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Secret Areas & Difficulty Levels


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Hello everyone, I have a couple of questions.


Secret Areas

1. Is Jedi Knight II like the first Jedi Knight game, the more secret areas I find the more force powers I will be given?

I'm on the Nar Shadaa level right now and so far I'm so glad that the secret areas arent hard to find, unlike the first Jedi Knight game, you had to go out of your way to find 6, 9 or 11 secret areas. I hated that :)


Difficulty Levels

2. Does anyone know if theres a big difference in difficulty levels other than being harder? Is there any more secret areas or special bad guys to kill?


I hope you guys can help, thanks alot.


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1. No, it doesnt matter how many secret areas you find.....you only the power-ups that are there, nothing else. You get force powers at pre-determined points in the game.


2. Just more bad guys. For example, at one point on padawan difficulty there is just a reborn. On Jedi Master there are three huge robots to kill, then the reborn...

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"I'm on the Nar Shadaa level right now and so far I'm so glad that the secret areas arent hard to find, unlike the first Jedi Knight game, you had to go out of your way to find 6, 9 or 11 secret areas. I hated that "


Nar Shadaa was probably my biggest disappointment of the entire game... the level design is absolutely horrible.. it's amazing how such a giant looking city seems to only have a single path that leads to anywhere... it's starts off creating great expectations and atmosphere, and ends off being an absolute ghost-town set in a seemingly large city...


the architecture, elevators, and overall level planning doesn't seem like a city at all, but merely all designed to pass you along in a single direction to the single end of the level... by the end of the level, the place has lost all form of atmosphere that it had when you started...


secret areas should really be all about being off-path and unnecessary goals that make the game feel a little deeper.. only having little hidden areas just off the the side of your main path kinda take away from the normal added depth...

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