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Boba Fett Model


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Ok i have a request from the community. I need pics of Boba. I need clear, good quality pics of him from the back. ive got an awesome front shot of him from the waist up that ill be using as my primary reference. good pictures of him from any other angles would be greatly appreciated. as with Jango, im attempting to recreate every detail. Jango's armor is fairly brand new, and thus very clean, but Boba's is covered in dents and scratches that i want to duplicate. Boba's helmet is well underway already, and the more help i get with references, the sooner ill feel like posting some teasers, if ya know what i mean ;)





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This just proves that it doesnt matter which side of his head the "dent" is on. In Empire Stikes Back, it was on the left side. View my other posts to verify. But in Return of the Jedi it is on the right side of his helmet.


Use your creative judgement to decide which is best.


Im just thankful to contribute to one of the best models that will probably ever be released for Jedi Outcast...



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It's on it's left side... that last picture was mirrored... notice the cloth... it's usually on it's left side as well... but on that last picture is on the right. Also notice the right bracer is wrong... that right bracer is actually boba's left bracer. Not to mention the range finder.


The picture is inverted.


Nevertheless thank you for your contribution... I'm sure both Absath and myself will use the references well. :)


As for Jango's current status, well... head, chest, shoudlers and waist are anchored correctly to the skeleton... everything else needs some severe tune up.


Looking good nevertheless. :)

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WOW, that new picture of Jango Fett looks AMAZING!!!!

you two are doing a great job together and i hope you will do a lot models in the future - okay, for now i'll be very very glad with boba and jango fett!!!

i'm so curious about the final model!!! GREAT, thank you!!!

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Ok first, the taunt: Ive been scouring the internet for Jango Sound clips, and as you can imagine they are few and far between. So what i imagine will happen is A) we will happen across a great cool sound clip of jango, prefferably spoken through his helmet's com B) Blood or I will attempt to record the sounds ourselves or C) We will wait a couple of weeks until AOTC comes out, and I'll go into work early one day and run Ep2 with a recorder hooked up to our stereo(I'm a supervisor at a movie theatre) and try and catch some good Jango Clips. We'll see what happens. If someone has a clip of Jango saying anything but "They'll do their job well" please email it to me at Absath@ignmail.com and ill see if i can work out the background noise etc into a good taunt.


Now...I promised you guys some teaser screenshots of the Boba Fett skin. Please keep in mind that modview distorts the model and also that this is a very early WIP. The scratch and dent placement is fairly acurate given the references i have, but some of them are still requiring more detail and shading. Those scratches are a pain to get looking good ;) so without further adeu:








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guys i'm telling you i think you could be one of the best teams out there you should try game design, um if it wouldn't be to much trouble after your done with the model could you animate it so when you use your blaster rifle the antenna goes down as a range finder like in the movies? just a sugjestion

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Looking great looks like the model would be a bit thin for boba, when comparing it to pics. other than him looking a bit under waight it looks great so far.;) although that could be the veiwer again.:D The red around the visor looks a bit to red also should be more of a rust color, but Im sure you have noticed that.


I can wait this was deffinatly the first model I was hoping for.:fett::)

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For these dudes to work at their max we would need to program custom weapons that are only selectable when playing with them.


That however requires programming... so, it's hardly a modeler's or a skinner's field.


The range finder animation would need new animations which in turn require softimage, which i DONT have or know how to work it. And animations are pretty tricky.


We are doing what is possible and at our grasp.


My "modders united" idea however proved to be very fruitful as you guyz can see.


I would sugest creating more of these and adding some to ours.

Animators and programmers should try to learn this stuff. Create custom _humanoid.gla files that can be introduced into the game.


New models (in progress, done or still on the drawingboard) would work great with new animations and custom equipment, so new modding fields should be assigned. We got tons of skinners, a lot of mappers, only a few modelers and little or no programmers and animators at all.


Well... that's my sugestion for future work.


I can say that the model WILL work. The skin will be there. But other stuff is not up to me or Absath so you will be requesting stuff to the wrong guyz if you do request other stuff.


I'll be moving on to Maul after im done with both the Fetts.


SithLord-II is also finishing up Vader. Keep your eyes on that model. It's looking awesome as hell :)

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