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So what do you DO?


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It seems like a good portion of the posters here are older than those on most forums. I was wondering exactly what y'all do when you're trying to earn a buck. Or maybe you're a still a student - that's cool, too. Let's share! For instance, let's start with me. I'm a web developer for a prominent hospital here in Buffalo. What do you do when you're not slicing and dicing in Outcast?

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Well, I work in a Law Firm here in beeauuutiful Washington DC, our Nation's Capitol and home of the Washington Redskins (go skins).


I came to the firm originally as Network Systems Administrator. I was going to learn while on the job, both by trial and error and through classes my boss would pay for.


The job proved to be too much for me (with only rudimentary c++ and computer troubleshooting skills ("restart it, that usually works. No? Alright, let me screw around with msconfig for a bit") a 100 person network was a little overwhelming) so I became a Law Clerk. Now I am a Paralegal, and all this in less than a year. My boss will pay for my education, (I dropped out because of money) and I am moving out of my mom's house in June.


I'm 20 years old, a yid-kraut-mick-spic, heterosexual and single, and life is looking good.


I get lots of free time.




I know, TMI, TMI, but I am also narcisstic and histrionic, so I am all about people knowing stuff about me and seeking attention.





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well i might as well tell my age, etc too then. i'm 26 and and married two and half years now. the wife and i just moved into our own house 'bout a month ago so i've got repairs and the like that need to be done (standard homeowner woes) which takes away from my Outcast quality time. :( hehe

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I'm 15 years old. I'm trying to get some qualifications, doing my GCSEs here in the UK currently. If you want to know what I do online, I'm a graphics guru - and do basic web designs, I also write for an up and coming gaming site. Looks like I'm the baby, though it does worry me on some of the boards here that there are people 20 years of age and older who can't seem to construct a basic sentance. And they say education is getting worse....



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Chief Architect at a software company with about 60 employees. I just got the job. Week 3 and I missed it entirely, home sick with the flu...ack! I have been working toward this job since I was 11, now I fall over ill...great start!


Up till this job I was working as Senior engineer and team lead positions in various software companies, government contract and wireless companies.


Real name is Darren Pye. I am 30, married with 3 kids.


- Vorax

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Agh... Well, i'm 20 (tomorrow :D) currently in in a oh so glorious part time job working as a photolab technician... :p


Next year i'll be studying graphic design at college... which is ok with me... but i'd rather be studying film at sheridan

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Im 19 College Student/Day Care Assistant/Recreation Specialist for the city of Roseville! My Major is going to be Integrated Computer electronics, and Minor in Child Development....My life is too good right now..Have a great Job, Good Hobbies )VW's and JO!) and a really cool Girlfriend!

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to all those complaining about this being "off topic," I ask that you please remember that many of the users who post in "General Editing" don't read any other boards (like "Yoda's Swamp"). So it's nice to know what fellow skinners do, not what every single poster in the JK2 community does.

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Full-time CG Character Animator, part-time level editor :)

Hey, congrats, Dragon! I "did the M word" just before TPM was released myself...was a near thing there, might've had to ski out on the reception early if it'd been a week later:p .


As far as being off-topic, it's not like the thread is taking away from valuable editing board space. Start complaining once the SDK is out.

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Alas, I'm merely a newbie in regards to skinning, and I'm yet to attempt modelling :o


However, I'm a 21 year old who has been working as a debt collector for just over 4 years now and I'm planning on joining the army this year....however that is not certain yet, as it would certainly cut into my Outcast-time :p

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