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The double sided lightsaber


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Alright, here are the things you need to do to use it:

  • You must be playing multiplayer
  • Cheats must be enabled
  • You must have the saber selected as your weapon
  • The saber has to be unlit

Now you go into the console and type /THEDESTROYER

Oh yeah, and it's not a "double sided lightsaber", it's a lightstaff or double bladed lightsaber.

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what Darth Abbadon said was right, but here a more precise discription:


  1. star a multiplayer game
  2. fire up the console and type "devmap mapname" (you have to know exactly how the map is named, for example "Bespin Streets" is named "ffa_bespin")
  3. take out your lightsaber (must be unlit)
  4. type in \thedestroyer (not /thedestroyer, when i tried it, /thedestroyer didn't work out)
  5. and bang, one lightstaff coming right up :D

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WHAA? Snarf? Just to let you know I play RPGs and Tozier is the name of one of my characters. It's the last name of some guy from the book THE KILLER ANGELS. I also write and he's the main character from one of my Star Wars stories. Snarf? what the 'ell does that mean?

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Tozier is the last name of a guy I know, we called him Snarf. He puts the name Tozier on everything because he hated us calling him Snarf :)

I never knew anyone else who used it hehe.

Besides RPGs I use Saint Nuke (and is a nickname too)and have come across a lotta ppl I know.

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Childhood memories return. Snarf rocked! Oh and does the double-bladed light sabre (to be a light staff it would have to be entirely made of light) actually work? No, don't answer that, I'm gonna go find out myself!

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