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Boba Fett Model


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no!. keep the red. i want and need the red. i love red. i allways wanted a red mandolorian guy!


btw... i know this is a huge thread. but will jango and boba be team selectable.


if i remember, i think the two other mandolorians were said to be team switchable, but what about the two guys spawned from the movies?

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heh looks like alot people are giving you ideas huh and no this sint to get my post rate up lol and are you releasing the skins and level together or just the skins then the level and i cant wait to see some more pics :)

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I sure as hell hopes Lebonik has you guys on his mod team. I'm looking forward to seeing Models of the old Jedi. I'd really like to see a Exar Kun with "sith weapon" modeled.


omses, the reason why you never heard of Jodo Kast was because he wasnt really a good bounty hunter. He often "lived" off Boba Fett's fame which is WHY boba fett killed him.


Fett believe Jodo wasnt worthy of the Mandalorian armor he was wearing nor the reputation he "earned".

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hehe wow...maybe ill just have to do all the mandalorians :p cause i myself would prefer the crimson/black over the gold/white. ill see what i have time to skin


All skins will support CTF versions, and each character will have bot support and custim taunts.


now... heres some preliminary pics of Slave I. Keep in mind a few things....the lighting in that shot is laid on thick, so there are no shadows cast. the lighting wont be that intense on the map. also thats just a metal box im using to house the ship while i build it that is not what the map is going to look like. theres still alot fo work to do, but i think it gives a general idea of where its heading.












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thats not the offical image!

omg, its just a picture of boba fett colored, (and poorly) CUT and put into a scene in ROTJ, maybe you need glasses.

look again, i could do a better "mock" job in 5 mins with photoshop.

there is no "Offical" picture of him.

plus, he was just a would-be imposter of boba fett.

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No, no, no...


You guys believe this Jodo Kast guy is a real George Lucas character? I hope not. It's so obvious that he is a Fan Fic.


1) His info is totally made up by some fan.

2) His mandalorian armor, is just an inverted Boba Fett. It has the wheat circle on his right, his cloth on his left, it's just an inverted version of Fett. Come on guys... Can't anyone make something origional up?


Absath, Slave 1 is lookin good. But the textures look as if they need a bit blending, but u knew that. Keep up the good work, both of you. If I were you, I would take a break. Anyways, keep it up, can't wait till you guys release them. But dont rush. Peace out..


Oh yea, what program do you use to texture with. Cause I'm learning to model and all, but I don't know how or what to use to texture... Thx guys, peace.

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when i searched for some pics of Jodo Kast, i found a boba fett art gallery. i don't know if you need even more references or not, but maybe you want to take a look. i can't even tell you if there are good pics, because due to server-problems in my area the web is so slow, that i couldn't open the pics. here is the link:

Boba Fett Art Gallery


well, i like jobo kast, i couldn't find any other pics than that posted here, but the name sounds really cool. so if you do him, be creative, add some details that differ him from boba or jango fett, and as far as you can see on that little pic he has no scratches on his armor.

okay, did i forget something? ah yes! EXCELLENT!!!

i Love Your Work!!!!

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Originally posted by Strider_W11

No, no, no...


You guys believe this Jodo Kast guy is a real George Lucas character? I hope not. It's so obvious that he is a Fan Fic.


1) His info is totally made up by some fan.

2) His mandalorian armor, is just an inverted Boba Fett. It has the wheat circle on his right, his cloth on his left, it's just an inverted version of Fett. Come on guys... Can't anyone make something origional up?


Absath, Slave 1 is lookin good. But the textures look as if they need a bit blending, but u knew that. Keep up the good work, both of you. If I were you, I would take a break. Anyways, keep it up, can't wait till you guys release them. But dont rush. Peace out..


Oh yea, what program do you use to texture with. Cause I'm learning to model and all, but I don't know how or what to use to texture... Thx guys, peace.


wth, jodo kast is real

he is in one of the graphic novels where boba and dengar hunt him down and ......well dont wanna spoil the fun

but its a good one

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Absath, Bloodriot, Please tell me your gonna make the map more interesting like for example, Have it bespin, where you can walk inside the millienium falcon and you can see han in carbonite in the slave one. And send us a pick of jango/boba fett!

Hey! guess what! Maybe you can make a weapon like the grappling hook, or the flamethrower, or the jet pack!(Just a Idea!)




Email me at bobafett6665@worldnet.att.net!

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Jango_Fett91, i really wish you'd take 2 minutes to read the page. I repost certain facts on every new page so people dont have to go digging, and one of those is that we will NOT be doing a jetpack function or flamethrower. we just dont have the tools!


and i also stated directly above those pics that that was NOT the level, just a metal box in which im building Slave I. I reiterate this stuff once on each page so i dont have to do it for every post. please just read the page :p


i doubt we're going to do the millenium falcon with han, cause it then sort of pins it as a Boba Fett level doesnt it? :p we want a generic Fett level.


Also CKY, those drawings are concept art for Boba Fett, that they did during ESB. it can be found in the Art of Star Wars: the empire strikes back book.


Anyway, ill see what i can do about getting you guys some updated Fett shots. Blood is spending the weekend with his GF i assume, and I'm stuck working alot, so we havent had alot of time to talk. We'll post some updates asap.





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would it be possible to maybe make the jets glow a bit when he jumps? i mean a level 3 force jump is like a jet pack in itself. i mean u go really high. i dont know if its possible tho. when u do a saber throw ur hand gets a yellow glow around it whe u pull saber back. maybe those little glowing circles could be put on the boosters when the character jumps. just an idea tho. :syoda:

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Does anyone know where to get the double bladed saber mod for jedi outcast please tell me this is the hardest mod i've been looking for besides the jango fett and Boba fett skin's someone out there please tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i know in mulitplayer if you have cheats on you type /THEDESTROYER to have one single player noone has made a mod for and how much longer untill you have evrything ready fro release because i cant wait very longer :) lol and are you guys putting up anymore pics

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