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Make Money Fast!!


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This is an awesome deal to make money. You might be skeptical at first, but this

REALLY works. Best of all, it works instantly. I guarantee you will be making

1000s of dollars in a matter of weeks. All you need is PayPal the instant payment service. What you do is send 1$ to the email listed below,

and then change that email to your email and send it to 100s of other people on

message boards and emails. When you sign up for PayPal, you get 5$ free, so you

don't even lose anything. In other words, you have absolutely nothing to lose!


Send $1.00 to this email through PayPal:


After you send the money, simply change my email to your email - and then send

it to all the message boards and newsgroups that you know of. This is the best

idea ever!



Jeffrey Radford


edit - digl - I deleted the links

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Grem try reading the user agreement next time.


* No Spam. You agree not to use email addresses of PayPal customers to send unsolicited email. You agree not to use unsolicited email, usenet, message board postings, or similar methods of mass messaging (spam) to gather referral bonuses. The use of spam to promote the Service has strict negative consequences. We will immediately and permanently terminate the account of any User who has sent unsolicited email targeting PayPal Users to gain referrals or for any other purpose. In addition, you may be subject to state and federal penalties and other legal consequences under applicable law if you send unsolicited email. Our Anti-Spam Policy is intended to protect our users, the Internet, and us.

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