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NEW SKIN: (yet another) Darth Maul


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Actually, now that I think about it, since you're already doing this, and we have a few Maul's already...


Why not make the shirtless Maul now??


Just take what you've made good so far, and make him shirtless with the tatoos? THAT would be the ULTIMATE Darth Maul my friend.


Do it! Do it! Do it!

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yeah I know the body ain't really accurate for maul but personally I think an all black body looks kinda boring in game. s'why I put the buckles on the arms. So the belt stays Evan my friend.


oh and I woulda put the tatooed body on this model but it's got that jacket 'shirt tail' thing below his belt, it woulda looked like he was wearing a mini skirt or some ****, so I gotta put it on another model. Which means starting from scratch cos the face textures are different sizes. Actually I'm well into me tattoo body skin but it's kinda hush hush;) . Mums the word. You ain't seen me..right.

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i was wondering when someone would do one with shadows and lighting on the face. so far all the others were all that single tone glowing red, that really ruins the realism.


although I must be the one guy in the galaxy who didnt think dharth maul was all that cool of a character in the first place. I mean with all the cool creatures they can create it seemed pretty damn lazy to just obviously paint some guys face and stick on some horns. oh well.


good job.



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yeah..gotta say....nicest maul skin yet. i downloaded that last one, cracked open the pk3 to look at the skin...and the face was just pure red lines on a black background. no shading or anything. i spent 5 minutes with dodge/burn and had it looking way better.


this skin is a great contribution. as far as evan nash's suggestion about doing the shirtless maul....that was on my list of skins-to-do, but with this great face you've just released i thought id put this suggestion out there: i could send you the original torso of my vithran skin (it has no armor on it...its just skin) and with some modification you could quickly turn it into maul's tattooed body.


if no one else does this, ill do it for the community inbetween my next skins. just a thought.

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