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Boba Fett Model


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I dunno if my ideas mean anything (I'm just a lazy programmer...), but I think the crimson one should have a darker sounding name (something that strikes fear into people, blah blah blah), and the gold one should have a more standard name... it seems to me like a Mandalore wearing gold would be either more of a "light side" character or one that's filthy stinking rich.

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ok guys. couple of things. the names are great, keep em coming. its gonna be a tough choice.


Dajo, i need to apologize to you if i sounded a little snappy...the shader issue was frying my brain.


as part of my apology, here's some wonderful eye candy for you all to drool over.






Ok few things to note:


-i couldnt get a hold of the Boba model, so you're seeing him there without the cape and wookie braids.


-blood and i know about the distortion on the right thigh...it will be fixed before release.


- these skins are, for the most part, done. i will be spending my time tweaking them. in my queue are the following: jango's armor will be improved..going to take cheshire's suggestion and try a slightly brushed look. the gold mandalorian needs the most work, i think. he'll probably be adjusted the most. at this stage in my work, im going to open it up to suggestions on these skins. anything you feel needs improvement, go ahead and tell me what, where and how you think it could be made better.


we're getting close guys. shouldnt be too much more of a wait.





EDIT: hmm the picture isnt showing up for me....is it just my browser or has lycos decided to take the geocities route and not allow linked pics? lemme know if you cant see it, so i can fix the problem...somehow..


and also...as far as the gold and crimson warriors. i was sort of thinking of the red one as an assassin in the mandalorian army...a highly decorated, perfected killing machine. the one in gold could be like a general...a veteran warrior of great import. i always liked to entertain the notion that colored armor would signify rank of some sort in the mandalorian army...*shrug*


EDIT2: nevermind...apparently lycos is getting all screwy when imaging links, so im just changing it to an html link.

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I think with naming the other Mandalorians they should all be members of the Fett family. Who know how long the Fetts have been clones of the original or if Boba continued that tradition. So with that in mind here are my name ideas.


1. Sarga Fett

2. Treaz Fett

3. Zekk Fett

4. Yamu Fett

5. Darto Fett

6. Hawi Fett

7. Dr. Fett

8. Paiz Fett

9. Gorga Fett

10. Jace Fett

11. Atron Fett

12. Cactar Fett

13. Ezar Fett

14. Fenton Fett

15. Bilter Fett

16. Iter Fett

17. Kenu Fett

18. Lani Fett

19. Milt Fett

20. Nor Fett

21. Ogam Fett

22. Quker Fett

23. Ruka Fett

24. Tuta Fett

25. Umer Fett

26. Vsan Fett

27. Wilka Fett


I know some of these names suck but I was trying to make a name for each letter of the alphabet.



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Jango Fett was adopted in with the Mandalorians, so him and Boba are the only ones with the last name "Fett" (that I recall) so why does everyone put "Fett" on the end of every name they come up with?

picture link doesnt work either.


EDIT: ok this works




not sure if its the same and IE 6.0 is just messed or something.

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Wow! Those skins are looking very nice. Boba is almost perfect as is! Jango needs a little bit of work though. Although I agree that the chest area has a little bit of a green hue, it is definitely too green in your skin. I was at the Star Wars Celebration in Indianapolis this past weekend and was priveleged enough to see the ACTUAL Jango costume used in the film, and it was not that green. If anything, the chest has a slightly dirty look, and the dirt color mixed with the blue causes it to look slightly green. Just my two cents.


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Also, as someone pointed out earlier, the armor on Jango's costume is more of a brushed metal color, like the top of his helmet is right now. Can't wait for this to be released...hmm...now who wants to make a single-player Fett mappack? :D

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Having read the entire thread (bloody long :)), I must say this has been one of the most impressive models released for JK2 at this early stage. Keep up the good work. I've found a page with pictures (top, left and right) of his duel pistols if you ever do wish to model them (holstered, maybe?) Keep up the great work.

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:dsaber: :dsaber: :dsaber:

I think I may have solved this shaders problem. I've made a Kyle with a shiny metal arm, the rest of his torso is unaffected. It's just been made so I may be jumping the gun, but it looks like I've done it. Here's the pic judge for yourselves: http://www.freewebz.com/leespace/kylemetalarm.jpg

E-mail me if you want to use it with your model, if I have done it right it would look sexual on your model. lgdunkley@hotmail.com

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Originally posted by Ten Tigers

A decent CGI if I do say so myself...




that certainly is a decent CGI pic..

is this what your model looks like?


Originally posted by BloodRiot

Well... good news everyone... Jango is practically finished. LOD's Still missing though. Them I'll move on to Boba.


Here's a screeny for your viewing pleasure. :)




Also note that this skin is not the final...


nice work! :eek:

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first, im glad that the general opinion is positive. the comments about Jango's skin will be taken into consideration during my tweaking with that character.


im going to mess around with the under-vest, cause i also noticed that is actually a more brownish green, but somehow it just kept getting greener heh. so ill see if i can correct that.


dark deciple: thanks for the thought, but you really didnt solve my problem. you got the arm shiny....and of course it didnt affect the torso. they are different textures :rolleyes: now, if you managed to get only pieces of the arm shiny, well then that might be a help. but as it is now, you just did what i had done dozens of times through dozens of shader combinations, but its not the effect we need. thanks though.


also, apparently Lycos is being wierd about linking pics all of the sudden...i dunno why. if anyone knows of another good, easy, free way to host pictures, feel free to lemme know =P in the meantime, just cut and paste the link. that seems to work.




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:ball: Actually the arms are on the same texture as the torso for Kyle, Absath. Here have a look: http://www.freewebz.com/leespace/kyle_torso.jpg

So I'm pretty sure I've done it right and solved your problem. Which was something like being unable to get only certain parts of a single texture to be shiny. Even though my arm isn't as ontop of the rest of the texture as your metal plates are on the fabric beneath, I think I may be of some help.

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