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what is with you guys thinking you are some type of badass jedi because you can use


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JK2 also isn't a perfect game, but its not bad by a long shot either. When you play games, keep in mind that strategy and planning can overcome what seems to be an unbeatable tactics used by others. If you see someone with a gun and you go in and try to saber duel him and he shoots you up time and time again, then maybe you're the one doing something wrong...


Looks like at least someone has a clue.


IMO, ffa's are downright stupid, basically u'll have a cpl guys fighting with sabers, and a bunch of guys spamming alt repeater, etc... (Dont get me wrong on the FFA, but if ur playing on a public serv u get what u pay for.) The weapons dont play like a good mp game, there's only a handful that i would actually use.

Jko isnt a good DM game, but the possibilities for ctf are amazing, which by the way, u dont have to frag like a mofo to cap. And in that case, the weapons are as balanced as anything else.

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Guns vs. Sabers

Guns vs. Sabers

Realism vs. Idealism

McDonalds vs. Burger King


GIMME A BREAK! :vadar:


If someone makes a mod with 'classes' that mirror their ideal game ... great.


If raven chooses to patch their game (other than backward running and bunny hopping, I see no real balance reason to) ... great.


This game does not conform to what YOU think it should be. It conforms to what the DEVELOPERS think it should be. They made it, not you. They made it for your enjoyment, but wiser heads prevailed and wrote "The Lightsaber will not be the most powerful weapon in the game." ... and meant it.


----- Story -----


I found one of my good friends online yesterday. We'd never played the same server before in Team FFA. So he tried to challenge me to a duel, but duels are disabled in TFFA (Hardcoded.) ... so when we ran into each other on the highest level of Nar Shadda, he turned his saber off and faced me, trying to get me to accept a saber duel.


I shot him, gripped him, and threw him off the ledge. Unfortunately he managed to land on the lowest level, so I didn't get a kill. We'd played on duel servers before ... I KNEW he was a better saberist than I ... and with the ability to both turn on absorb and force push me, I had a very good chance of being thrown off. So I shot him. Honestly, I thought he was changing weapons. I would have. I saw the saber go out, measured the range and thought about escape routes from various weapons even as I was pulling out the flechette gun, and let it rip.


It made for interesting dinner conversation when at the end of the afternoon we decided to get some food together on campus. He didn't hold it against me. He actually laughed, "So I waited for you to draw your saber, and you SHOT ME IN THE HEAD! I was totally shocked!" .. he doesn't play guns often because he hasn't learned them yet. On duel servers, we come out about even... but only because I play cheap. If I get a drain off quickly enough, I kill him with force push+slash, or grip, or lightning if I know he's low.


He doesn't take offense to my tactics, because he's a diehard quaker/UT/HL/CS/DF ... you name a FPS, he's played it. He knows all about 'cheap' tactics, and he's pretty happy with what he can do. His force powers, if used properly, nullify mine. Which is, in and of itself, incredibly powerful. It comes down to which of us gets the drop on the other one. Beyond that, I have guns to even it out, because he's a better FPS'r than I am. When he starts using guns, I'm going to be in trouble.


----- / End Story \ -----



// Start Rant

Ok. OMG. People running around with just sabers is fine. That's your playstyle. The weapon in my hand for 80% of my playtime is the saber... but it's not because I rely on it. It's because it can't be stolen. I use guns to get many of my kills. I use them often. I would like to say I use them well, but I know I'm not really _that_ good. There are just a lot of people out there who are _that_ bad. People who come into games where the rules are set and tell me I'm 'ghey' for using a gun... then come blasting at me with an E-11 and complain when I take it away from them and shoot them with it.


Guns are easily stealable when you are in a 'vulnerable' stage (see push/pull on falling maps references) and all it requires is a little skill and footwork. Never chase a good gunner when he runs backwards along the hallway shooting at you (see above need for patch) ... because he has all the advantages. ALL the advantages. He can counter anything you can do, he has a ranged attack, and you are forced to chase him if you want to hit him, which gives him an easy shot. NEVER chase a good gunner who is running backward and facing you.


