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6 Saber Stances and the Mind Trick Lvl 4


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If you do not know how to activate this cheat yet I tell you how to do it, courtesy of http://www.jediknightii.net/ .


To enable this (in single player only), enable the cheats as usual (HelpUsObi 1 in the console) and then type (without quote marks) "SetForceAll 5".


I would just like to ask, why would Raven of taken this out? The mind trick may be a little powerful, but the 2nd heavy and swift stances are great! Someone should make a mod that includes these stances in multiplayer. What is everyone elses opinions on this? State all your ideas and comments!


[ Use the force Luke, but don't get to cocky or you might screw up. Watch out for that pole! Holy crap, Luke, are you trying to kill yourself!? Crazy nut....... Peace, We outta hear! I mean ME outta here.... I guess..... ] - (Paranoid) Obi Won Kenobi :ben:

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Perhaps, it is because it ISNT common knowledge.


Or perhaps, the people who run this site, in their wisdom, sought to enlighten those who are not aware of such 'common knowledge".


I love how every post on this forum gets people so riled up.


If I made a post called 'I love this game it is great!", ppl would still flame me.


What ever happened to this great online community of people helping people, and debating things in a constructive manner?


Oh thats right, the community is made of real ppl, and real ppl suck.


I keep forgetting that.

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Common knowledge eh Zek?:rolleyes: -I did'nt know about this until I saw this thread dude. I'd like to know what makes you so freakin' *special* that you seem to have the authority to speak for everyone in the JK][ gaming community! -Obviously, it was'nt common knowledge if theres people that did'nt know about it eh Einstien? -Get that glass-pedestool out of your a$$! :eek::rolleyes:

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Common Knowledge to who?


The Hardcore gamer I bet. Not everyone has the time to search through the game code and see where the cheats and other easter eggs lie. Some people have a real life, so to throw it on the front page is to make more people who don't have the time to go through the game with a fine tooth comb aware of it's existence.

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S!TH, common knowledge doesn't mean everyone that plays the game knows about it. I was referring to the fact that a whole lot of people on these forums are aware of those cheats, and the news post makes it sound like they were just now discovered.

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