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Heavy = No Skill!!!


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I'm sorry if you think this is crap, but listen.


I find it hard to beleive you guys who use Heavy Stance really think you have any Skill at all! I also wonder how much fun you are really having.


My point and case:


I use Meduim, and I often when fighting people, I'll hit them 4 or 5 times with different moves. Whether they heal or not is no concern, since I can do the same. But this means I may hit them 6 to eight times. So why is heavy Skilless? because at this time my healthe is at 100 and they've not hit me once!!! After trying the same move over and over they've failed to hit me, and with ONE LUCKY SHOT, the same shot they've been trying over and over...


I'm dead.


How weak is that?:boushh:

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It's not the heavy stance that lacks skill, but those who run around swinging at air... I've seem some very good duelists use heavy stance. It's a bit more of a niche stance, there's a time to use it, you just gotta know when and where that time is... It works wonders against crouchers, for example. ;)


I personally prefer medium most of the time though, due to its general-purpose nature.

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I use all three, as each has its merits:


Fast: Good for dueling hoppers and runners, and for getting quick hits in on people just recovering from the unblockable n00bmove.


Medium: By far my favorite. If you get good enough with this one, you will be unstoppable. Great mix of speed and power, and ideal for most duels.


Strong: Great for taking down someone who doesn't move or jump around alot. Also good for defending in CTF. Sure, the n00move is cheap, but if someone can pull it off successfully every single time he tries, he is quite skilled. Strong is also good if you're low on health and need something to balance the scales.


Also, if you're pissed because someone killed you in one hit, don't be. Just learn the move, practice it on bots, and bring it to the arena. There's no dishonor in using the Strong style, just don't keep jump-slashing everywhere you go. Personally, I have never won a duel using just one style...I must tap my style change key at least 20x per two-minute duel.


Besides, if someone is only using one style, they are very often extremely predictable. If someone keeps n00bmoving, for chrissake, GET THE HELL OUTTA THE WAY!

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Yes, you heard me. Anyone who thinks using the heavy stance is cheap or takes no skill, is the one without skill. First of all, you won't have a problem with heavy saberists if you don't charge at them constantly swining your saber in a circle. THAT IS NOT SKILL!


If your loosing to somone using the heavy stance, then YOU are the one without skill. Obviously the person who doesn't win is less skilled or is playing like a less skilled person at the moment.


What's my point? STOP COMPLAING ABOUT IT TAKING NO SKILL! If you do, then YOU SUCK, NOT the heavy user!

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Yeah I really hate strong style. I hit people like 20 times with the fast stance (I have since switched to medium, by far the best.) Only to have a n00b hit me with a random overhead strike and kill me. Now don't say i suck, because I usually either win or get second place in 15 person FFA's. I'm not saying alll strong stance users are bad, but it is kinda unfair.

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To me heavy stance seem fine. There is such a large wind-up window and discontinuity between strikes, that it is hard to use. One's timing must be pretty good to use it. Also, the game is meant for Heavy to be used in One-v-One Duels, according to the game manual's description.


The flip side is that the one-hit-kill encourages players to attempt that single move repeatedly, while avoiding close combat. I'm not so sure that it is unbalanced; but I am also not sure that it doesn't promote needlessly frustrating gameplay.


BTW, isn't Emon a Japanese noodle? Just wondering if the name was intentional.

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Originally posted by RabidPlatypus

in case you haven't noticed, almost every single person on this forum is "elite" so if they lost to a heavy stance it must be cheap, there couldn't possibly be somebody better than them.....


Oh, right, I forgot. Holding strafe and fire to spin constantly while running into your enemies is the l33test skill. If you loose with that, then the winner MUST be cheap.



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It seems to me that most of the complaining about anything in this game are from one of two types of people:


A: They beat the guy doing it greater than 95% of the time, but they don't like dying. Therefore, if the thing that can kill them 5% of the time gets 'fixed' then they will always win. Generally this type of person brags about their kill ratios in their post.


B: They suck. This type of person also brags about their kill ratios, but is lying.


The rest of the complaining is done by people who don't really know what's going on, warez guys that used a bad no-cd crack, and normal guys that are having reasonable problems that need to be fixed.

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there are some lamas using heavy, but many who use it have good skill ... as far as that goes, alot of medium and light users are lamas ... so, there is nothing wrong with any stance




same goes with force powers

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Originally posted by Kuroshi


The rest of the complaining is done by people who don't really know what's going on, warez guys that used a bad no-cd crack, and normal guys that are having reasonable problems that need to be fixed.


well except that a good deal of people who purchase games use no-cd cracks as well, and any warez person could burn it onto a cd and avoid the no-cd cracks altogether


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Originally posted by CaptainNemo

Yeah I really hate strong style. I hit people like 20 times with the fast stance (I have since switched to medium, by far the best.) Only to have a n00b hit me with a random overhead strike and kill me. Now don't say i suck, because I usually either win or get second place in 15 person FFA's. I'm not saying alll strong stance users are bad, but it is kinda unfair.



... i don't understand this? why do you call him a "n00b" ? because he killed you ? or was he just swinging wildly? ... ah, n/m i dunno ...


i just think that there is nothing wrong with the 3 stances ...


heavy is more forgiving due to it's power, but if you are skilled enough you should be able to out maneaver him most of the time ..

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Originally posted by MankaCat


well except that a good deal of people who purchase games use no-cd cracks as well, and any warez person could burn it onto a cd and avoid the no-cd cracks altogether




:confused: what was the point of this post?

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I agree with the thread starter, people should STFU about : ohhhhh Heavy is cheap, ohhhh grip is cheap, ohhhhh drain is bugged and cheap.....


Heavy is not for skilless people, you really have to coordinate your attack, it takes so long to wind up a hit.... So if you can really use the Heavy well, its because you have skill and coordination.


I think people should just stop whining, or ****ing stop playing if they hate it that much!

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I don't think heavy is an cheap or stupid. Its a a way some people are good at using. I don't use heavy cause its slow, I look for peeps who use heavy and I use Med. They come running up and swinging all slow with the bat and I just back up to avoid it, slam , I give them the old-medium-stance-over-heavy-killem-up tech. I see the heavy as a weakness mostof te time:D :evil2::laughing::dozey::thumbsup::rofl::lol::evil1::evil3: :joy:MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA (sorry got a little smilie happy....just a little....)

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