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Selecting Specific Bots in Scripts?


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From the menu I can choose specific bots; however, I can't figure out how to do this from either the command line or the server.cfg file.


Ideally what I want to do is assign all open slots a specific bot, and have a player replace a bot (randomly is fine) when they pop in. The reason for this is I often run a server for just a few friends, and we sometimes don't have enough for a good game so I toss in bots. Right now, I'm using bot_minplayers to even things up, but some of the bots are truly incompetant. I'd like to get a server full of Desanns, Tavions, Lukes, and [shudders] Landos (the ultimate bot).


Anybody know the answer to this, or can point me the right way? I've hunted through the asset files a bit, but I've hit the wall at some UI script called "addBot".



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I believe you can name the bot you want to add like so:


addbot Lando


..and you'll get a skill "4" Lando. When bots are automatically added to the game, they appear to have skill level 0 by default...even if it's Lando. I know there's a setting for it, but I don't use bots at all and can't seem to put my hands on it right away. I'll post and update when I find it.

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Hey hey,


Here is what I use on my server when my brother and I want a little challenge in Team FFA...



ECHO Adding Bots

Addbot Desann 5 Red

Addbot Tavion 5 Red

Addbot Reborn 5 Red

Addbot Chiss 5 Red

Addbot Galak 5 Red

Addbot Ak-Buz 5 Red



What this does is add the bots listed in order at Skill 5 and on the Red team (We always use Blue team for Team FFA)


Now if you don't have enough slots open for players the bots will fill the available slots then no more get added...


Then - when you hit your time/frag limits the server will try to enforce a semi-team balance (Even if its set to OFF) and reassign some bots to the Blue team.


Simply issue a "kick allbots" command and exec your addbots.cfg again.



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Did you have a team game running? For some odd reason JK2 will add bots to a team that does not exist. For instance if you are running a "Duel" server and add a bot with "addbot Luke 5 Blue", Luke will be added to the game but will not be seen. I *think* the server is placing them on the spectator list... but I am not sure.


If you are running a non-team gametype, don't specify a team for the bot. Just skip adding the color Blue or Red to the end of your command.

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