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Is MP just a Pushing Game?!?


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This is pissing me off. Every time I go into a CTF or FFA or something other then duel everyone just tries to push each other off the floor and make them fall to their death in a pit. I understand they aren't cheating and it is a force but come on this is getting a little insane. We shouldn't even have weapons in MP. Just give everyone the force push power and we will all have fun. (Being sarcastic here if you didn't notice). I know everyone will say then go to a force only server. I enjoy using the force. Just not to the extent were it is a total pushing match every time you go up to someone to make them fall.

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Its something people with no skill do, its the only way they can kill someone. That type of player is represented in every online game, nothing you can do but accept it.


On a side note, pulling the little bastard down with you, that threw you teaches them to be careful who they do it to. Negative reinforcement - simple psychology that works on humans as well as animals.

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Originally posted by Con. Snake

Its something people with no skill do, its the only way they can kill someone. That type of player is represented in every online game, nothing you can do but accept it.



I enjoy pushing in Nar Shadda map very much. It's a lot of fun. And no, that is not the only way you can kill somebody. But it's just adds to the fun factor.


The fact that somebody doesn't know how to counteract pushing proves he has no skills in this area.

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I've learned using the absorb ability and beating the !@#$ out of them causes them to try just once more (because they're so angry the cheap trick didn't work!) at which point you beat the living crap out of them again, and they'll just start running away from you. I call it 'mental scarring' strategy.


Absorb solves all force problems.

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I really hate it when someone says it take no skill to push. My favorite map is ctf NS streets. It really does take a lot of skill to push someone if that person your challenging has skill themselves. newbies of course dont understand how to block yet and i can understand why you would be upset, but once your learn how to use your force power and balance them for the way you play you can beat any player no matter how much he uses push or pull. I personally love to stand near the edge and wait for someone to use push on me. i block it until they run at me and when they get ready to swing thier saber i just use pull and move to the side and over the edge they go. push really isnt chessy and is required to balance the other force powers such as lightning and grip. you just have to be good enough not to get caught of gaurd. Im rarely pushed or pull over the edge and if someone does so i congratulate them for doing so. Its just a matter of getting good enough to know when you are vunerable to the push, pull force powers. If i dont push you off and edge i would just run up to you and do a back flip kick and send you flying, is that any more cheesey. I dont think so. Just means your not good enought to understand how to counter it yet. I'll be happy to show anyone how hard it can be to get pushed or pulled. just look for me around 9pm - 1am on the servers most night.



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Glad to see people can read, he was talking about people who only push and pull and I was responding to people who only push and pull. Put your reading glasses on grandpa. Doing it now and then is one thing, but doing it constantly is relying on it to do your dirty work.


And I'd rather take the bastard down with me than stand there and do nothing.


Notice how Sir Losealot(How appropriate) only quoted the first part, leaving out the second part telling one way of how to deal with him. Guess he thinks it'll make him look smarter.

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Quick question: How you you all feel about pushing someone to the floor then hack 'em in a non-platform/pit map?


I use this quite a bit, and have been successful with it. Some people crap on me about it, but they're usually the drain/grip types.


Back to the topic, on the non-platform/pit maps, I try to manuver so that they can't get a good angle on me. As a last resort, I pull them down with me. Loads of fun!


I approach the pit maps as 'diversionary (sp?) fun'. I know that pure saber skills won't get you far on those types of maps (as long as you're on one of the ramps), so I see how many people I can thwart in their attempts to push me.


Two other things I do on Nar Shadda are:


Hang out in the center structure, waiting for people to come in (cool place for duels). Can easily turn into a 'king/queen of the hill' scenario. :D


There's a walled-in area just off one of the platforms with a 'concrete' wall at the front, with an opening on the right side, and a ramp going up on the left. I'll hang in there too (another place that's cool for duels or king/queen of the hill). I hope you guys know the spot I'm talking about. I've had some GF's in there, let me tell you....


The only other thing I can offer in way of advice/response is go into Spec mode for this map. I've seen lot's of people do this, until the map is played out. Kind of messes up the game-play though, IMO.....

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Nar Shadda can either be a great map or trashed, depending on the people you're playing with. I've had some great games and some that were just an exercise in frustration as people would sit there and wait for people moving and playing just so they can push them off. When you're afraid to move or even swing your saber because you know you'll get pushed off, that's when it's time to seriously question wtf is going on.

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if its not push or pull then it would just be a jump kick or a strong stance with the saber. you can moan and groan all you want about the push and pull, but if I had to go saber only. (which i do when i accept duels) I would just use the strong stance and do a side swipe and off the ledge they go. the whole purpose of catwalk maps is to knock your opponent off balance and sending him flying into the dark abyss. if you have to stop and wonder wtf, that is a good thing. it means the game has enough balance that you have to think about your strategy.

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Originally posted by leelink

if its not push or pull then it would just be a jump kick or a strong stance with the saber. you can moan and groan all you want about the push and pull, but if I had to go saber only. (which i do when i accept duels) I would just use the strong stance and do a side swipe and off the ledge they go. the whole purpose of catwalk maps is to knock your opponent off balance and sending him flying into the dark abyss. if you have to stop and wonder wtf, that is a good thing. it means the game has enough balance that you have to think about your strategy.


Uh, yeah. Strong stance is wasted on anything BUT personal duels cus the second you enter the swing, woosh, buhbye! And while I agree with you on the "thinking about strategy" bit, too often I've seen it go way beyond that scope into no-fun-at-all land. 'Course, that's subjective.

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My two cents:


IMHO, JK2 is a well-balanced game, with equal whoop-ass potential for either the Light or Dark side. Any time I see a player(s) exploit a strategy, like mentioned in this thread, I see it as a challenge. They think they can roll over me? Come and get it.


Doesn't always work right off the bat :) But sooner or later, I get an effective counter. When opponents limit themselves to one type of attack, it actually makes them pretty vulnerable. If the type of attack is known, a wise and capable Jedi will be ready for it.

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Well said Heretk! I couldn't of said it better myself. I have not found a move or force that could NOT be countered yet. the game is diverse enough that everthing can be countered and you just have to know what that counter is. I have only experienced one thing that i have a hard time countering and that is the gun that shoots those blue balls. force push isnt fast enought to counter them. I can force push the first attack, but by the time I am allowed to force push again they have already launched two more at me. right now my defense is to use mind control and then jumpkick them or jump and then saber them with the heavy stance at the last minute when i am coming down apon them. moo hahaha. I think i will start a new thread on that one though.

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Originally posted by Con. Snake

Its something people with no skill do, its the only way they can kill someone. That type of player is represented in every online game, nothing you can do but accept it.


On a side note, pulling the little bastard down with you, that threw you teaches them to be careful who they do it to. Negative reinforcement - simple psychology that works on humans as well as animals.


The allusion to psychology in this post is incorrect. The situation described is not one of negative reinforcement but, rather, of punishment. Negative reinforcement is when something is taken away that causes someone (or something) pain, hurt, discomfort, et cetera. Thus, negative reinforcement is a good thing--despite the connotations of the name.

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It's easy to see that once you get past the general notion that everything negative is bad, and that it has more than one meaning ;)


At any rate, everyone will get pushed off once and a while. And in reality in most maps it's harder than you think to force someone into a pit - because many don't have any or if they do they are in specialized areas. That's without taking into account the counters against push.


Streets is the obvious exception, but the arena is huge: the option to snipe is definitely there, as is other long-range attacks. Once push-only guys get clobbered with some Flechette or even a charged up Blaster shot, they'll think twice about just using push :)


- Twitch

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