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Jedi V Sith - An alternate way of playing with the saber and force


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If we are going to have what are basically Jedi rules to follow, for those that wish to, then why not have one for those that love to play it dark, as a Sith. Personally, if I was to follow a code, it would be the Sith, I think it just seems to appeal to me more, after seeing Vader and Maul in the movies.


In general I would see the rules being relatively similar, but as for some of the rules, they would need to be chucked out the window so that Sith could be, well, Sith! Best only to have this Sith V Jedi kind of things on Saber only Servers, good v evil fights. Even better on Team FFA!

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Has anyone ever said that you HAVE to play by these rules?


NO, not to my knowledge. I think that the SW universe is a lot richer and deeper than, let's say, Quake. Quake is a shooter for shooters sake, JO is a game based upon one of the most successful movie franchises around, there is a lot more of a background it.

If people want to imitate Obi-Wan, or Vader, etc, then let them. Some people don't think that it is how many kills, it is the way you kill. Adds a bit more depth to the game, when people take these kinds of stances. Let me think about what Q3 was all about - hmmm, railgun city, or for those lucky enough the BFG.


I am sorry if we offend you by trying to add a bit of the movie folklore and EU into the game.................

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Zek, I agree with you that people should stop that, however, some of the things people suggest are just common rules like "do not attack when the person has their saber retracted". When people follow the common rules, it just makes this game alot better, and personally from my experiences the mp community has pretty much hit rock bottem. So, it would be in your best interest to follow some of them and drop that "I don't have to do anything that you say" attitude that you have now". It only ruins the game. I bet your one of those people who attack people with their saber in.

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I agree with BCanr2d2


JO isn't just another game so people can run around killing each other. It's also a game for people who love the starwars universe, to get involved and have a more interactive experience than the movies provide.


So if they wanna play out roles, like they're in the movies, no one says you have to join in. Just respect them, coz with this game it has to be expected.

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I guess some people seeing others propose a "Code of Conduct" as actually being law, that they have listen to it. It isn't, it just someone suggesting that if we try and keep within the framework of the movies/books/etc that explore the SW universe, then we can imitate and enrich JO as a result.

I think a lot of people out there use the explanation "Because I can" to justify the way they play. If you want to play with only kyle's arms as your skin, then go ahead, but it is only a hollow way to play the game. Many people aren't out there to top the level by sniping and using the DEMP, etc, they are out to use the Sabre, trying to imitate Vader, Maul, Kenobi, et al.

It isn't your average FPS, it actually has a lot of other sources to draw upon it's folklore and mytholgy. Quake 2 used the book Starship Troopers for inspiration, but it was just another FPS with no real plot and background to it. A WW2 game is the same as the Quake series, an excuse to shoot wildly.

I am sorry if some of the online community has ethics, morals, etc different to yours Zek. We are just trying to play a Star Wars FPS with a bit more Star Wars in it. We are not going to say you are cheap because you use the Repeater Alt Fire, we are just asking those that are like minded that there are alternatives to fighting.... Hmmm, seem to have heard that before! Obi-Wan as Han tries to escape the Death Star Tractor beam in ANH

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I agree.

I mean i played all the forms of mp games in JK2.And honestly only DUELs have any apeal to me.FFA is just stupid swingwiththebladewhereyouseethecrowd, i guarantee you this is the way to get most kills.

But no, i like multiplayer that make sense, like medal of honour,with missions for both sides.

Now what i say is-


If you use the dark force you belong to Sith-and you are the red team


If you use light force you are Jedi-and belong to blue team.




Thats it,thats all the diference.But hell lot of fun....

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Guest HertogJan

Yeah that would be cool, but I wonder... Isn't the 'dark side' bigger? I think most people use the drak forces, I may be wrong...


But it will be cool though, that way some people are forced to use light powers, and hey, maybe they'll like it! I tried both light and rak forces, and dark forces just give better results for me, although I'm not a BAD saber fighter :D

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The easiest way to the force is the dark side, but that does not say that the Dark side is bigger/stronger than the Light side.


As Master Yoda says "Easy the dark side it is, but Stronger it is not"


The Dark Side has more powerfull attacks in one way, couse they are easy to controll. like "Lightning" that is a powerfull force power, the "grip" is allso one of the more powerfull force powers, but it can be easiely defeated by the light sides powers.


Since the light side is so much more dificult than the dark, mostly everyone turns to the dark side, usually Light force jedi's uses the "heal" frequently, and never touches the other force power avaliable to them.


Annyway i mean that the Light side is absolutely the strongest, but not the easiest!

