multiplayer the basis of all their complaning is that they just suck at it! if they do great in mp using drain or bunnyhopping then you wouldnt hear them complain....but instead of trying to get better they complain, 1 thing ide say to them is live with it, practice instead of complaning and maybe you wont have to complain....

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The vast majority of the people I know absolutely loved the SP aspect, myself including. Most of the 'complaints' have been directed to a few aspects of multiplayer which some people believe could be improved. If you really believe a complex multiplayer game can be thoroughly tested before and made absolutely perfect then you are a little naive. Which is why I'm sure Raven appreciate the feedback on parts that can be improved or made more balanced. Really they should have released a multiplayer test/demo before the game came out so that this feedback could have been incorporated into a final release. Quake3 A and UT both had demos out long before release, which is why they where very well balanced games without many obvious flaws.


Don't complain about people making suggestions on how it could be improved, because that's what the community is here for. If you think it's perfect the way it is, then by all means raise your voice and say so. But there should be room for all points of view, and not all of them you have to agree with.

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I was kind of disapointed that pulling weapons in MP was rare, but other than that, I really enjoy MP, and it meets or exceeds my expectations, except for a few tiny minor quirks. SP on the other hand is another story.. a few problems with it, but I'll wait until I've beaten the game to give my final word. ; )

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Yeah, but see, the thing is (and this really is true), all the people that love the game are too busy out there having a great time online, and beating the single player game. So that just dont have TIME to post about how great the game is, and the only people you here are the whiners that come to the message boards to complaing about how this needs to be fixed, and how that is too overpowered; etc...


I'm sure the people that love this game WAY outnumber the people that dont, and it will only get better with time, and when new mods are released.

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I don't understand the majority of the people saying it's a bad game, I don't like certain elements of the MP, but I have faith they'll at least try to address them, as they've already stated a pretty wide list of objectives they want to address.


Most people who post those rants about "This is the worst game EVAR" post hideously trivial points that are seriously almost comical. Like the guy yesterday that posted a three page rant that included such strong points as "The lightsaber turns off in the water WTF is that BS?"


And, I tried to have zero expectations, been a good policy to have since Tribes 2, Episode 1 and Oni. :p Appropriately I was very pleased with JO because I didn't blow it up into something it wasn't.

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Contrary to what some of you seem to think, there hasn't been that much whining at all. Most of what it seems you folks are considering whining is simply people catching bugs / imbalances and making suggestions. Sure there have been a few people who have expressed themselves in rather crude manners, but it seems that some of you are taking anyone who has anything to say about a problem with the game, and lumping them into one large group of ingreats, and it's just not true.


Look around, many people have expressed their love for the game, but at the same time added a few suggestions on how things could be improved. It is because the game is young that we make these suggestions. Raven has already made it known that they are listening (for which I feel I can say that we are ALL greatful), so why shouldn't we take this oppertunity to speak? Raven needs the community to help find and squash the bugs, and that's exactly what I'm going to do my best to help them do...


I payed $50 for this game, it's not like Raven / LA are giving it away for free. I payed for a service, and if I feel that service can be improved upon, then it's my right as a customer to speak up.


I love JO, it's not perfect, but it's damn close, and it could be perfect with relatively few adjustments. So why shouldn't we strive to make it as such?

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The game is pathetic, with the requirements, lack of support and end value. There are so many problems with the technical aspect alone that the tech document specifying what will and will not work with the game is over 13 pages long.


The gameplay is so horrendous that when you are swimming hte game forces you to reinact the space walk scenes in 2001: A Space Odyssey, giving us an engine which isn't even close to that of swimming.


The models are so horrible, people bend in the middle of their bones and Jan Ors has a massive bone sticking out of her forehead (Her model is this way on any setting, the forehead is horribly deformed).


After playing RtCW and Half-Life I can safely say that this game needs to be *****ed out.


Even the models in Blood 2: The Chosen were far superior to half of them in this game (exception of possibly the stormtroopers which were half decent).


There are also only a handful of the different types of imperial officers and droids there once were in the previous game.


This game was total and complete crap. I'm sorry I paid anything for it, and am seeking legal avenues for a refund since I can't get a decent person on the phone at lucas arts for their return policy.

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The MP might be a bit odd sometimes. Some will hate the game.. I have seen very few posts about the single player game sucking, so at least we have a great single player game on our hands. Besides, forums have never been a good place to judge a game. A forum is a place to express opinions, but never to agree on something (except niche forums, like the Editing forum. I'm implying about general 'talk' forums here, which is probably where you got your facts for this rant).


Look at the reviews. They are astonishing. I have never seen so many high scores. When plenty of the big guys in the industry say its good, you've got something a little more than just your normal game, your opinion or not. I've known people who absolutely despise Half-Life, and enjoy the Quake series much more. But no one will ever deny that the community base for Half-Life was huge, and still is, albeit a largely cheaters realm now. Half-Life was a very successful game. Thats why Valve is taking their time on TF2, because they dont need to make a new game ;)


There is no denying some aspects of Jedi Knight II are innovative. The saber system for example. Yes there have been hand to hand and melee based games, but I have never seen a game take stances and give them such strategic value. Most purebred console fighting games dont even use stances. I see variety in peoples tastes on the stances, good or bad. That, to me, means they got something right.


