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Bowing in DUELS

maestro sa

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When i am in a duel server and someone bows to me, i usually bow back, but i'm not the first person to bow. If they want to bow, thats cool, i show respect, but otherwise we can just fight.


I was playing in a duel server the other night with about 7 other people, and one of the guys was the sorest loser i had ever seen. When he was winning, he seemed like a nice guy and everything, showing respect, bowing, etc,. But when someone beat him, he'd call that person a "****ing asshole" just because he lost. Then he would keep on saying "**** you". People like that are just plain annoying......

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If the person I'm fighting wants to waste time by crouching and looking down (which looks more like bowing to royalty to me, not bowing to an enemy), I'm going to use that time to bring my saber that much closer to their neck.


You want my respect? Do something outside the game that deserves it.

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Time for geek logic.


Obi-wan closed his eyes in SW:ANH and Vader evaporated him in an instant.


Luke turned off his light saber in SW:TESB and earned the nickname lefty.


Luke schooled pops in SW:RTOTJ, had him right where he wanted, then lowered his light saber. If Vader hadn't stepped in and saved his tail, Luke would've been 'toast'.


Darth Maul had for all intents and purpose beaten Obi-wan in SW:TPM, had him right where he wanted and stopped to taunt him. Got himself chopped in two for his trouble.


The moral of this geek logic? If you are silly enough to stand out in the open, whether to type, taunt, kneel or otherwise, then just accept the fact that you *may* get taken advantage of. If being on guard isn't the ultimate sign of respect (for what a potential opponent may be capable of), then the concept of a game where the purpose is to frag as many people as you can in an allotted time to land first place is beyond you.


I'm with Schizophrenic on this one; donate a kidney, rescue a family from a burning house or something if you want my true respect. Otherwise, you're just pixels and goofy names to me.:p


And BEFORE anyone brings up the fact that all my movie references occurred DURING the fights and not BEFORE...so what? The point still stands. If the concept of a game where the purpose is to frag as many people as you can in an allotted time and land first place is beyond you, give The Sims a try...I heard it's more popular than JKII:JO (.:D see news page...)

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Well, in all honesty I'm a cheap bastard.


I sometimes bow for the first couple matches then after my opponent gets used to this (and bows at me as well) I start shooting them with my pistol or I charge at them like a bat outta hell.


I've received some "interesting" messages from the people I do this to. Granted they avoid bowing afterwards.


So yeah I bow just to see if my opponents do the same. If they do then I start taking some cheap shots at them later on. Yah its cheap and without honor, etc but its hella funny and their responses are gold.




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I agree. Bowing is gay. Funny thing is my co-worker just asked me how to bow about an hour ago. Geez it's just a game. I get hacked apart as it is by someone when I turn my saber off. If I take time to bow I'm sure I'll be respawning...

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WOW. Some definetly good responses here. Of course some jackass ones as well. I have decided to continue bowing after seeing some good arguments here not too i feel it is my duty and sort of part of the game to bow. If i didnt bow and while someone bowed to me and i just attacked them while they where defensless i would feel pretty ****ty. That is just how i am. Even though it is a game i still see honor in it.

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The argument against bowing should be, maximum, "I really don't give a crap if you bow or not. Bowing is corny to me."




If you attack someone while they're bowing, you're a cheap ass. Me, I wouldn't bow, but unless the guy stayed down bowing for 30 seconds and wouldn't start the duel, I wouldn't attack because it's more important to me to know both of us are having fun THAN ONE MORE DAMN KILL ACHIEVED VIA CHEAPNESS, which is apparently all these LMAO ROFL children enjoy.


Go ahead, argue with me. Tell me how it's skillful to kill someone who's not even looking at you. Don't say "but it's his fault for not being careful." I want to hear the skill side of cutting some guy up who's trying -- perhaps inappropriately -- to show respect to you, his opponent.


Hell, there's another reason I'll never bow. You don't deserve my respect! So go ahead, kill the guy bowing or pausing to type "GG," and here's to you getting beat up on the playground tomorrow.

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Considering the intentionally cinematic orientation of the Duel gametype I think it's okay to hack someone if they bow. If you feel like being a bad guy, be the bad guy. The moral man keeps his morals even if it means he might get hit for them while he is bowing. It's nice to have a gentlemanly fight, but it's also nice to have an epic good v bad battle where you know that you're fighting for all that's right.


I wouldn't attack anyone while bowing mind you, I fancy the Jedi lifestyle.


But I imagine that all the people who attack you while you're bowing are CS/UT transplants who don't know how to use saber effectively anyway, and are far from worthy opponents.

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I first thought bowing would be lame, but when I first saw it I thought that it was a good expression of respect. (okay, the first time I saw it, I thought the b@stard was turning his saber off to make fun of my 56k über-lagness so I charged him).




But to those who bow for about 15 minutes, show some respect to those who are waiting and get the fight over and done with.



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i went onto the gamespy.com duel server today and saw it for the first time. i went "what the?" at these people taking up about 20 seconds of game time each round bowing...


made me sick. people got cut coz i didnt bow. i said to just fight.



its odd. i think its silly....

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

i went onto the gamespy.com duel server today and saw it for the first time. i went "what the?" at these people taking up about 20 seconds of game time each round bowing...


made me sick. people got cut coz i didnt bow. i said to just fight.



its odd. i think its silly....








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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe

i usually say gl at the beginning and gg at the end; it is a mutal deal...bowing is gay....this isnt martial arts...btw, nice first post; it was useful....=P


I remember when i was an immature freak who called everything gay..grow up.


And as for bowing, this game couldnt be n e more like the movies, so take the time to add the little extra movie tint you can and bow.


For a specific way read this:


First make sure ur saber is off, walk (dont run), to a spot that is across from your opponant, duck, bow, stand, sabre-on, and fight.


Dueling rules...dont be a dick and not bow.


:saberb: BlueJedi

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I oould care one way or the other.


But Bowing is a real pain since not all players do it. So if you stop to do it you could be hosed for it. Even if they dont hit you they often drain you so whatever you want... I don't care, but don't expect me to do it first.

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