A lot of people don't understand vulnerability in this game. They don't understand that as soon as you attack, roll, jump, get up, you are VULNERABLE to force powers ... which, in conjuction with guns and the stealing of guns, means that more often than not, the person who fires first ends up flat on their ass with no weapon. This carries over to (and is most important in!) saber dueling as well.


// End Rant


Look. People. Half of you don't play this game well enough to even consider the situation objectively. You're taking a subjective approach because of your frustration. I die to rocket launcher attacks on occasion in places like massassi temple... but five times out of seven, I steal the launcher. On two occasions I've pushed rockets back for kills. It's not that difficult. It just requires a little more knowledge of HOW THE GAME WORKS and less 'knowledge' of HOW YOU THINK THE GAME SHOULD WORK.


- Gaeb


PS: Sorry for the diatribe. This topic is so frustrating. Learn. The. Game.

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Guns are supposed to overpower the lightsaber. Period. If you watch the star wars movies, you will know this. I think its A New Hope where Obi-Wan tells luke that the lightsaber is more of an elegant weapon. But all these guns made the lightsaber obsolete.


I use the saber 75% of the time and I am a purely light side Jedi. People don't realize that you can't go up against guys with guns without investing your force points to get a rank 3 in Pull and a rank 3 in Push.


I use the saber 75% of the time and I rarely put any more than level 1 or 2 in saber throw.


Here are my priorities


(1) Force Jump - Rank 3

(2) Force Pull - Rank 3

(3) Force Push - Rank 3

(4) Force Absorb - Rank 3

(5) Saber Attack - Rank 3

(6) Saber Defense - Rank 3


Others as needed.


I think people need to stop complaining about guns. If you can't handle it, then go to a saber only server.


There is nothing more satisfying than pulling that gun out of someone's hands and using it against them.


So all sabersits, GROW UP. Deal with guns and live with it or go to saber only.

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Well, seeing as how I'm basically sabre-only, I guess that would put me in the sabrist camp. However I don't think the game has ANY balance issues whatsoever. After playing many MP games with nothing but my sabre I've found I have no problems with people using rockets, alt-repeater, DEMP1, or whatever in a FFA game.


Now I used to stick with sabre-olny servers, usually duel servers at that. And I still go on Duel servers every now and then. But I also enjoy going on gun-filled FFA games and fighting sabre-only. You know what, I do pretty good, frag-wise. In fact, on more than one occasion I've gotten the largest number of frags on a FFA game. Do I get killed by some of the nastier guns out there? Of coarse I do, I'm not perfect. But I don't care about that it's part of the game. I just try to be smart about it. If someone is throwing det mines at me or shooting everything and everyone with the alt-repeater, I take the best counter available, which is likely running. That way I can use heal and come back. Think about it, heal is a very effective counter against these guns.


Slowly but surely I'm learning a great number of counters to everything in the game. I have not found anything in the game that cannot be countered by a "true Jedi", which is the role I try to play. In a FFA game I always have 3 dots in Pull. If I'm at full health and I see someone with a heavy repeater coming at me, I will usually take the risk and charge him! That way I can force pull him and follow up with a kick to the head or even just a simple sabre slash. Chances are good that I'll take their weapon away and they'll be down on the ground. If I kicked them then they'll be down on health. Then I can just come in and wail on them. If I think they might have a dangerous gun on them I'll try to finish them off with a heavy slice.


The tactic works, the fact that I get so many kills in FFA proves it. I might not get the most kills all the time, but the fact that I can be so competative with a just a sabre tells me that the game is a lot more balanced than people say it is.


And for those gunners who think that saberists should be this competative, you're looking at this all wrong. Everything in the game has a counter, including other counters. If you're smart about your weapons you can defeat a saberist. Here's a small clue: don't let him get away and heal. Don't let him get close either...

