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I want Boba Fett and Darth Vader!!!

Ten Tigers

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Timelines shminelines. I just want to be able to use my two favorite characters in multiplayer mode.


I dont care if Boba Fett was never a Jedi. He just looks too damn cool.


And if Vader does get rendered, please remember that except for his first appearance in A New Hope, he has a black surcoat, in addition to his cape. I hate when that gets left out.

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Personally I think they should have gone to a little more effort with the models in MP. I really wished they would have included a few more from the Star Wars series, like Vader, maybe Palpatine, Darth Maul, Leia, Han Solo, etc instead of just putting in the models used in single player.

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What is it with Lucasarts? I think the number one thing ANYONE would die for is to fight Vader. Even if you lost -- just to run into him and have to take him on, alone! That would be an awesome level (pack?) someone should make.


The Vader bot would have to be programmed to be very cautious and slow, though.


Anyway, everybody wants a Vader model and he's the last thing they think of. It'd be the first thing on my dev list.

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It would take full on modeling for those guys. I dont think a simple skin job would do either justice.


But more than just bots, I want to be able to PLAY with them. I dont even care about powerlevel either. Vader can be just like everyone else for all I care.


And I MUST have my Boba Fett. Especially when I am in a gun runner mood. Anyone remember the old Quake 2 Boba Fett models? That was some good stuff. It came with like 5 different pallets. I really liked the red and black Fett.


Ahhh. Quake 2. The golden age of modeling in my opinion. Anymore everyone is skin happy. I remember having over 50 different MODELS for Q2. Not just skins. Everything from Mega Man, to Optimus Prime. Garfield to Bill Gates.


What happened to all the modelers? Not that Im knocking the skinners mind you. You all have a special place in my heart. I just miss the diversity that came with custom models.

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As soon as Raven releases the tools, you'll get the goods!


We cannot, and I cannot stress this enough, do any more than simple code changes and skins. Once the tools get released and we learn them, then and only then will you see Boba Fett and Darth Vader. And much more ;)!


But be patient, it could be the end of the year before anything worth while will get made for this game.

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Hello, Fellow Jedi Knight Outcast Players I have been making up some characters that people need to modeled (Skinning seems to outdated any way)also I have a some weapons that need to be modeled. I think if this stuff is all done, the Jedi Knight Outcast Community will be great.




Character MODELS



Anakin Skywalker -(Ep1, Ep2)

Aurra Sing

Battle Droid

(Ben)Obi-Wan Kenobi -(Ep1, Ep2, Ep4-6)

Bib Fortuna

Boba Fett


Boss Nass


C-3P0 -(Ep1, Ep2)

Captain Panaka


Count Dooku

Darth Maul

Darth Vader

Dash Rendar


Dr. Evazan

Eeth Koth

Emperor Palpatine



Han Solo


Imperial Royal Guard

Jabba the Hutt

Janga Fett

Jar Jar Binks



Lando Calrissian


Luke Skywalker -(Ep4, Ep5, Ep6)

Mace Windu

Mara Jade

Mon Mothma

Plo Koon

Ponda Baba

Prince Xizor

Princess Leia -(Ep4, Ep5, Ep6)

Queen Amidala

Qui-Gon Jinn

Rebel Pilot

Rebel Officer

Saesee Tiin

Scout Troop


Tie Fighter Pilot

Tusken Raider






From Jedi Knight Dark Forces II



Maw (Full Body)


Qu Rahn



***I know of Course there were characters I missed, but this was the general ones that came to mine.***

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Has anybody thought about the fact that maybe Raven wasn't allowed to put those characters in? Raven made the game, but Lucasarts was the one that said "You can do this stuff, but you can't do this stuff."


Vader and Fett are two major characters that have nothing to do with JK2's story. The only models that are in multiplayer are ones that are in singleplayer, and since Vader and Fett aren't in the SP story, they don't exist in multiplayer.

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