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Boba Fett Model


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what model is CheshireKat workin on. can you post a link so i could check it out. great ****in work on the model blood. its got me so pumped that i think i'm gonna go play some b-ball. need to release some of this energy. cant wait to see it and the map.

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I have another request for the community. I need to make most of Slave I 's textures on my own, so I need reference pictures. Im planning to make it look somewhere inbetween what it looked like when Jango owned it and whem Boba owned it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.





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Nice reference link.


That rendering of Boba Fett confirms that only one of his shoulder plates has the skull on it. Usually the one with the cape over it and the braided thing.


well.. that or the skull is faint in the rendered image.


So I would need to fully render that model and zoom in to look.. which prob wont happen.

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Absath, I just check out the model in Max and this model of the Slave One is Dead On. If you don't have Max, Leave me a reply, and I'll take some renders of it and send you some various angles.


Theres a Sweet Boba Fett Model that Blood may want to use for reference also.




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I dont have Max, but i have Lightwave, and theres a LW6 version of the model, so ill take a looksy. Ive already put together the Slave I in radiant, and whereas i was originally just going to have it be a brush that you could leap all over etc, I got a little bit carried away and crafted the interior. So you're going to be able to run around inside the ship. Theres a cargo hold that will carry weapons and ammor for the FFA version, and im going to make the cockpit glass breakable i think, so that you cant get trapped inside it. (i.e. someone guards the ramp waiting for you to come out)


But please keep in mind guys, that since it is a detailed series of brushes, its not going to look anywhere near as good as the render that cheshire posted. It will obviously be slave I, but there will be some flaws (mostly with texturing)


Once it looks good enough to show, ill post some screenies and let you guys tear it down ;)





(PS: i just went and watched Spiderman...it forking r0xx0rz ;) )

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Absath, dont know if you've seen this particular image but heres a pic for reference if you need it


and id just like to say.. thanks for bringing a quality jango and boba fett to jk2


(edit: anyone know why the colors are switched up a bit in this one?)



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Yeah immortal, that was one of the high-res referenced that i work from on Jango. Bloodriot got me that pic, with the original background, not the magazine cover.


Well Slave I is turning out rather decent, for a ship made entirely of brushes in Radiant. As soon as i can figure out why my glass shader isnt showing up on the cockpit I'll post a screenshot.


Also, now that we've got the model in-game, Blood noticed a few things that needed to be fixed, so hes been hard at work tweaking the model while im working on this map. If all goes well, tonite you should have a nice shot of Jango and a shot of Slave I, but dont hold me to it ;) we'll try our best.





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Christ that's a nice model, I love it. Have you thought of making, or getting someone to make, all the excellent gadgets/weapons that the Fetts' have? I know it could be tricky, I'm not sure if it will be possible, but think how good would a working jet pack, grapple hook, flame thrower, net gun and wire snag thing be with this model? It would be sexual. Just an idea. Again, love the model.

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Darth, we already work with Sith. We're all on the same mod team, spearheaded by L2.0, and Bloodriot and Sithlord worked side by side to decipher the .xsi and skeleton anchoring process. whether we'll release models and mods together outside of the TGA mod, i dont know. But projects from Bloodriot and I are a sure thing for the future.


Adding weapons and jetpack functionality has already been discussed, and since i understand that some people dont want to flip through 12 pages of a thread, ill try and summarize details on every new page.


We can not do new animations involving dual pistols, grappling hooks or jetpacks. it requires softimage, and we just cant do it.


Once Jango is finished, we will do Boba. It should only take an extra few days. We will be holding Jango until Boba is done and releasing them as a package deal, along with a map im designing (that will have a Slave I that you can walk inside), and two other anonymous mandalorian warriors separate from the two notorious fetts.


I mentioned that at the very least, ill try and get some sneak peek screens of the map up tonite, and its possible that maybe we'll get some pics of jango in the updated skin, but i cant make any promises.


Any questions, comments or suggestions can be posted here, as both Blood and I monitor this post closely.





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I cant remember what Jodo Kast looks like. Supply some pics and I'll consider it. I thought he looked very much like Boba Fett tho, as far as coloring, and Im looking to do some variety....





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If the level takes place in EpII you should include clone troopers at http://www.massassi.net/ thats where you get the mod for stormtroopers to be clone troopers pretty cool just a suggjestion dont have to take it just download it and try to make something like that or something dont steal the authors mod though just use for reference.

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I'm probably gonna get yelled at for asking this because it's most likely already been asked, but will you be making Jango and Boba for SP so that you can type "npc spawn jango" or "npc spawn boba" and it will spawn them as enemies? BTW, great work BloodRiot and Absath!

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heh thats the best image of Jodo Kast? It looks like someone just color swapped Boba...but oh well. I was going to do crimson/black and gold/white mandalorian shocktroopers. If people prefer, I can turn the gold and white into Jodo Kast.


As far as the SP mod question....we dunno yet....we'll see.


As far as the level...I havent figured out where or when its going to take place. I may leave it up to the player's imagination. Right now im trying to figure out the rain FX in Radiant so i can create a scene similar to that where Obi-Wan surprises Jango Fett. Keep in mind it will NOT be that exact scene. I only reference it so you get an idea of what i might try to achieve (in a general sense) if theres one thing i know, its star wars fans, and if i dont disclaim this stuff, ill never hear the end of it.


stay tuned for a pic of Slave I later on tonite.





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