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It is really a difficult problem to solve: gun vs saber. Especially it is also about skill of using saber (gun also may be less but you still need skill), skill of using force, ping. I see many saberists gunned down by gunners but I also see many gunners choke or lightning to dead by saberists. I spectate alot to learn and find out new tactics. New players have to use guns as they have little skills on saber and force. My gunning skill is enhanced after playing CTF alot.


I only use guns in CTF, not only because my ping is high but also I have to back up my team. I use only saber in FFA and don't mind being killed by guns. With good use of force, you can avoid many gunners' attack, you can jump so high and run so fast (of course they can too, but this make them much difficult to aim a moving objects when they are moving also), and kill them with saber and force. For example, good grippers can grip a player to a wall, or keep gripping when himself is moving or jumping, you don't need a dead fall to kill with gripping. Of course you are not totally invincible, otherwise gunners must complain in this case. As a jedi, you have to train yourself as luke did in the movie. I think you don't expect you to become a jedi without any learning. To use the saber and force only, you have to learn the tactics of using force to kill and dodge bullets. Patience my friend, be a jedi you have to learn control.

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Originally posted by arctic_series

the whole point of jedi knight is that lightsabres are above guns


There are some guns that even a lightsaber can't defend against.

How would it look if you could saber-deflect a rocket?



Whats next?


A single Jedi standing on a planet deflecting a shot by the deathstar saving the planet and destroying the station? ;)

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Don't call me Infidel, bug boy.


All I'm saying is that the saber won't protect you against everything.


If you for example shoot an Death Star beam (exaggerating, I know...) on a single Jedi knight holding his saber in ready position, then saber maybe will be intact after the hit but the knight would be toast, would he not?


(can't belive I'm discussing this...)


In conclusion: The saber is not above all guns, meaning it wont protect you against hell on earth.


If you shoot a rocket on a Jedi, the saber might take a portion of the hit but mutch will hit the knight as well.


This should be taken into consideration when one says "The Saber is above all guns" and then mean that the guns are to strong in the game.


Not trying to agitate, so don't mess with me.

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What is wrong with you people? NO ONE is going to tell me how to play the game I paid my hard earned money for. I LIKE guns. I use guns all the time and I don't complain when others use guns. Sometimes I'll play with my saber because it's fun to use too but I sure don't whine when someone doesn't "be a man" and switch to his saber because I have mine out. That is absolutely retarded! Absurdity I say, absuridity! :confused:


Sure, so the saber is a mythical thing and all...but it's just another weapon (although a really damn cool one). I mean, I don't recall people running around in Doom2 whining when I used the SSG and they had their chainsaw or in Q1 when I used a RL and they were running around with their axe. Of course I realize that combat with a saber is much more complex but you people should not expect us to put down our guns to play YOUR style of the game if the server is not designated that way.


And Dago, a game is much more than it's weapons. It's about environment, weapons, graphics, netcode, expandability, and uber importantly...the "feel". The "feel" is one reason why I could never get into UT eventhough I was addicted like a crack addict to Q1/QW, Q2, CS, etc.


I don't go to saber only servers and call everyone names for not using guns. That would be just stupid.


If you don't like guns, play saber only servers OR ADAPT. Learn to adapt for crying out loud. I like when folks use repeaters, especially if I don't have one as I'll run up and steal it out of their hands...saves me the trip to go pick one up. :D


Give me a break you people who say go play Q3 if you don't use saber only. PFFT! Q3 != JK2 - Sabers. That is just a stupid statement and it reaffirms my theory that 80% of the people in the world are stupid. So you guys must think UT = Q3 = Q2 = Q1/QW = Doom2 = Rise of the Triad?!?! Negative.


In CS the AWP used to drive me nuts but I NEVER told people to not use it. I ADAPTED and learned to counter the AWP. It's such a pleasurable thing to run up and smoke someone with a deagle who's been trying to AWP you for 4 or 5 shots.


If you don't like how a server is setup, contact the admin and see if he'll change it. Or...setup your own server. That probably means some of you will need to get a Jay Ohh Bee.


