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What is the differance in saber combat between single and multiplayer?

Ten Tigers

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I hear the multitudes asking for the saber combat in multiplayer to be more like single player. So not playing much multiplayer as I am still wrestling with single mode, I ask the question.


What is the differance?


I put up a quick bot match tonight and played that briefly, but I couldnt see any noticable differance. Perhaps I just havent played the game long enough.


But if you guys could post some specific examples I would appreciate it...

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I think the main difference is that in SP, when both people are swinging eachother at the same time they can still block, which rarely seems to be the case in multiplayer. That and the block animations are a little more convincing in SP.

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The moves in mp ARE different. I said this in some other thread. If you strafe sideways while attacking in sp you continually do a sideways swipe but in mp after doing one swipe you then go into a series of spins this happens for most directions as well.

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Various attacks are different, overhead swing, side swing etc. Blue stance has NO purpose whatsoever in MP, when (I feel) it is by far the most useful in SP. Some of the special moves aren't IN the MP saber combat (try the blue lunge..).


The whole thing moves so pathetically slow that you really wonder how anyone could ever get hit with it.


No spectacular dodges or anything. Virtually no saber locks. Hardly any blocks.


To me, MP saber combat is kinda like AD&D's combat. Two people standing across from one another, taking swings at each other in turn. ;)


I can understand the lag issue, but seriously, why BOTHER setting up such a PERFECT SP saber system, and then throwing in into the grinder for MP??



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Some of the special moves aren't IN the MP saber combat (try the blue lunge..)

Are you talking about the crouch forward attack upward thrust?

Its in MP, I use it all the time, or are you refering to a different move, because I agree there all alot of differences between SP and MP.

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Originally posted by Valdarious

Are you talking about the crouch forward attack upward thrust?

Its in MP, I use it all the time, or are you refering to a different move, because I agree there all alot of differences between SP and MP.



:confused: :confused:


I can do that move in SP in a split second, I've tried it half a hundred times in MP and it doesn't work? WTH?

But yeah, I AM talking about that move..




I'll give it another go. :)


The rest of my comments stand though. I also think the collision detection in MP is a bit dodgy where sabers are concerned. Several times I've been hit by a saber that's been nowhere NEAR me..


And yeah, saber defense 3 in MP is not even comparable to saber defense 1 in single player. Why on earth this is, nobody knows. It sure can't be for lag reasons..



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As many have pointed out sp collision is just about perfect, while mp is garbage.


SP saber = rock my world realistic


MP saber = joke


And it doesnt stop there. In SP using heal requires you to stop and kneel with your saber off while heal SLOWLY heals you over TIME.

Yet in MP they decided to make heal an instant gratification event. What the hell. I'm so damn sick of MP always being dumbed down for the deathmatch spazzes. What damn reason is there to NOT make heal work exactly the same. It would only make the mp game more tactical instaed of a spazz fest.

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In SP using heal requires you to stop and kneel with your saber off while heal

I have never had to kneel down and I have never had to turn my saber off in SP to heal. You might want to go back and double check that, you will find that you dont have too. What level heal were you trying this on?

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At heal level 1 you have to stop and turn your saber off.


At level 3 you can fight and do whatever you want while you have it.. level 2 lets you move, but not fight.


I agree, though, MP is a "spaz-fest." A fun spaz-fest (very fun), but a spaz-fest none the less.


I wish MP wasn't so.... fast paced. Everything is happening really fast, and you don't have much time to really do anything except click as fast as you can. That's Quake for ya... but it's still fun, I probably have more MP time put in than SP time.

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Man I really hope Raven listens to us.....


SP Saber was so much better, and smooth running.


RE: Everything said ^ above.


How about grip? When I grip people in MP, they go into a ducking position in the air....in single player, they grab their neck and their body is still straight, not curled up like a frightened snail....looks STUPID in MP.


Im in a ladder with sabers.....I just go hard style and take pot shots all the time.


*SWING* miss.....back up....*SWING* miss....back up....forward again and *SWING* -sparks- 10 health on enemy. Lighting, or finish with medium swing.

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