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Well today I went and used some guns.


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Yeah, I think we agree, at least as far as guns being able to beat sabres most of the time. Heavy guns anyway. We may disagree on whether that's good or not, but that's why a mod or game style where you could play class-based games would be a good option for the game. If people wanted to play that way, they could, and if people wanted to play your way they could too. Ultimately, I think this is the best option. Rather than simply alter FFA, add a new gameplay style with the classes. That way everyone's happy.

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Well, keeping this debate going is a good idea, IMHO. :)


We can all agree to disagree, but it's still useful to trade ideas. I mean, having read a lot more posts on the issue (including those above), I am inclined to agree with some of the comments about certain aspects of the Force being available to Gunners.


I posted quite a bit on this in another thread, but it's essentially this...going back to the Class bit with a Saberist as one class and a Gunner as another...and if you're a hybrid, the ability to switch between the two...


Originally posted by StormHammer...elsewhere


One way to balance it would be to allow saberists to Push deflect the Heavy Repeater alt and Flechette primary fire - so if you see it coming, you can defend against it, and even send it back at the gunner. Keep in mind, the first shot from either weapon rarely leads to a kill...that will only happen if your opponent is already weakened from battle. So the saberist with good health/shields gets a warning with the first shot, and should then try to deflect the second/third shot. That way the gunner is more wary of using all of the guns at their disposal. To balance this out, the ability to deflect all incoming blaster shots could be slightly reduced...so a few more shots can get through a Saberist's defences, and make those other weapons more viable to the Gunner again. The saberist who does not use any form of Protect on an FFA server really should not be surprised if they are easily taken down. Perhaps that Force power needs to be tweaked, to use up less Force mana...I'm not sure...but I rarely see saberists using Protect at all.


The saberist then just has to ensure they are aware that they are on a server where guns are allowed...and should watch their backs for incoming attacks. That is a large part of the problem, I feel...that saberists get caught up in a duel...and simply forget about the gunners on the prowl. If you want to ensure you don't get killed by a gunner while in a duel...then you need to use the Duel Challenge mode a lot more and find a less hectic part of the level to duel in. Asking for a gunner not to attack while you are not in Challenge mode, is a bit unfair. If they attack you while you are in Challenge mode...then just teach them a lesson they won't forget while you're invulnerable.


You could also introduce some of the things that others have suggested...




Can only use the Lightsaber (while a saberist)

Can pick up Force Boon, Force Enlightenment, Ysalimiri, Stationery Shield, Inquisitor, Health Packs, Bacta Tanks

Can choose any Force powers they please, including...







Pull (to snatch a weapon)

Mind Trick (to go invisible)

Lightsaber Throw

Dark Rage





Saber defence (on level 3 to deflect blaster fire)

Speed (to run away - or close on an opponent)

Jump (to dodge splash damage effects)

Absorb (to counter Force attacks)

Heal (to restore health)

Protect (to absorb damage from physical attacks - including weapons fire )


While using the saber, shields should be set to zero - or the default level - and the saberist should not be able to pick up shields, ammo, guns or explosives.




Get access to all weapons (except lightsaber)

Can pick up Health, Ammo, Shields, Guns, Explosives, Assault Sentry, Bacta Tanks, Stationery Shield, Ysalimiri

Cannot pick up Force Boon, Force Enlightenment

Cannot get access to Force powers, except...


Absorb - level 1, to counter some Force attacks.

Heal - level 1 heal rate, but can be used on the move - basically to give you a better chance of reaching a Health Pack while being pursued.

Jump - level 1, to get on top of large crates, etc.


If there are no Force powers available to the Gunner, then

the number of shields and health packs should be increased throughout the levels to compensate. Leave the backward speed as it currently is...because the gunner will simply be denied access to Force speed. That way the saberist has to use Force Speed to catch up to you, which will drain their Force pool slightly - but the Gunner will lose the advantage of distance, and becomes more vulnerable to Force attacks.


Also, to prevent people from simply switching between Saberist and Gunner, and having the best of both worlds...when you switch, you should go back to the default settings, as if you had just respawned, apart from your Health meter, which should remain at whatever setting it is when you switch. Also, when switching to saber from guns, your Force mana could initially be halved, so if they run out of ammo as a Gunner, they cannot simply switch to using the Saber and instantly fry their opponents. A Saberist switching to guns should not have access to all weapons and shields instantly - which would make them Godlike. For example, a Saberist is tackling two gunners, and isn't doing very well...they shouldn't be able to switch and have access to all the guns they might have picked up along the way to get a quick kill.


It might also be an idea to include a time limit before you can switch again (eg 30 seconds) so you have to survive as a Saberist or Gunner for that amount of time before you are allowed to switch back.


That's just in my opinion, of course. :)


As I said, it's open to debate. You don't really need access to offensive Force powers while you have a gun in your hand. The only Force powers I seem to use when gunning is Heal and Absorb, Jump to reach a walkway with another weapon, and occasionally Push to send an opponent sprawling so I can keep them off my back. Of course, that's not to say I don't die a lot...I do. :)


If it is simply Raven's intention to split Sabers and Guns, with no ability to switch between them during the game...then I certainly would not enjoy that. I do like to use the saber when I can, so forcing me to choose either Saberist or Gunner at the start of the game is not very appealing to me (as I stated earlier). I'd rather just have some things limited each time I switch between the two. :)

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