Anyways, continue to whine and snivel. I chuckle now when people complain to me about using guns. Freaks really think they're going to change how I play the game. I'm having fun and will continue to have fun AND I'll continue to play within the parameters of the game as created by Raven. :ion:

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Hmm, quite the complicated issue we have here. Here, let me take a crack at it.


We have those that want the feel they get from the movies. Jedi fighting against impossible odds and arguably greater technology to triumph.


Then we have those who only derive fun from winning and want to do whatever it takes to do so, guns, force, sabre, whatever as long as they get the kills.


And of course there are many who lay anywhere in between.


So what's the solution? Make everyone happy. How do we do that? Well, that's complicated.


For the Jedi fans (I'll admit, I'm one) create an option that seperates those who want to use guns from those who want to use sabres. If you use guns you don't get access to the Force, just that simple. It was mentioned that a basic array might be allowed, Jump 1, Absorb 1, etc so as to grant them some form of defense vs the Jedi Maniacs.


So Jedi would be unchanged, you get the Force and a Sabre. That's it.


Should anything be done to further alter gunners? Maybe. Blasters ought to have some further use besides spraying into a crowd. Just an incentive to use something other than the Repeater. However if not everyone can pull out a lightsabre then they might have more value than before.


As far as the infamous Repeater goes, well, it is mighty powerful. I first started playing MP a few days ago and I during my second game I managed to beat 15 other players to the 50 kill mark to win that game. What did I use? The Repeater of course. My competition came from a Sabre wielding Jedi. He had 49.


What am I getting at? With little experience with JK (although I do have a significant amount with UT) I was able to beat a sabre-wielding player who was far more skilled than I. Did I mention I didn't use the Force at all?


That struck me as very, very wrong. I usually play FPS with a sense of honor


So what needs to be done? A few things. As I said above an option to create a split between Force users and non-Force users might be valuable. The idea of heavier weapons slowing you down is a valid one and seems to have worked out in other games.


If you want to use guns in the next game all you have to do is alter it like you'd alter your Force powers. The changes don't take place until the next game so there wouldn't be anyone randomly switching in mid-match.


However since all of this is only an option those who like guns and the Force or being able to switch between all of them can still have fun as well. There, now isn't everyone happy?


To those who are upset by getting slapped around by the alt-fire, well, it's really one of the few counters people have for the sabre. Area of effect weapons are how you're going to get at a Jedi. Everyone needs a weakness, that's your's.


Since that match where I went berserk with the repeater I've switched to a Light side, sabre-only Jedi. I find it's much more rewarding to fight that way. The only thing you have to watch out for are those who look to bomb an area where you are fighting with another Jedi. *shrug*


That's just my long-winded response to all of this.

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Jedi Knight (the DF series) has always been about guns, and since JK1, about guns AND sabers (and explosives).


If JK were only about sabers, why did Raven spend all that time designed the other dozen weapons and bothering to balance them?


Star Wars has always been about more than just Jedi. And being a Jedi is more than just dueling other saber users (ever watch Episode I? Return of the Jedi? Heck, you have examples in all the movies of lightsaber people fighting non-saber users).


I think that some people are upset, because in their eyes, they should be able to use the saber and always win, unless it's against somebody else in a lightsaber duel. The feel that being killed by a gun is the worst possible thing that can happen and so they want to make it impossible, not through skill, but through whining, setting up rules of ettiquette and begging Raven to change the game. This is an unrealistic expectation, since that's not the game that Raven spent their time and money designing.


Everytime somebody says to me, "If you want to use guns, go play Quake" I'll say "If you want to use sabers only, join a saber only server/If you only want to duel join a duel server!" Or how about "If you want to just use sabers and Force, go play Obi-Wan!" Sounds silly, doesn't it? But it's no more silly than people using the "just play Quake3" line.


