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Saber combat too erratic?


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Originally posted by Sontarian

The game is amazing, but the saber duel is very bad.It looks god, I mean , saber duels are like movie but the best sword simulation I ve everseen was SEVERANCE:BLADE OF DARKNESS, I am sure that some oy you guys played that amazing sword simulation game.This game has tons of moves,special attacks and death attack made by motion capture techni but the best thing in this game was an option that toggles you face to face to an opponent and blocking was not automatic.You had to watch your enemy well and attack when he is guardless.I think that had to be the same in JK2.The only atutomatic block had to be reflecting blasters.


Also there had to be a STAMINA bar for the idiots that only press the attack button like mad dog to run them out of stamina and remain them guardless.


These are my opinions and I hope that someone can make a mod for these.


Glad to see someone else who plays Blade of Darkness. I agree, a mod that has locking on to an opponent, stamina, and no auto-blocking would be great. Know anyone who is fluent in C/C++? :D


On a seperate note, I highly suggest that anyone who hasn't played Blade of Darkness should try it, if only to marvel at the lighting effects in the game.

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Hehehe I think we are the only Blade Of Darkness players in this forum, but it is a truth that there can be no game that has a better sword system then Blade Of Darkness.


"No one can be told how the Blade Of Darkness looks like, you have to see it for yourself"

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1. It's not just button mashing. Button mashers often loose in MP games.


2. That's a good idea, the attack/defend buttons, but it would slow down saber fighting immensly, since no one can coordinate their eyes and hands that well to block then swing then block that fast by using keys.

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True, the actual saber fighting could have been a bit more refined but I still immensely enjoy it!:D

-The first impression of a noob is that it is just button-mashing. But once you learn the moves,different styles,etc; theres actually alot of skill involved. If you can adapt to all three saber styles on the fly during a fight and learn to optimize yur force-powers then you will be a force to be reckoned with!;) I'm guessing theres a sh!tload of moves that we havnt even found yet. I've had many saber-duels that were just freakin' intense! -Had a few that lasted up to 15 minutes! Especially if you happen to challenge a player equal to yur skill-level then its that much more of a challenge and fun;) Maybe some of you have run across me last night/this morning. I was playin' from 7pm last night 'till 9am this morning. GAWD, I LOVE THIS GAME!!:D:cool:

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Actually, I heard they had to remove some of the saber clashing effects for the mp due to lag reasons, that's why the sp saber battles feel so much more like the movie. If only we could make some kind of mod to put the sp feel of saber battles back into mp!

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Originally posted by S!TH!NAT0R

True, the actual saber fighting could have been a bit more refined but I still immensely enjoy it!:D

-The first impression of a noob is that it is just button-mashing. But once you learn the moves,different styles,etc; theres actually alot of skill involved. If you can adapt to all three saber styles on the fly during a fight and learn to optimize yur force-powers then you will be a force to be reckoned with!;) I'm guessing theres a sh!tload of moves that we havnt even found yet. I've had many saber-duels that were just freakin' intense! -Had a few that lasted up to 15 minutes! Especially if you happen to challenge a player equal to yur skill-level then its that much more of a challenge and fun;) Maybe some of you have run across me last night/this morning. I was playin' from 7pm last night 'till 9am this morning. GAWD, I LOVE THIS GAME!!:D:cool:


Yah i remember you in that FFA team server. Remember me? hehe!

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I got this game one week ago and the first couple of days I was spending my time on the single player part of it. Once I finished that I went online and tried a couple of FFA games... I was quite disappointed in the beginning. I couldn't get any kills that I was sure of that they were not entirely random and most of the time I was being gripped and lightning blasted. Dying a lot. Then I found a FFA sabre only, no force and tried that... I loved it! In the beginning I was still dying a lot, mostly to the Heavy stance death jumps... they seemed to hit even when I wasn't really near them (still happens every now and then... guess it's a bit laggy). Anyway, slowly I got a bit more into it and then went into duelling ames for 2 nights. Also sabre only, no force. Last night I came to an average of winning 50% of my duels (2 days ago I had maybe 20%) and then I tried the FFA sabre, no force game again. Now I was on top of the frag-list continuously, and was able to beat the number 2 on the list in 1-1 duel 95% of the time. He was getting very desperate and bye then I was pretty sure it was no longer random button clicking. I'm addicted! Love this game!



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I was afraid that the retarded people that use the power red moves would end up winning all the time. But I kept working with yellow, and mixing in some red when appropriate, and I've had great success. It is possible to become very good at saber fighting. I play on a saber only no force server, and people that randomly swing, or only use red are very easy to beat, especially in duels.


So keep working at it, it is possible.

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I think in order to enjoy MP you have to mix it up and attack with strategy as oposed to just mindlessly hacking. The thing that makes the duels in SW Ep1 better than those in the original trilogy is that Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Darth Maul weren't randomly hacking. As said previously, the headless chooks will leave an opening for you, and the heavy red-stance hackers leave themselves vulnerable for what feels like an eternity. Dodge & saber-throw at them to teach 'em a lesson.




BTW don't you think force push in those platform levels is lame?


As said before. Learn how to defend yourself from this attack using absorb, etc... or use their own tactics against them and push back. Evade if at all possible.



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