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Do you really think if Luke Skywalker would have fought an evil sith in a fight to death he would not use every weapon available to kill that Sith?


There is no Jedi code that forbids using hand guns, rocketlaunchers or such things is there?


The only thing that could apply there would be not to strike out of anger or without need. Not to kill someone for the reason to kill, but then you couldn't play any mp game in JO if you follow the Jedi code no?


(p.s. I know nothing of that really exist but this was spoken hypothatically)




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There is a difference between fighting honourably and fighting to win at all costs. Sadly the game is full of people who are either one of the following:


Someone who will do anything to win at all costs, no regard for the matter in which they do it, so that they can say they own the level. That means using a SP skin with only arms visible, bunny hopping or force pushing/choking on Nar Shardaa. They don't see anything as cheating, they just say "The game lets me do it, so it mustn't be a cheat". Let's call them people who have loose moral ethics.


Others have been bought up on UT/Q3A, where the entire basis of the game is to be trigger happy, to see movement and hit the trigger to kill. These are the people who will use the Repeater Alt-Fire to kill many enemies. These people are your FPS junkies - maximum kills with some skill.


Some of us want to play the game by what has been given to us outside of the game, the Star Wars universe. If that means some of us are basically ready to start clans etc that are based upon the Jedi or Sith, then so be it. If you want to say that there is no place for us on your server, then be prepared for the others who fight by the code of the Sith or Jedi to reap retribution upon you if you want to take cheap kills ....

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Then there are those of us who would like a balance between the two extremes.


For me it IS a game. I enjoy the Star Wars aspects of it immensely. I also enjoy the FPS aspects as well. Depending on my mood I may play as either.

My problem is someone stating that I must play as one or the other. I play as myself. I follow my personal code, not some outside code written down or implemented by others.


If you choose to bow I shall let you and will not attack you at the beginning of a duel, just do not expect me to do the same all the time. It isn't that I don't necessarily respect you, I just may not wish to do it at the time. If I choose to use a gun on a FFA server or a Force power like push on say NS_Streets it is because you were in a position of weakness and were our positions reversed I could not and would not have taken the chance that you wouldn't have done the same thing. I generally use absorb when I'm in those situations so that I am NOT in a position of weakness.


If we set rules beforehand I will adhere to them. I do not break my bond. In a situation without any rules however its is a completely different story and to think differently is counterintuitive.


Let those of us who walk the middle ground play the game unfettered by those who want to force us to one extreme or the other. We just want to play, not get embroilled in endless debates over rules of conduct or who is right: saberists or gun users. Some of us wish to play the GAME. Let us do so in peace.

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Here is the way I look at it. Every power or weapon in the game has its proper usage. I use the weapons and powers when i believe the time is correct to use them. That is the code I live by, because, quite frankly, I would expect others to do the same to me.



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Originally posted by Chiori

Do you really think if Luke Skywalker would have fought an evil sith in a fight to death he would not use every weapon available to kill that Sith?


There is no Jedi code that forbids using hand guns, rocketlaunchers or such things is there?



yep, thats why obi wan and qui gon just stepped aside when maul stood before them and said 'ok guys, blast him to hell'.

if you need rules that say 'dont do it' for everything in life thats pretty sad, because thats why most people have common sense and morale. my way is simple: if something is too easy it's no challenge and therefore not worth the time. doesnt mean i wont use flechette or hr secondary if two guys stand around the death star level at the shaft all the time waiting for people to grip and drop down (and i wonder why they could still push, pull, grip even when you use absorb).


if someone annoys you with what most call cheap tactics, use them on him and see how he likes it to be shot from behind or gripped and dropped whenever he's busy with someone else. if not:

see how he's playing and either treat him accordingly or just ignore it if you dont want to.

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I don't think that was has been suggested with these codes of conduct is for every player to follow, we are just wanting to get those like minded to try and emulate the code that was followed by the Jedi or the Sith.

It's not a "don't do it" code, or rules for everything. Some of you are taking it as we are being the righteous and trying to make everyone follow our code, we aren't. We don't expect every player to follow them, not even a majority. Some of us want to play the game in more of the theme that Star Wars plays in, rather than the "anything goes" way of a multiplayer FPS.

We are not putting those rules on those that don't want to follow, but what I was suggesting that if you come onto a server where a majority of us are following this code, and you don't then expect us to react in a way that will make you either change or leave. It's no different to when someone is being a cheat and using the kyle SP first person saber skin and everyone leaves the server.

If we are not on a server where there are those that follow the Jedi or Sith code, then we will fight as dirty as the next player.

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