I remember back in the days when JK had just come out, that line about Quake/2 was used a lot. Back then we didn't have an official Lightsaber-only gametype (MotS added this) so from that point on, it was a rather flimsy excuse, since saber only people had their own gametype, and didn't need to whine.


This isn't a Star Wars movie. This isn't an RPG. The Jedi and the good guys are NOT guarenteed to win! There's no scripting, it's all based on skill, luck, and the differing circumstances of each battle and the players' moods at the time.


Is that so hard to understand? People want to become invincible the moment they pickup a saber, and feel ashamed if anyone with a gun can beat them. Well maybe that gunner just had more skill than you, and you died through your own poor tactics? Or maybe you got sniped and you just weren't paying attention?


Bottom line: I'll use all of the weapons that the server settings allow, thank you very much, and if you can't adapt to it, then I guess you need more skill and practice. ; )

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What excuse is this. Kj2 is quake - sabbers ? YEAH SURE BUT THERE U CANT HEAL 60 hitpoints.u can DODGE ALL !!!!!! WEAPONS.




FORCE JUMP +rocket lucnher=Tribes 2(spin fusor) EVERYONE THERE JUMPS ! and shoots the AREA EFFECT WEAPON at them.


Force speed +Alt fire repater=plz god i cant aim i suck so much do something ! and ravensoft made imperial repeater blue energy ball.Now this weapon has massive range shoots very fast has MANY charges and if the blue bal before hits the ground hits u...u die instantly meaning u cant go near(try it and u ll see) EVEN IF U WANTED TOO the force speed will get them away and oufcourse they ll jsut FORCE JUMP WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY up so they get away from u and oufcourse they ll just heal ALL the damage they get.Mind trick and blue ball anyone.


Pull...What a useless piece of junk.If the enemy has the same lv of pull(thats the counter) u got a high chanhe to stop it..... and exept for that WOW absorb so u cant get the weapon away.ALSO WHILE U ARE RUNNING AND TRY !!! TO PUSH THE DAMN MISSLE back to them ur crosshair accidently targets the aborsb player making him absorb the force and u get toasty toasty by the ****ing rocket.


Hello what the **** is this that sabers block everything but those weapons.NO UR TOTALLY WRONG. THE SABBERS STOP THOSE ONLY !!!!!!!!!!! IF U STAND STILL.RED STANCE WHEN MOVING HAS 5% chance to block medium 15% and light 30% and that on defence lv 3 !!!.




do u hear anyone here complaining about grenades ? NO u know why? u can ACTUALLY DODJE THEM if u got the skill and right timing.THE ****ing blue ball even iff u jump !!(and the animations clearly saws the ground being hited) u get damage.


What the hell.Putting detonator on ur feet so the sabber guy comes at u and BAM he is dead ur not getting any damage....


I ll tell u what they should do.

Secondary fire of imperial repeater flethet, and primary/secondary of rocket lunher fire and detonators will ALWAYS BY DEFAULT AND WILL BY ANY MEANS CANT BE TURNED OFF,HAVE FRIENDLY FIRE ON.So the gunners team get screwed and if he keeps doing that **** he gets kicked by his own team,


AND DESABLE THE USE OF LIGHT/DARK FORCES WHILY USING a gun and penalty of theyr neutral forces by one holocron lv.Lets say u got ur abber out and u got a lv 2 force speed when u get ur gun out it becomes lv 1. If u had lv 1 with saber u get no force speed with guns.

Why ? cause all the gunners take the massive amount of points

needed for sabber defence and offence and max EVERYTHNG ELSE

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I guess i got to join the bitch session too.


I hate any one that kills me. Come on guys get starwars spirit. We should all band together to stand against evil. Enough with the sensless killing, just because you spawn in a server, doenst mean you have to go kill the other player. If the REAL starwars universe acted like this, would the Death Star ave been destroyed?


Enough with the violence people. I for one vow to enter a server particularly a dueling server, and will try to reason with my opponent. So what if they have guns. They can always put them down and hug thier fellow man.


