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Raven: Saber throwing during duels is out of control


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Ok, heres my .02 S!TH-Sense.......

-I never whine or complain about any players dueling style. When it comes to Saber-Dueling locked fighting....everything is a skill! -Whether it be saber-throwing or timing that heavy-style final blow just right. I happen to use saber-throw, but also use every other move at my disposal when I feel fit! I can dodge Saber-throw and also get pegged by it too. I have noticed a trend w/ lamer-duelists as of late. >>>> If you don't duel the way they want you to, then they whine and your cheap. They will nitpick at your playing style and find anything to try to make you feel bad. Why??....to f*ck you up and get you to change it so they win! It's a very cheap reverse=psycholigy tactic. That is lame! -When yur locked in a duel, it's very well balanced because you have no force-powers. I hate lamers that use push and grip ALL THE TIME!:rolleyes: But hey, I just counter them with thier own cheap-ass tactic:p


Anyway, my point: Respect another players dueling style no matter what it may be!;)

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