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Good or bad plot? Hmmmm. (Spoiler alert!)


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Hmmmmmmm. A tough one.




Kyle's a bit of dude.


Lando's just as I remembered him.


No Jar Jar. Yessssss.


No ewoks.


At-st's. Mmmmmm.


Cantina scene, with that annoying music.


It's not Star Trek.






Reelo's not as good as a huttese crime lord.


No C-3PO OR R2.


No Han Solo


No Boba Fett


Lack of actual band in cantina scene.


Lack of skins.


Not epic enough.



Don't get me wrong, I loved the game, but the plot was a bit weak. They should of made it really dark and brooding. Also, MP skins leave a little to be desired. There should be loads of skins, including film character skins to comic character skins. I was really looking forward to playing as Exar Kun.






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I really enjoyed the single player game, the only thing that bugs me is that lame stealth mission. It's just thrown in there, and it is probably the worse level in Dark Forces history! Kyle makes the comment "There's too many of them, I'll never get through this with fire power" wtf?! When has Kyle been concerned with numbers? The guy faces AT-ST's, Dark Troopers, rooms filled with stormtroopers and he panics over a few measly troopers in a hanger bay? And all it takes is one button to capture him? Why didn't the imperials think of this..oh...say back in the first Dark Forces game anyway? Would saved them alot of headache I'm sure. Other than that the game is fine... but man, I hope the Dark Forces saga ends here, it is about to 'jump the shark' so to speak.

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Kyle makes the comment "There's too many of them, I'll never get through this with fire power" wtf?! When has Kyle been concerned with numbers? The guy faces AT-ST's, Dark Troopers, rooms filled with stormtroopers and he panics over a few measly troopers in a hanger bay?
Very true, but then again if you go out there with your blaster blazing you're in a cell before you know what hit you, so perhaps he has a point.
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i liked this plot a lot better than jedi knight 1's plot. i know some people are going to disagree, but jedi knight 2 just gave me more of a feeling that i was in the star wars universe, maybe it was because of the familair faces and places, but when playing the game i was completely felt that yes this is star wars, where as jedi knight 1 i thought more woohoo i'm a jedi and didn't think about being IN the star wars universe.

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The Stealth mission was a joke. Simply place a mine or two near the the Alarm (there's only one in every area), run around, get people's attention and go back to the alarm. They'll come to you. Kill before they sound anything. Stealthay.

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c3po and r2d2 are in the game...there in bespin around where u see the storm troopers.....in the hall right before you fight tavion....in one of those rooms they are there hiding underneath the stairs....
Yup, I blew them up. :p


I tried planting mines near the first alarm but the stormies blew themselves up before the officer got there so I was incarcerated all the same. :rolleyes:

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The only thing I didn't like was the fight against Desann.


Avoid Desann, damage pillar, destroy pillar, game over.



I know, I could've killed him using the saber and the strange beam ( btw wtf was this? )



The fight against Tavion was sooooo cool, it should've been just the same against Desann

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Ya know what this plot really did for me? It made it seem like the Star Wars universe had become a nicer, gentler place. That the New Republic's attempt at stability are working. So well, that Kyle-- they're best planet-busting, one-man army--is sent on what everyone thinks is a throw-away mission. A "Bluemilk Run". Turns out this isn't true. Then, you get a look at the Jedi Academy, a peaceful place where people have nothing better to do but spar and move objects. Not aware that the Empire's trying a new push. You have a gangster posing as a ligitimate garbage hauler, where, in the Empire, he would've been more out in the open, like Jabba was. I love the wars, but the universe shouldn't be like that forever, there must be peace to some extent.


And I would've hated to see another Hutt crime-lord--Jabba's dead. Sure, there're others in the universe, but it would've seemed like this was a Jabba wannabe.


It was a far-reaching plot, not just taking us to places we'd never heard of before, but bringing us into the thick of the SW universe. I also liked the plot of JK1. It's not a question of either, or. They're both a part of the same story, and they each give to eachother to make the characters and situations more complete.

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