Enough with the violence, dont kill me anymore. Or i might just get upset about it. And it would ruin my enjoyment of the game.

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o damn what a bunch of losers i must see .... in all my time playing on 32 ffa imperial or raven or deathstar map servers, repeater alt fire was never my biggest problem, GUYS, you can PUSH them back, you can run away, you can throw your saber, you can enable protection you can roast them if you are a darkside lamer or whatever ... a real Jedi fights mainly with his saber then the force and if his opponent doesn't want it any different he KICKS his damn gunlaming ass with a well mastered weapon, for chrissake!


JK2 is about the combination of Saber, Force and guns.

BUT if you just want to slay down everyone with your mega cool weapon and be the hero for once in your little messed life, just go play quake or CS or whatever ...


If you want to play JK2, you just must have the little star wars spirit ... WTF you think it has to do with Star Wars running around with force speed shootin' some fighting ppl down ...


I dont have a big problem with gunlamers or darkside users, since i kill them all, the only thing that annoys me MOST are gun or lighning lamers that just wait that the fighting ppl get weak so taht they can lame them down....


for me its not mainly about frags but more about killing my favourite gunlamer several times, with my saber of course...


to resume:

Fight like a Jedi


like a Quaker or

like a CS Player or

like a UT Player or

like a Highlander ....


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oh yeah? liten to this.I got more anoyed today with the gunners so i tryed it myself.And u know what? i am gonna use this till they balance the god damn gunners.

here is the gunners guide aka" how the jedis got destroyed and why luke cant find anyone.....


Bespin map put a detonation pack (somewhere tha 3-4 people will fight..prolly near the flag).Then lv 3 mindtrick..... 3-4 jedis fighting there.BOOOM. there ya go 4 frags.


Dark rage and alt fire repeater

Yeah sure if u survive this and ur not pissed enough u ll get 100% drained as a gift :rolleyes:(bassically u shoot at the speed of the alt fire E-11 blaster)


force speed and rocket luncher.

lol this is funny they run hell fast to u(very short distance between u and them) and rocket lunch.THey INSTANT kill u and they get 0 dm since friendly fire is off (it sould be on !!!)


Fletchet+ dark rage

Haha u got 2 things to do.First to akt fire to shoot the flechet grenades and then... if he comes near u put dark rage.YOU GONNA TAKE MINIMUM dmg and u gonna have a machinegun/shotgun hybrid.What !!!**** i am out of ammo uh well there ya go BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ(lighting)



Mindtrick + any weapon

Mindtrick and get behind the flag protector (no comments ;-) )


Bespin map

Go on the enemys flag base and through the elevator get on the upper part of the platform(remeber u need a rocket luncher and few det packs.Do ur little trick with the det packs on the place that jedis fight for cheap easy kills :D

Ok now we got a job to do oh the enemy coming with ur flag ...NO WORRIES just throw the missle it ll hit him OR it ll push him down.



Have fun pissing jedis by constant killing them with detonation packs.Just put one on ur feets and when he comes BOOM there he goes.....


Remember u need push lv 3 to counter pull lv 3.Now 70% of pull will never work and will also leave them for one hit killer shot from ur gun.Plus u do have absorb so....... just put it on and become invisible.When u see that ur energy lv is down by 3/4 just use mind trick and go recharge somewhere...it ll take u only 5 sec.Besides u can still shoot him as he turns his back to help his teammate that is being gripped(or just detonate him......)



Dark rage + primary imperial repeater.

do this and u are gonna be the first one that shoots bullets with the speed of a laser beam :-) (and no there is NO way a jedi can deflect the bullets at that speed)



To the gunners that dont know a **** about the sabre.

The light stance on defence lv 3 has 30% chanche tlo block incoming fire when moving,15% the medium and 5% the heavy one.So u CAN Hit them with ALL Guns and U DONT need aoe weapons but u HAVENT ever used the other guns and THATS WHY U SHOULD NOT BE IN Jk2 BUT QUAKE OR UNREAL OR HF!!!