You may choose whom you believe. That is your choice. I prefer to believe people with a track record. Businesses do it. I figure using a method of a successful and intelligent American business man is a smart thing to do ;)

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Oh wait, you're right. We shouldn't have put so high expectations for this game. It was, afterall, produced by LucasArts.


They haven't produced a half decent game since Full Throttle and TIE Fighter.


Before you try to rebutt my statement I have three titles for you to remember:


Force Commander

X-Wing vs TIE Fighter


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Originally posted by Pissed

Oh wait, you're right. We shouldn't have put so high expectations for this game. It was, afterall, produced by LucasArts.


They haven't produced a half decent game since Full Throttle and TIE Fighter.


Before you try to rebutt my statement I have three titles for you to remember:


Force Commander

X-Wing vs TIE Fighter



LOL. You're quite a fool. JO was developed by Raven Software, who created Soldier of Fortune and Elite Force. The original Jedi Knight was developed by Lucasarts. You're not going to bash the original, now, are you? Because that would be a grave mistake. I find nothing wrong with JO right now, save a few bugs and slight balance issues that can be EASILY worked out. The game definitely exceeded my expectations.


BTW, I loved XvsT. And how can you forget X-Wing Alliance? Every developer has their share of stinkers, but it's no way to judge their skills, and by no means any way to judge their other titles.

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I don't know bout Xwing Vs Tie but if you look at the reviews for those other games 'pissed' then your sort of killing your own argument about JKII, cause they didn't get great reviews.

Overall, I'm getting into the game, walked straight out of AVP2 into JKII, didn't like the first impression.

But since then I've played multiplayer with the force, liked that, and seen a bit of a twist by controlling a driod. Which has made the gameplay better. Though I don't like the activation switches and all that, much preferred AVP2 style with that.

Your complaining also bout the graphics and how it runs, well, that depends like you said on your system. My advice is this.. BEFORE buying the game look at a fan site, take a look at is RECOMMENDED spec, or anything that indicates 'if you want to appreciate this game you need....'. If you have a problem which is what they printed on the box... then I'm sorry but you have now learnt the Specification lesson.

I never trust the companies released min standards, or really their rec, if I don't meet those standards I expect to be dissappointed and look at gameplay instead.


As for the original post, you got the right idea, the main problem is the posts originaly start out with a complaint, but if they get past the 'Angry' comments, solutions start to rise.


rant rant rant rant


Plus I truly am sorry for you Pissed if I'm right about the system thing, but DO learn the lesson or go on the voyage or setting software companies right. I suggest learning the lesson first though.



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People are more likely to criticize then praise. Any game I enjoy there is always more talk on forums bashing games then praising them. I believe people are just more likely to voice their opinions when they dislike something.

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Every single developer, save Blizzard, has had crap come out of their programming offices. But Lucasarts has it's share of high quality games it has produced/developed. Examples:


-Monkey Island Series

-Rogue Squadron (GC and N64.. I liked them at least)

-Dark Forces/Jedi Knight/Jedi Outcast (yes, this is a good game. I cannot see how people can say it is not. What are you expecting?)

-Tie Fighter/X-Wing


etc. etc. etc.


For every bad game you mention from Lucas Arts, I can match it with 1 or 2 quality titles.


And considering Ravan was the developer here, there hasn't been a bad game to come out of Raven. Ever. Elite Force, SOF, JO, SOF2 (looks to be good).


If you people are going to say "this game is crap" PLEASE, for the love of god, give EXAMPLES!!! Saying "this game is crap" doesn't mean anything to me. Saying "this game is crap because _____" makes it a legit complaint. And swearing, insulting, etc. automatically voides any complaints. Just to give an example of giving examples, here is a list of why I love this game:


-The lightsaber: looks cool, works very well, is fun to use.

-Single Player: Most addicting thing in the world. Exciting, new, not too short, excellent story.

-Multiplayer: Who doesn't like hanging someone over a bottomless pit, and then shoving them into it???

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Pissed is just a ball-breaker. You can tell by the way he constructs his critism that he's just looking to cause problems.


I loved the game. Had a great time with Single Player. I really like that Raven left the "cheats" in the code like extra mind trick, and realistic saber combat. They could have yank'd those, but didn't. :D thanks dudes.


I really liked driving the ATST, didn't expect that. Also, not enough praise is given for the model animations. Man, those models do everything right. look good when being thrown in the air, fall head first. (just need to work on those sliding feet).


I have been a Raven fan for years (bought every game since Hexen I (Didn't have a PC for Heretic). So let me see thats..



Hexen II, + add on

Heretic II

SOF - Gold

Elite Force



The only problem that I have had with JK2 is that I occasionally lock up, but then again, that happened with RTCW too, so I blame it more on my PC than anything else.

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Originally posted by Emon

People need to realize JO isn't meant to be some REVOLUTIONARY NEW GROUND-BREAKING GAME THAT WILL CHANGE GAMING FOREVER. People expect WAY too much. They are expecting something that's going to change their lives, reshape gaming, change the world. All this is rediculous, because it's not going to come from a video game.


It wasn't meant to be but it is. :)


Pissed is full of hot air.

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