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The Saberist Code for Dark Jedi and Sith

Lost Welshman

Will You Follow The Dark Saberists Code  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. Will You Follow The Dark Saberists Code

    • Yes, I bow down to you My Master
    • Yes, I believe in the ways of the Dark Jedi
    • No, thats utterly cruel
    • NO, I am a follower of the old Saberist code

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I know most of the people out there like me laughed at the "Saberists Code" so ive decided to make a new code. please vote, and reply.


1. A player agreeing to the code will attack any loser of person with a closed saber,who doesnt look cool. If they see you comeing and run away set a bounty on his Head First 1 to kill him gets a free kill (in other words they get to kill you, this is seriously fun i got early evry1 on this 1 guy once)


2. A person who doesn't want to fight will close his saber and be kicked from the game, IT IS NOT A GAME FOR WIMPS.


3. A person looking for a duel, will close his saberand WALK around, all cool like . This makes you look mean and ready for combat then prepare for ambush and walla you have your duel, unless there in a group in that case you kick their but and they get scared. This will give you a good "bad" reputaion.


4. Definition of "duel":

A duel is when 2 players begin fight, one vs one and attack eachother and bypassers. Either they are in game "duel mode" or simply fighting only themselves.


5. A person will only interrupt a duel if none of the duelists can see you also always attack your victim after he has won a duel, as he will be lower on health than you.


6. Definition of "Light Side Loser"/"for the other code":

Anyone who acts by the other concepts of the other code. That means, you close the saber and call them lame. This is very bad for them.


7. Shall a group of people going by the code are in a certain place, with their sabers closed, or when dueling. If a "Light Side Loser" comes and walks passed the duelers or the closed saber person, they should note it and all together or one-by-one kill him or atleast make him lose most of his health. This concept is very important since it's the only way to make the "Light Side Loser" realise they are stupid . This also includes weapon servers. If a "Light Side Loser" hides from you, you should kill him in any means.


8. Also, should a vote be cast against a certain light side loser, all players in the code should not vote, force him to leave by his own will this makes you look tough.


9. A person with his saber open, not attacking, should be regarded as one pooing his pant with fright (because he has his saber out for defence from ambushers), therefore, you may attack them until you agree he has gone off and changed pants, either by him standing still or saying hes gone to change.


10. These ideas apply at all times when followers of the code exceeds the number of light side losers/lightened people on the server. This is because if there is enough of you, you can force the code on anyone. Although in maps like ffa_bespin, the duelers can go to the ring and attack all people watching duels because they cant fight themselves


11. Anyone who hasn't been marked as a light side loser should be regarded as Cool, If you follow this code to everyword you shall be known as Follower of the Dark or Dark Jedi


12. If you follow the code and want to note it to the server, place the tag DSC in the end of your nickname. For example: Darth-Fluffy -DSC-

Note that this only shows you ARE following the CORRECT code. Should a person hold the tag without following the code, he should be noted as a light side loser and dealt with. Anyone who doesn't have DSC will be regarded as neutral.


I hope you Folloe my code i Will chose 1 and only 1 as my Sith Apprentice, if you see me ingame i will be Either The Flying Welshman Or The Lost Welshman. Now for a nifty catch phrase i gotta make up, im sorry if i read this somwhere else and thought i made it up but im pretty sure i did( its probly from episode 1 but i just thought of it now so NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH)



Step Out of the Light,

And Fall Into The Darkness

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yo all,


i've read this morning the saber code , i was lmao seeing the spheres in which the game is flying....


it's a game :) as i consider my self as a grey jedi, during the game, i respect my foes but when i'm in fight, i do all i can to win...

Seeing that code made me laugh again coz it's just what i think :) hehe so i agree , count me as a Darky one. Neutral players will be treated as usual with a huge taunt while the bend waiting they've finished their fairy' moves. But the -SC- will be misarebly crushed boooooo :eek:


"oops he was still bowing" :rolleyes:


Chato (The 1st Fairy Jumper) -DSC-

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While your at you could go to the houses of parliment or who ever in your country makes laws. Decalar the Saberist Code Act of 2002 and it will carry a 12 year prison sentance if it's broken by any and all persons involved.




Rules are for the clans and leagues, not public servers.

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he he thata getting annoyin isnt it



hey mr IS A GAME


some people like to follow certain tactics As shown by my poll, and just because ur welsh and ur a goodie d=goodie doesnt mean that i cant be an all powerful sith lord cos im welsh and you Mr YOUR LACK OF FAITH IS DISTURBING darth vader is on the dark side so WHY THE HELL IS HE TELLING ME THAT


oh yeah and i just thought ppl like me, thought that SAberists code was Stupidly Funny, i couldnt stop laughon (evily) at the replys. and make sure u vote b4 u leave

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for me the dark side has no code I will take every sheap shot I can get don't you just love it when your tpying and someone attacks you thats me when your watching a good duel and I'm around you better watch your back because I am going to stick my red saber right in your spine if I am using a saber and start to lose to you I don't keep fighting with it I pull out mt gun and cap your @$$ with it and you can whine all you want thats why its called FFA

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Originally posted by Lost Welshman



he he thata getting annoyin isnt it



hey mr IS A GAME


some people like to follow certain tactics As shown by my poll, and just because ur welsh and ur a goodie d=goodie doesnt mean that i cant be an all powerful sith lord cos im welsh and you Mr YOUR LACK OF FAITH IS DISTURBING darth vader is on the dark side so WHY THE HELL IS HE TELLING ME THAT


oh yeah and i just thought ppl like me, thought that SAberists code was Stupidly Funny, i couldnt stop laughon (evily) at the replys. and make sure u vote b4 u leave


Thank you for proveing my point. You are taking public games to serious. You want rules and regulations? join a clan or a dueling league / ladder. Public games are just for mucking around and if your in a clan, for training sometimes.


Lighten up.

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Lost Welshman...


Please stop bumping your threads all the time. Those who have chosen to respond to your post have done so - but don't keep forcing everyone to view this thread simply because you want more responses. Every bump post is considered spam, and has been deleted. As I have warned you in other threads, spamming is not tolerated on these boards. I look forward to your cooperation. :cool:

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I think the code thing is getting out of hand. I pay respect to my oppenent but I don't want to have to analyze 10 things before I engage my opponent. If you saber is off I'll give you a few seconds but if you are moving it's game over. If you want to bow to me then fine I might bow back but don't expect me to bow first we are enemies in aan FFa server, period.

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