I wanna see answers for each of the strategys i used as gunner today.SOMETHING THAT WILL !!! stop that.


And btw here is what u CANT do to those strategys that u ll again and again post( i mean push and pull... but anyways u ll see right now)



Detonation pack

Ok let's see u go the flag u put a det pack down.THe jedi has 2 choices.

(A) change to a gun target the det pack and shoot it.But oufcourse ur force speed lv 3 will have gained u the flag point before he starts hunting u.

(B) Jump above it too avoid it but..... the area of it's effect will kill u

There ya go one point down.(remember lv 3 pull/push to prevent the loose of the weapon force speed to run away,force heal to heal and absorb to stop the forces at all)


Dark rage+alt fire repeater

Forget it there is no way to do anything here.With the +% speed that dark rage gives that ****ing energy ball is being shot at a machinegun rate (u can shoot 4 times before the jedi force push recovery time ended)

(u also got drain to stop him from using forces..... and oufcourse... lv 3 push/pull to counter the last 70 % of the time they are used against u)


Force speed+Rocket luncher=Yeah yeah i am sure we ALL gonna push that missle that is not targeting us but the ground(doesnt have to be direct hit the huge aoe will kill the jedis anyway with one strike).Not to mention that ur not gonna scroll ur mouse with 75% ench speed(before u fully turned the missle will already killed u...trust me it cant be stopped it worke like a charm on the game i played).Anyway Even if u run to hit him with ur sabre... u ll both run at the same speed he has a ranged weapon u dont =ur dead


Mind trick + any weapon

Lol this is massively funny.You see when both sidse got the flag the flag carriers will hide. All u gotta do is to use ur lv 3 mind trick that will cloack u from all enemies at that area go behind the flag carrier and kill him.


And dont tell me that force see will coutner it...... u gotta KNOW that someone is using mind trick and that's kinda hard when ur playing on 32 players ctf(mind trick lv 3 is insanely powerfull u dont have to target anything all players on map cant see u and i dont mean the respaned players.. only the one that were alive when u used it)



You wanna hear some balance ?


Put weapon mastery.

Just like the jedis gotta spend points to get the sabre stance the same way u get the guns.

Lv 1 weapon mastery will give u only the blaster,wookie bowcaster,E-11 imperial rifle,thermal detonators and that droid killing weapon(i dont remember its name)



Lv 2 weapon mastery will add the secondary fire to the lv 1 weapons and give u access to flechet,imperial repeater PRIMARY FIRE and disruptor thingie(the sniping one)


*notes on lv 2 mastery*

the distruptor secondary fire will by default be enabled.




Lv 3 weapon mastery is gonna give u access to the heaviest things on the game.Acess to the rocket luncher and the enable of the secondary fire for fletchete and imperial repeater.Unfortunnatly due to the technology architecture of those weapons the force around the wearer is weakened and u can not advance more than lv 2(meaning no forces higher than lv2 ).


Also some forces unique to jedis will not be spawned(meaning not selectable) to the heavy Arms masters.(meaning force absorb,force protect that u never use...,dark rage to prevent the deadly combo and drain that is only used by gunners with dark rage for fast health recharge)





*note* Thermal detonators,trip mines and detonation packs will be be used by all

team heal and team energize can be used by lv 3 weapon masters without penalty


From all the posts i read in this forum i took the best tweaked them to make the game fun for both sides.


Beleave me this is gonna make the game rock.First of all u have to decide...... will i get the special forces and become a jedi.Or will i get those heavy guns and maybe pump some points on sabbers as well.Heh i guess it's time to see is that little thingie worths something :confused:


About the cost of the mastery ? same as the sabber one..... 18 points.Now count out the force lv 3 points requiered and absorb/protect from light side and dark rage/drain and there u are.TEAM ENERGIZE AND TEAM HEAL will ACTUALLY BE !!! used on the game. WE will have doctors and.... mobile batteries :confused:

THEy will USE the sabber a bit and will eventually pump a bit the defence(offence maybe :) and saber throw)


ALL the forces will be used and by no means they ll have the extreme advantages they know have.the jedis WILL be able to run faster(but then again u dont need lv 3 speed...) they will HAVE a change to pull the damn weapon will not get hardcore damage from lv 3 grip(40 dmg) neither will be able to zap all enemys on screen with theyr lighting...For that they got rocket lunchers and imperial repeaters.


