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Bowing in DUELS

maestro sa

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well im not going to bow in one game just because i can...i only say GL, and i dont think that bowing is necessarily in order....


i never saw even a light jedi bow to anyone they were dueling, but i might be wrong....


if anything the best thing for being 'honorable' is may the force be with you

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Man, some people have expectations (sp?). I'm happy if somebody accepts my challenge without starting dumb-berserk-swinging at me when if stand Saber Off at the (inofficial) Duell-Platform. You shouldnt force others to bow.

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There's nothing wrong with bowing before duels. It's a sign of respect, the same as saying GL or anything else, and I think it gives Duel games a more friendly atmosphere. That doesn't mean you should look down on people for not bowing though; it's entirely optional.


One thing I find irritating is when someone runs up and drains you while you're bowing with your saber off. You don't have to bow, but don't be a jackass to people who like to.

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Originally posted by maestro sa

Just wanted to say that those of you who dont bow before a duel are real freaking tools. Take 1 second and pay a little respect to your opponent.


Have fun




i only bow if my opponent does ... i don't want to get sliced open while bowing unless i know my opponent is in the same habbit ....

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For those who laugh at bowing and those who think bowing should be mandatory, stop and think for a minute.


There are no prescribed conventions for showing respect to other players outside of common courtesy. Conventions are being developed and are constantly evolving. Players may show respect in numerous ways:


1 Saying good luck and good fight before and after a fight.

2 Complimenting moves/strikes.

3 Bowing.


There is no reason why #3 is more laughable than 1 or 2. There is also no reason why #3 is superior to 1 or 2. I myself bow, because I like the aesthetic flourish it adds to the game.

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I never saw anyone bow before last night, when I was dueling this one guy over and over (Beowulf I think was his name) and he bowed, and at first I was confused as to what he was doing, but then I got it and I replied in kind.


If my opponent shows respect, then I will show them respect. I will always say 'gf' after a duel, and 'n1' if I get my ass cut it twain (sometimes I'll laugh at it and compliment my opponent on ripping me a new one).


It's a lot more dignified to be respectful, esp. considering the style of play in a duel. If I want to be some cold hearted sob that wants to kill every motherf*cker in the room, I'll go play Tactical Ops.


Eventually, all the frag *****s will grow weary of this game, and the people who really enjoy it will be a lot better off.

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I would like to withdraw my statement of calling those who dont bow tools. That was purely directed at those people who will start chopping at you immediately. This happens most when your are bowing all of a sudden your head is down and the next thing you know someone is flying at you with there saber going a mile a minute.


Thank you all for your responses it has been a lesson in humility.


Maestro SA

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I usually just laugh at them (since I use the shadowtrooper and his taunt) if they bow, I never bow. It's the most foolish attempt of formalities I've ever seen. GL and GG/GF are enough.


Sometimes the people just keep bowing even though I'm charging towards them at full speed with my saber ignited and I eventually end up striking them down =\


They whine about that, too bad I say.

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In response to Zek, I guess that turning it off right as you spawn in is the next best thing.


In response to this thread, I have gotten into the habit of bowing, and most ppl (I'd say 90% actually) I duel with (on public servers mind you) do the same thing. BUT, you can always just tell if someone has no intention on bowing, because they never unignite their saber as they approach you. So in that case I promptly reignite my saber and get ready to dominate another n00b.


(because face it, if you're dueling and you don't bow chances are it's because you haven't dueled enough to pick up the habit. I know there are a few exception, but believe me, they are rare.)

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ok first off. I don't care if anyone bows before a duel. Idon't do it myself because it feels weird to do it for a computer game. however i do still pay repsect to them because it is their way of paying respect to me. I usually just shut my saber off when someone bows just so they know that i won't do any cheap swings at them.

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I always play on the same Duel server..(its always full but I have a private slot) and I would say 60% of the people bow before the match. I hit shift so I'm walking real slow and pace back and forth while swinging the saber in a complete circle around me. People expect me to do it now before matches....


Its not that I am being rude its just I am supposed to be some evil Sith person who wants to rule the Universe and I see bowing as a sign of weakness.

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Hey worm, how do you get a private slot on a duel server?? Just curious because there are a few Duel servers that I like to frequent and I sure would love to ask the ppl running them for a private slot or something.


(You'd think I earned one by dominating as much as I have) ;)

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ive never bowed or been bowed too in a fight, but im not one for playing cheap or putting effort into playing someone that plays cheap! frag *****s are fine by me, they can use drain and lightning all they want, same as people that shoot into the middle of a saber fight in FFA, but they get no respect from me and i put no effort into killing them. in a duel i usually start with my saber turned off and will move so im opposite to them, then give a quick taunt, maybe say good luck and then fight, but i always say GG after a decent duel against someone who has made it a good game. its just more fun to have unpredictably fights rather then to go against someone thinking "great, time to be drained of force then attacked with lightning again, how fun" :emperor:

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