New classes.Instead of the gunner and the jedi we will have medics and mobile batteries :D


Tiny balances that also must be made are.

Detonation pack friendly damage should be by default on(and cant be turned off).


Rocket luncher friendly damage by default be on(and cant be turned off)


Imperial repeater blue energy ball can be evaded if u jump at the moment it hits the ground.bassicaly you will have a chanche to avoid it and gunners will still be able to kill lots of enemys with it(besides the ball is big enough to hit u on air ....)


There we go everyone happy... guns not unbalanced :D not out of the game.... they can still use forces ;-) jedis got an advantage on forces CAN(but hard) evade the repeater energy ball and gunners will not have 32 points advantage (cause they take all points from sabber defence and offence and max everything else!)



Sory for the HUGE post :( it's only 9126 charachters :cool:

Anyway i am gonna email this to ravensoft and..... see if they make this :


if they DO it this game is gonna rock and saw it's superiority to all games.why ? we have classes.WE HAVE TEAMWORK(healers ,gunner support,jedi close combat) sdk to make mods and maps and not much lag :D (now a way to vote to change settings like no forces/only lightsabre etc ?)

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Just a quick few points from a sabre player. This horse has been flogged a fair bit already.


At first I did get annoyed with weapon spammers. Not so much because I was dying but because I just couldn't understand why anyone would buy a Jedi Knight game (though they probably didn't buy it at all) only to use guns. Same reason I get frustrated at playing my favourite game SWAT3, which was designed for co-op, and being unable to find any games because everyone had DM servers up. Why play a gametype that was tacked on almost as an afterthought to the detriment of a much better style of play?


Currently there *is* a lack of servers for some people. Ping is very important in this game so the argument "go and play a sabre only server" can basically boil down to "go and play on a laggy server" and that's no fun. However this will change, as has been discussed.


Anyway, as I said, I got pissed at first but I'm getting over it now, as my sabre skills improve and I can take out gunners or at least run from them. If they want to waste the chance to play a unique game style and charge around like it was Quake then fine, let them. I'll have my fun finding the guys on the map who will extinguish their sabre, bow and duel...


Final point though, to the chap who said that he paid his money and he'll damn well take his choice as to how he plays. Yes, that's a very good point. You've invested in the game and you should be allowed to play how you like. UP UNTIL THE POINT where you are depriving other purchasers of the software from playing the way they like too. I'm talking now about cheating mostly. As I said, I can deal with people playing "the wrong way," if they are (IMO) stupid enough to do so.


After all, I could stroll on to a football (real football, not gridiron) pitch wearing my expensive Nike boots and replica kit but the fact that I paid for my gear doesn't give me the right to declare that - unlike everyone else on the field - I should be allowed to pick up the ball and carry it into the net. Other players bought their kit too and they want their game to be played in the right spirit.

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im finding that im starting to use the guns a bit more now, but im still a big saber/force user. i dont begrudge anyone using a gun mind you, it's their choice :)


i think my reluctance to use guns is because of their dullness to me. the gun selection is basically, laser gun, fast firing laser gun, laser gun with zoom, spread fire laser gun, laser gun that rebounds off walls, really fast firing laser gun, explosive laser gun, anti-droid laser gun, then the fletchette and rocket launcher, which are both unoriginal, and lastly the typical collection of explosives - grens, tripmines, det packs.


for me that's nothing i cant get in UT, Q3, or CS. what draws me to jk2 is the sabers and the force, AS WELL as the way they combine with guns to make an interesting MP game. i much prefer only using saber+force on a guns server than saber only server :)

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